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  1. cmbkml

    pom poms fighting or mating?

    Might we have babies coming?
  2. cmbkml

    Cynarina help!!

    Please help! We got this guy a few weeks ago and he was plump and juicy and then he just deflated... We've tried to spot feed him a couple of times and he has plumped up a bit but tonight he is closed and hard as a rock. We placed him under our powerhead to hopefully give him the lowest flow...
  3. cmbkml

    Are these baby snails?

    Last night I noticed our newest turbo snail had stopped moving and closed up so we checked it to see if it was dead, it may be but we just moved it to a different area to see and the hermits weren't anywhere near it yet, and this morning it still hadn't moved but I noticed a ton of little white...
  4. cmbkml

    Pom Pom Crab...thought died!

    So while looking in our tank today, I noticed our pom pom crab was just kind of hanging out and looking really limp. Of course I was sad because she has become one of my favorites in the tank, but we fished her out and disposed of her. Baffled as to how she could have died suddenly as our...
  5. cmbkml

    ID Please

    We have a hitchhiker that we thought was maybe a stomatella but this looks different... we don't know if it's the same thing we saw before but it looks different now and not much like the stomatella. Please help. Not really sure if you can see in the pics very well but the first two are what...
  6. cmbkml

    Missing Peppermint Shrimp

    We have tried the flashlight thing a bit and no luck... Just a little weird that they would both go missing at the same time. And our ghost shrimp that we thought was something else is still alive and well, but has kind of became less active and just hovers in one area now.
  7. cmbkml

    Missing Peppermint Shrimp

    We seem to have lost our two peppermint shrimp over the weekend since we added the emerald crab and urchin. Afraid that if they went to molt that the pistol shrimp attacked them but our water parameters are no different. They were very active and we saw them all the time and now nothing. We have...
  8. cmbkml

    Ricordea Florida Help

    We have this awesome ricordea that has attached itself partially to the rock, however the other part hangs down and is folded up as if it is not happy... It has 4 mouths so we are wondering if it would be ok to cut it at the stretched area and place the other part back on the rock more...
  9. cmbkml

    Mushroom help!

    Thank you for all your help! Today everything looks a whole lot better... Still hoping the mushroom perks up but we moved it to a new location with less light and flow. We put the chemi-pure elite carbon in on the last water change. And all is eating and loving it... We even saw the pom pom crab...
  10. cmbkml

    Mushroom help!

    Okay, so we have done 3 water changes of 10% each and our nitrates are still up between 40 and 80... the mushroom is still shrinking and pretty sure it is dead. We witnessed one of our peppermint shrimps "picking" at our brain coral and now his mouth is open with long white tentacles hanging out...
  11. cmbkml

    Mushroom help!

    Yes it is an api test kit... This is the first time its been up in a while... We take our water to our lfs once and a while and last week when we did all was good... We just haven't gotten there this week since our water change since it is a small drive away. Thinking a trip to the lfs is in...
  12. cmbkml

    Mushroom help!

    Everything else looks very healthy and we checked our water... The nitrates are up a little between 40-80, amonia is .25 and nitrites are 0... We did notice that the peppermint shrimp pick on that mushroom and will "nibble" it... We lost one mushroom to our pistol shrimp already... Just don't...
  13. cmbkml

    Mushroom help!

    Our mushroom doesn't look well... Please help... The pics our in our photo album... The last two are what it looks like now... Is it ok?
  14. cmbkml

    How many corals is too much?

    the other one we looked at was the red bali star... they stay pretty small and are supposed to be reef safe... we know they all need a more established tank so are not planning on adding one for about 5 or 6 more months potentially.
  15. cmbkml

    How many corals is too much?

    We most certainly will keep on researching... the red knobby is the one our lfs said would be okay but are still a little nervous about it as all the research says no or with caution. We are thinking maybe just a sand sifting star instead... that one says reef safe in all our reading. The...
  16. cmbkml

    How many corals is too much?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 has some really nice deals and really good fish and corals. I have ordered from this website before, and I would recommend them to anyone. They are definitely part of my top 10 places to order. Sounds like your not anywhere near your...
  17. cmbkml

    How many corals is too much?

    we have a 38gal tank with some pretty stellar lighting (can't remember exactly what though)... so far we have put a mushroom (well 2 but our pistol shrimp decided he wanted to decorated his burrows with one), xenia, frogspawn, open brain, and a zoo in our tank. They are small frags that we know...
  18. cmbkml

    Lets get serious... why are CUCs so advocated to new hobbyists?

    This is the "other" shrimp... please help identify him
  19. cmbkml

    Lets get serious... why are CUCs so advocated to new hobbyists?

    Correction on the 2 peppermints... one is totally clear and has some orangish spots. They told us it looked like some form of "camel/humpback" but they weren't for certain because their ghost shrimp are all freshwater... however after researching more when getting home, it looks like a ghost...
  20. cmbkml

    Lets get serious... why are CUCs so advocated to new hobbyists?

    Funny cuz our LFS is recommending 38 crabs and 10 snails in our 38gal. Currently we have 7 blue legged hermits, 2 sand sifting snails, 3 Turbo snails, and 2the pepermints. I thought getting what they were recommending seemed a bit much. In addition; we're going to add a blue tuxedo urchin and a...