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  1. stonedage

    LED moonlight help

    grrrrrr, wally mart didnt have any blue night lights only white ones, it looks like they are just out of stock, even went to the dollar store and canadian tire and had no luck at either of those, BUT CT did have a night light with 3 different colours and you could make it so they slowly changed...
  2. stonedage

    Walmart tanks?

    i have a 32w pc in my eclipse 6 hood, every thing looks good to me and is growing. SA
  3. stonedage

    LED moonlight help

    haha ya keep your eyes open for after pics. Ill see about opening one up and wiring a cord to it. but ill be at walmart in the am, thats for sure, thanx alot SA
  4. stonedage

    LED moonlight help

    did you try them on the tank first? did they light well? did your corals open and glow? thanx SA
  5. stonedage

    LED moonlight help

    beautiful, the kind of answer i was looking for, never thought that they would have one, is it the right light wave to make your corals florese? SA
  6. stonedage

    LED moonlight help

    I have no electical skills at all but would like to make myself a small single blue LED moonlight, single cuz its a moonlight in a 6gal. Can someone give me a parts list or any help? Ive seen making them can cost a fracton of the price, but i cant solder. do i need to use resitors and such...
  7. stonedage

    HOB help

    im putting a HOB on tomorrow, what should i put into it? ive heard sand, LR rubble, floss, carbon, so many choises and i dont know what to use, its a aquaclear 150 going on a 6gal. it says its 150gph, is that way tomuch for a 6? i think it reduces to 50gph. please help thanx SA
  8. stonedage

    another little white thing question

    actually yes i have 2 of those snails, LPS said they were turbos but after looking at pics they are wrong, second time same store has sold me somethng wrong, so ya anyways about those snails, is that wherewthe white things are from? thanx SA
  9. stonedage

    eclipse 6 gallon saltwater capable?

    ive had mine setup since jan 7 I know its not that long but i also made some changes to it, like the light with the stock light my zoos stretched like mad, with a 32w pc they are allot better. Im also trying to change the way the filter is, might just abandon the stock one for a HOB that i have...
  10. stonedage

    another little white thing question

    last couple days i have had these little white oval things on my glass, they are white all around the edge and a little bit creamy white in the middle I think if they are moving it is very slow, no legs or anything, from the side profile it is just a little bump. Ill work on getting a pic...
  11. stonedage

    just another ID needed

    no it just stays in one place SA
  12. stonedage

    just another ID needed

    its little and oval and purple(looks white in this pic) with 4 little arms sticking up, best pic i could get sorry, thats it in the middle. thanx SA
  13. stonedage

    why is my LR squirting?

    ok this is the best i can do, here it is in action, see the 4 little sausage shaped tan things in the middle? thats is flying out, just i little below that is a very black hole thats "its hole" not the jaged well lit hole, the cave right above that one, notice the pile on its doorstep? and...
  14. stonedage

    basic coral help

    I know i should have known more befor but I travelled to buy zoo frags and got the others because they were cheap and what i was wanting to buy soon anyways. I had already done some reading on this and another site on how people were caring for theirs and was going by what i had already read...
  15. stonedage

    basic coral help

    So I went out and bought a few frags from a guy and now i need to learn more about there care. The specific ones that i bought are.....neon green candy cane, frogspawn, orange yuma, and 3 different variations of zoos. I know that the zoos need nothing more than light to survive but the others...
  16. stonedage

    Are there purple slugs?

    So twice now i have seen on the same rock a tiny blue/purple slug like very small, i thought it was a small mushroom but then go back later and its gone, tonight i seen what looked like a small clear bulb/tenticle on its back. I really should have got a pic but i will for sure if it shows up...
  17. stonedage

    why is my LR squirting?

    im not so much worried about the poop, but what is inside of the little hole spitting it out, i watched it for about 20mins the other day SA
  18. stonedage

    why is my LR squirting?

    so i keep seeing what i thought was just poo in one spot of my LR but for the last todays i have seen this stuff coming out of my LR. it is very tiny tan coloured bits and it is squirting out of a very small hole a few peices at a time. some sits on the LR some of it becomes waterbourne, any...
  19. stonedage

    32W eclipse what?

    SO i got the current-usa 32w retro fit today and actually had it in the hood looking sweet in about 15 mins, including finding tools, I trimmed a 1" 45* on to of the corners and it fit right in. its bright, but thats about all i can say right now since i put it in just befor i left for work...
  20. stonedage

    Cooling fan vent ideas needed!

    right from the start i was thinking speaker grill, haha SA