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  1. mrsgoose

    Frogspawn closed for 3 days

    should I have posted this on a different board? COuld someone move it for me? I'd love a bit more input. Thanks!
  2. mrsgoose

    Frogspawn closed for 3 days

    I will check the powerheads - one of them did fall from where it was stuck, so maybe I didn't reposition it just right. But from the picture, does it look like a "normal" close-up? Thanks - I love this coral and would hate to lose it!
  3. mrsgoose

    Frogspawn closed for 3 days

    Hi - I've have a nice two-branch frogspawn for about 1 year and it's been growing and doing very well. Been in the same spot, no additions of coral or fish for many months. I ran all tests yesterday, everything normal. Spec. gravitiy a bit high, perhaps, around 1.028. What could be causing it to...
  4. mrsgoose

    Frogspawn not happy

    Hi - thanks for the reply. I do have a bit of hair algae, which is mainly why I got the crab. Some of it is on one of my powerheads, so maybe he can't get up there. Do I need to worry about the frogspawn? It hasn't looked right since the crab arrived last week.
  5. mrsgoose

    Frogspawn not happy

    Anyone? Will emerald crabs snack on frogspawn?
  6. mrsgoose

    Frogspawn not happy

    Hi - I've had my frogspawn in a 29g for months now and it's been diong really well. I added an emerald crab the other day, and one branch of the frogspawn has been sucked in and unhappy looking. This morning the emerald crab was clinging to the stalk and seemed to be bugging the frogspawn. Is it...
  7. mrsgoose

    Protein skimmer advice?

    Yes, I meant nitrites. I'm guessing there's something going on since I am having quite a bit of algae. So far it's only on the sand and on the back glass. Not on the rocks - yet. I have a HOB filter and two powerheads, each rated at 175 gph. I thought I had enough flow. I don't know how to...
  8. mrsgoose

    Protein skimmer advice?

    Hi - Do I need to keep my HOB filter if I add a protein skimmer? I've got a 29g that's batteling a red slime problem and has a contained area of green hair algae. My ammonia and nitrates are 0, pH 8.4, SG 0.022. I have about 30 lb lr, a 2 inch ls bed, 2 percs, 1 firefish, 1 pepp. shrimp and...
  9. mrsgoose

    Help! Need to lower ph

  10. mrsgoose

    Help! Need to lower ph

    OH - I also stirred up a bit of the sand yesterday while changing water, trying to suck up some of the red algae. Maybe the first 1/4 - 1/2 inch, but just in two areas. Could that have released something to cause a pH spike?
  11. mrsgoose

    Help! Need to lower ph

    Is it OK to leave the pH this high until tomorrow? My frogspawn doesn't look too happy - it's not as open as usual. I'm also working to get the right flow for it. Does pH affect corals? Sorry - I'm very new at this. Thanks for your help! Also - I'm using RO water.
  12. mrsgoose

    Help! Need to lower ph

    I have no idea why it's so high - I did a small water change yesterday, about 4 gallons, using Instant Ocean. I didn't test that water's pH before adding... I haven't added anything to the tank for a while. I was using B-Ionic, the 2 part one, to stabilize my calcium which is around 370 right...
  13. mrsgoose

    Help! Need to lower ph

    Hi - I just checked my levels and my pH is off the chart, at least 8.8. Ammonia, nitrites are 0, what should I do? Carbonate hardness around 6-7. How can I lower the pH? I've got a 29g tank with 2 clowns and 1 firefish, frogspawn and zoos. I have about 30 lbs live rock and a 2 inch live sand bed...
  14. mrsgoose

    FW - Gourami problem

    yeah, that's what I was thinking, but it's the only dwarf I have, the other two are sparkling or croaking gouramis. I have 14 bloodfin tetras, 3 giant danios and a bala shark, and they're all doing very well. I feed flake food once a day and frozen spirulina brine shrimp once a week. I...
  15. mrsgoose

    FW - Gourami problem

    Hi - I was wondering if anyone knows why my dwarf gourami is getting a distended belly? I've had it about 6 months and lately I've noticed its belly is swelling right behind the gills, even making the scales stick out a bit. Its eating and swimming fine, no change in behavior. I've attached some...
  16. mrsgoose

    Coral help - DeMartini or anyone?

    Hi - thanks for the help. I have 2 powerheads, each rated at 175 g/hr and it's a 29g tank... so if my math is correct, that's about 12x. I also have a hang on back filter for surface agitation and some more flow. I will def. get a test for phosphate done. I do have a bit of red algae in a few...
  17. mrsgoose

    refractometer callibration ?

    great, thanks!
  18. mrsgoose

    refractometer callibration ?

    Hi - I just got my refractometer and am gearing up to do some hypo for ich. The instructions say to use distilled water for callibration. I have RO water, can I use that or must it be distilled?? Thanks!
  19. mrsgoose

    Coral help - DeMartini or anyone?

    The brain is in moderate flow, the powerheads are now pointed across at each other in an x, tilted downward. The calcium is aorund 380 - I'm trying to bring it up with kent turbo calcium pellets, but it's not getting any higher. I use Instant Ocean salt - could that be the problem? My kH is...
  20. mrsgoose

    Coral help - DeMartini or anyone?

    Hi - I've been following most of your threads and am in awe of your tanks! Am wondering if you - or anyone else out there - has some advice for me on my brain coral? I got this maze a few weeks ago and don't think it's doing very well. t's been pale like this since I got it - was this color in...