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  1. ratboy9

    Protein Skimmer with MaracynTwo??

    Sorry for the delay. The water's all good. My nitrite and ammonia are at ZERO, my nitrate is at about 30. MY red gracilaria (in my sump/refugium) doesn't seem to be doing as well as I hoped, so I'm about to go downtown and buy some chaeto from the reef shop. I have COLDWATER fish, and am just...
  2. ratboy9

    Protein Skimmer with MaracynTwo??

    Hey, can anyone tell me if I should have turned off my protein skimmer during treatment with Maracyn Two? I already began treatment in my 90 Gal display tank because ALL of my fish were showing signs of illness to varying degrees (cloudy eyes, white patches, mild septicemia, etc.). I haven't...
  3. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    I spoke to several of the salt water people at my local stores. They said that the problem was induced by stress. As I mentioned earlier, I have cold water fish. I was not using a heater, and my water temperature may have fluctuated a little too drastically for the comfort of the fish, which...
  4. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    For gram negative bacteria, is tetracycline better to use than Maracyn (Mardel)? I'm not even sure if you can use tetracucline in saltwater aquariums. Which is safer for invertebrates? I have A LOT of crabs, some snails,mussels, clams, and shrimp, and LOADS of little critters in the live rock...
  5. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    Ok,... WHAT I HAVE IN STOCK(at home): Melafix(API) Maroxy(Mardel) Parasite Clear(Jungle Fish Care) Maracyn(Mardel) What I can get: Just about any product made by Mardel, Jungle, and API. I live in NYC and ***** and Petland discounts is within reach and they carry these products. To get more...
  6. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    Oh, and a few of them look like septicemia is starting on their fins.
  7. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    I don't think its popeye, but I'm no pro. From what I have read, popeye causes the eye to enlarge, or "bloat". Their eyes were not enlarged, but started out with JUST a TINY white dot. I noticed that and got freaked out. I figured that it was a precursor to a nightmare. The eyes then got cloudy...
  8. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    I do not have pics. Maybe my girlfriend can get one with her cellphone. I originally did not think it was ich because as I and someone else said, (and from past experience) ich is like white grains (like salt or sugar) all over the fish. I will try and post a pic. THANKS A LOT!!!
  9. ratboy9

    HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!

    I tried asking for help in the disease section, and even by asking within someone else's thread. NO REPLIES!!! MAYBE SOMEONE HERE WILL HELP?!?! My tank cycled, and everything was OK for several months. My water quality went exactly as expected. My nitrite is now at ZEROppm, my ammonia is at...
  10. ratboy9

    Ick is killing me - please help :)

    I have been checking out your stuff here since I haven't gotten any replies to my questions. Maybe you guys will be able to help me. My fish got a tiny white dot on each eye two days ago and I feared that it was the beginning of a nightmare. Noone responded to my questions, and the spot ended...
  11. ratboy9


    How do you distinguish whelks from other snails? [hr] Being fairly new to this saltwater addiction, I NEED to know how to tell the whelks apart from other snails? I am running a coldwater salt tank and my water conditions are great, but I've lost several mussels and one "ramshorn" type snail...
  12. ratboy9

    Whelks fix

    Being fairly new to this saltwater addiction, I NEED to know how to tell the whelks apart from other snails? I am running a coldwater salt tank and my water conditions are great, but I've lost several mussels and one "ramshorn" type snail over the past few days. Funny thing is that they just...
  13. ratboy9

    one small white spot on eye?

    I have a coldwater aquarium and my killies have a small white spot on each eye. NO OTHER SYMPTOMS. They are as curious and swimmy and eaty as always. I'm hoping someone comes up with a diagnosis before it gets worse. (IF IT WILL) ratboy9
  14. ratboy9

    hitchhikers on new rock!

    I was checking out the threads and saw some stuff about whelks. I've got some snails that look like the whelk in the original post's pic. The only difference is that they are different shades of blue and white. Are they whelks? Thanks in advance. ratboy9
  15. ratboy9

    maintaining regular temperature?

    If it's possible to raise the lights at all, that may help, but some cooling fans might do a better job to cool off the heat produced by the lights. Another idea is a cooler, but you might need to skip a couple of car payments to be able to afford one! Those buggers are freaking PRICEY!!! Just...
  16. ratboy9

    white spot on eyes

    I'm new to this forum. I once tried another forum for my freshwater angels, but they don't deal with saltwater. First of all, I have a COLD WATER saltwater setup. I figured that I would practice on cold before I got into tropical salt fish. I've been doing this for several months. My tank is...