Search results

  1. mattatkinson

    Pictures of my 29 gallon

    I know for sure that I want a pair of percula clowns, but beyond that I am unsure, I hope to get a flame angel because they are probably my most favorite fish out there.
  2. mattatkinson

    Pictures of my 29 gallon

    OK, I recently moved into an upstairs apartment, And since i wouldn't be able to have anything bigger, I moved to a 29 gallon tank only. I just set it up and want toshow some pictures. you will have to excuse the live rock, I experienced quite a bit of die off since it was out water so long. the...
  3. mattatkinson

    Algae won't go away

    Does anyone have a good way of removing algae from my tank? I bought a clean up crew but they are more interested in crawling on the LR than eating algae from the sides. I scrape them clean everyday but the algae is back the next day.
  4. mattatkinson

    What do you think of this light set up I bought?

    I usually hit up advanced aquarium or saltwater fantasy here in town, although I have been to upscales which is LO or tigard, I can't remember exactly. I also hooked up with this lady and her husband who sell me live rock for 2$/Lb in clackamas. What stores do you recommend? And about the...
  5. mattatkinson

    What do you think of this light set up I bought?

    Whoops, forgot to mention that I emailed the guy and he said it is a 110watt dual bulb system as stated in the auction title. so that would make it 110/29=~3.8w/gal which I thought was pretty good. At least enough to keep some hardy corals and stuff. Oh well maybe I was wrong, but I guess that...
  6. mattatkinson

    What do you think of this light set up I bought?

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a> I already bought it, I think it will be good, but I want to know if you guys think it was a waste of time. Also, what kind of corals I...
  7. mattatkinson

    LFS says I can keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank...

    NO worries brah, just trying to keep it peaceful :) :) :)
  8. mattatkinson

    LFS says I can keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank...

    Not trolling, I just don't usually post in here :cool: My friend wanted me to get it and I tried to explain to him that the lady was on crack and it wouldn't work, So I thought I would ask here to see what real aquarists thought. edit: Besides, trolls don't have 40 posts before they start...
  9. mattatkinson

    LFS says I can keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank...

    What do you think about that? She said a 55 would be ideal but I could also do a 29. Is she retarded or what?
  10. mattatkinson

    Lets suppose ich just nuked my tank...

    What should I do since it killed all my fish inside of one day? How long should it sit now to make sure the ich is gone? Can I leave my inverts in there, they all survived the medicine I was putting in there. So what should be my plan of attack, I got 75$ in ***** gift certificates for Xmas so I...
  11. mattatkinson

    what is the best food to feed powder blue tang ?

    Tangs need lots of veggies in their diet to stay healthy and disease free. Try feeding spirulina flakes, green seaweed selects, and maybe even some brocoli or lettuce stuck in the tank on a veggie clip. It is important to make sure they eat right. My hippo started to develop HLLE from lack of...
  12. mattatkinson

    Recommended additives for treating HLLE?

    I haven't seen selcon for sale anywhere around here, is it marketed under any other names? I also just removed the carbon from emperor hoping to get the nitrates down as they were ~20
  13. mattatkinson

    Recommended additives for treating HLLE?

    Just treated the tank with a product I got from another store in my area they recommmended. It's called Hex-A-Min if anyone has used this let me know how things turned out. I will also try removing the carbon chambers from my emperor, should I take out both the ones that I filled and the blue...
  14. mattatkinson

    Recommended additives for treating HLLE?

    My hippo tang is starting to develop HLLE, I asked one of the more knowledgable LFS in my area what o do and he said just feed more green food. I have been feeding him strictly spirulina and red seaweed selects on a clip for a week now and it doesn't seem to be going away. I was thinking that...
  15. mattatkinson

    Recommended additives for treating HLLE?

    Anyone have any suggestions? Also how would I go about grounding my tank, as I hear that stray voltages can also cause this condition.
  16. mattatkinson

    Domino Damsel and Trigger

    I would say lunch meat, how big is the tank?
  17. mattatkinson

    What's The Most You Have Ever Spent On A Fish

    19 on my purple cromis, would have been my hippo tang for 30, but when entering it on the credit card machine they forgot an 0. $3.00 dollars for a hippo sounds like a good deal to me.
  18. mattatkinson

    Will starfish crawl out of my tank??

    Thanks for clearing that up guys, I didn't think he would, az a matter of fact he just stays pretty much at the top, 2 legs bent backwards. What should be his staple diet? My LFS recommended a product called invert smorgasboard, a liquid food.
  19. mattatkinson

    Will starfish crawl out of my tank??

    Cool, that is what he is doing as we speak. Would it be a bad idea to turn the lights back on after he has been in there such a short time?
  20. mattatkinson

    Will starfish crawl out of my tank??

    I picked up a chocolate chip starfish tonight, and he seems to be making his to the top of my tank pretty quick. Just wondering if he might crawl out considering that I removed the splash cover. TIA!