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  1. amelia

    Clown Hosted in 7 seconds.

    Very cool story - I'm jealous! :) Good info to hear from everyone else, too. Lots to learn! What an amazing thing to be part of this little part of an ocean! :)
  2. amelia

    Good idea? Buying established tank

    I got a used (set up for 5 years) set-up in January, and I haven't regretted it at all - in fact, I think it really is the best way for newbies (of which I am one). Our water tested great after 3 days of set-up. I've just heard or talked to too many people who struggle just to get their water...
  3. amelia

    Fin rot - take or leave the fish?

    They're asking $50 for 75 pounds - so, that's why I'm interested. I like the idea of sort of quarantining the live rock - would I have to do power heads with it - or would just a heater and giving some fresh water daily for a few weeks work? We haven't purchased a qt yet (working on deciding...
  4. amelia

    Fin rot - take or leave the fish?

    would you take live rock from the same tank?
  5. amelia

    Fin rot - take or leave the fish?

    I have a chance to get some free fish, though they have some fin rot. The owner said it's b/c they've had the fish more than two years, but from what I read (briefly), it's a disease symptom - would you take the fish or not - quarantine them if you would? ALSO, would you buy live rock from this...
  6. amelia

    LTB, Atlanta - FISH for 90g Reef Tank - Clown/s, Anemone/s, Tang

    I'm wanting to stock my tank more, and I'd love to help someone who needs to empty their tank a little - want a clown or a mating pair of clowns with/without anemone/s, LOVE those Kole tangs - would like one. Local would be great - Atlanta Area (don't want to have them shipped). Thanks! Amelia
  7. amelia

    hedge hog?

    when doing a little more research online first, we found that (like the person above mentioned) they are considered exotic animals (they're marsupials), and they're illegal in our state (Georgia). I've talked to a guy who had them as pets (in Kentucky), and he LOVED them. I was so excited...
  8. amelia

    Pygmy Yellow-Tailed Angel - Compatible?

    My "main fish" for my tank is going to be a clown with an anemone - from what I see on the compatibility charts, angels are a no-no, but our local fish store (knowledgable, seemingly, my first time there, and I'm a newby) swears the angel will be ok with the clown. Anyone experience this before...
  9. amelia

    Conchs - acclimating or dead? AND sand question...

    I bought a conch today, and I accidentally dropped it in my tank when my hand was above the live rock, and the little guy tumbled several times down the rock before landing on the sand. For the first two-or-so hours, he just sat there, eyes down, and I was so sad that I could have hurt him...
  10. amelia

    Where I am...and lots of ?s

    I just looked up what fuzzy mushrooms look like - I would mistake that for an anemone! So, are fuzzy mushrooms corals - and are they easier to keep than anemones? FMs just need power compact lighting?I may go that route, too, if so. I think the light is a power compact - will have to ask...
  11. amelia

    Where I am...and lots of ?s

    Thanks, Teresa - Ok, we'll watch our levels and just WAIT! :) No fish, just rocks - my daughter talks to them "G'night rocks!" Lights - an actinic (sp?) and a daylight bulb. Need replaced, but we're going to work on repairing a $500 light piece the guy gave us with the tank - he said it has...
  12. amelia

    Where I am...and lots of ?s

    On Monday, we bought (from someone else) and moved a 90-gallon tank that was set up for 5 years. It has 120 lbs. of live rock (along with some lr critters) in it. Skimmer: The protein skimmer we got with the tank is less than satisfactory, so we're needing to get a new one. We need to do...