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  1. handyman

    Managing Water Evaporation

    Does anybody have any suggestions on managing water evaporation? What is the best way to add RO water with out shocking the environment? :confused:
  2. handyman

    skimmer is killing my tank

    I have had a similar problem with new skimmers. It should go away with break in. My lfs provided me with a sponge that looks some what like the type you would use to seal a window A/C. It is about 2" X 2", cut a slit in one side and slide it over the skimmer out-flow. This will catch the...
  3. handyman

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    They are definitely the Mexican turbos; I do have some regular turbos and am not seeing any problems with them. No visible damage to the shells that I can see, they also are not getting "picked on" by any thing else in the tank. Very strange situation... Thanks for all the help :rolleyes:
  4. handyman

    Spreading Mushroom Rock

    Outstanding, thank you for the advice :rolleyes:
  5. handyman

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    I keey my salinity @ 1.023 - 1.025 any my temp at 73 - 75. Thanks for the assistance & feedback :p
  6. handyman

    Spreading Mushroom Rock

    I have a fairly large mushroom rock that the mushrooms are starting come off of. I believe due to the lack of room. They float around the tank, not sure what to do with them. Do/will they attached to other rock? Thanks Handyman :p
  7. handyman

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    Hey all, I have a question in regards to Mexican Turbo snails. I have two tanks, one if a reef tank and the other is strictly a fish tank. Noticed a few days ago that my Mexican Turbo snails, which I have had for at least eight months now, are all going either dormant or dying. This is...
  8. handyman

    no "ich" parasite product!

    Tried Kick-It myself, actually had good results. You have to follow the directions closely and make sure that you pull your carbon and shut down your protien skimmer. It took about two weeks, however not one fish died and the infected one is doing great. Didn't affect my reef at all... :cool:
  9. handyman

    i can't get my fish to eat garlic!

    Vince, You might try the Garlick (sp) that is sold in most LFS. I have had a similar problem with the fresh garlic. However, they really seem to enjoy the Garlick. Good luck :rolleyes:
  10. handyman


    Try using a little clip on fan. I was having problems with me JBL light increasing my temps. So, I tried the fan idea that the lfs gave me. It works great... I have it on the timer with my light. You could leave it on all the time if neccessary. :cool:
  11. handyman

    Hospital Tanks

    Beth and Puffer -- thanks for all the great advice.... :rolleyes:
  12. handyman

    Hospital Tanks

    Recently setup a hospital tank. It is pretty much an empty tank with a section of PVC pipe. After looking at if for a few days, I decide that it was way to plan. Must be the reef guy inside of me. Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the tank more pleasing with out looking the...