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  1. buckey

    should i buy

    I just went and looked at some live rock a guy wis selling. The price is great but the rock is covered in apatasia and swarming with bristle worms. This kinda worries me. Could i succesfully disarm the rock before adding to my tank. I do not have any corals so should i go for it?
  2. buckey

    constantly dropping ph

    I seem to have a problem with my ph never holding at 8.2 I can get it there with my buffer but within 1 day it is back down to about 7.9-7.8. The tank is a 50 gallon with about 4 inches of fine arogonite and about 50 pounds lr. Any ideas of what i should be doing different to keep it stable...
  3. buckey

    green bulbs?

    I have noticed soome clear green bulbs starting to grow at various locations in my tank. sssome are getting quit large. They feel hard and are sstarting to show up everywhere. Cccan some body fill me in on what these are and what they want. Should they be removed or left alone? ANy advice...
  4. buckey

    How deep to go?

    I was wondering on how you decide on how deep to make your substrate? I hear or dsb and sb What is the adavantage of each and disadvantage. I am going to switch from cc to aragonite but I am not sure which size grain to buy and how much of it. It is fowlr now but hope to make it into reef...
  5. buckey

    constantly low ph

    Well the only additve i have been useing is one called coral vite by kent. I had tried some of that proper 8.2 by aquarium pharmasuticals an it worked great for oh about a day and then it dropped off again. I am useing tap water and it checks out perfect for ph after i mix it up with my salt...
  6. buckey

    constantly low ph

    I have a problem of my ph dropping of ater i do a water change. At first it is good at 8.2 but witin a couple days it fals off to 8.0 or 7.8 or so. Its a 50g with only about 20lbs lr and a canister filter. Any ideas of what i should do different or add to it?
  7. buckey

    Please Recommend A Skimmer

    Is this prizm skimmer you speak of made by red sea? I see they also make a more expensive hang on called berlin skimmer. Does anyone have any recomendations on it?
  8. buckey

    Dog face puffers

    I just bought him yesterday. He was a new arrival at my lfs. He had been there 2 days. My only guess is he was just captured and has never been in captivity. He is a little better today but is still snapping at the glass.
  9. buckey

    Dog face puffers

    Thanks we left him alone and he's all better now. Just kinda worried me, never had one before today. Now he is swimmin as hard as he can into the glass. He is showin his teeth and snappin his teeth together. Looks like a dog barkin at somethin. at any rate he doesn't look very happy at...
  10. buckey

    Dog face puffers

    Just bought a dog face puffer, I thought he was stuck in a lava rock, so I tried shaking him out and he puffed up to about 3 times his size. He's still puffed and I'm scared the lava rock is going to cut him. What causes them to puff up?? How big do they get before it is dangerous for them...
  11. buckey


    We have a 50 gallon aquarium that is approximately 4 months old. In the tank we only have one blue damsel and a picasso trigger, which she likes to pick on. She seems to be fine otherwise, just once and a while she twitches.
  12. buckey


    I recently bought a powder blue tang and i have noticed that she often has quick and sudden twiches. Is this normal behavior for these fish or has mine gone a little squirrly on me? If anybody has one of these fish or knows about them i would like to hear from you. thank you.
  13. buckey

    carbon question?

    I runn a 50 gallon fish only tank with a trigger, tang, majestic angel and damsel. My filter is a fluval 303 and i was wondering how often i should change the carbon. Can i just rinse it with tank water or must it be new every time. Also how often would a person want to change or rince the...
  14. buckey

    Huma Huma trigger?

    I have recently purchased a small huma trigger that is about 1.5 inches long. I was wondering how big it will grow and if he is okay in my 50 gallon setup. Any information on these fish would be appreciated. thank you
  15. buckey

    flame angel's eye

    I recently bought a flame angel and i noticed it seems to have an eye infection. The outer layer of the eye is swollen out conciderably. The eye looks clear but just puffed out. Any help on this would be appreciated thanks
  16. buckey

    flame angel's eye

    I recently bought a flame angel and i noticed it seems to have an eye infection. The outer layer of the eye is swollen out conciderably. The eye looks clear but just puffed out. Any help on this would be appreciated thanks.
  17. buckey

    whats his redish brown sunstance

    Uhmm what are diatoms and are they in any way harmful?
  18. buckey

    whats his redish brown sunstance

    Hi im new to this hobby and i just started a 50 gallon tank. its about a month old now and the bottom of the tank is absolutely covered in this redish colored substance. any info on this sunbstance and how to reduce it would be appreciated. thanks for your time