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  1. mattatkinson

    Is there something wrong with my hippo tang?

    I thought I was giving him enough vegies already, I feed a rotating diet of spirulina flakes, spirulina enhanced brine shrimp, tetra marine flakes, and I always have a veggie clip of red seaweed selects available just for him. Should I be using the green SS instead of the red? He doesn't really...
  2. mattatkinson

    Is there something wrong with my hippo tang?

    I just noticed this morning that he has a thin white line going through the middle of his black mark on both sides of him. This may have always been there but like I said today is the first time I have ever noticed. I know that they have a tendency to be prone to some kinds of disease and so I...
  3. mattatkinson

    Need help with wood choices for stand...

    I can't really give much advice on what to choose, but FWIW, I made a beautiful oak stand for my tank and it is working wonderfully, it has a very nice grain and I went over it with 2 coats of combo stain sealant. It ran me 104 at home depot including all nails, hinges, and handles. You can also...
  4. mattatkinson

    new 150 gal

    TF- I would lose the UGF if I were you, they just aren't a good solution when compared with the benefits of LR/LS. Besides, with such a large tank, you will be pleasantly surprised with the appeal of a natural looking environment. Also, definitely call a carpenter/contractor to check your wall...
  5. mattatkinson

    Is this overloading my tank??

    Thanks Mr. Salty, I think that my fish are extremely happy right now. The tang and the clowns are practically the 3 amigos right now, always hanging around each, while the chromis is still in her hiding faze after being introduced today, she is coming around more every time I look in the tank. I...
  6. mattatkinson

    R.I.P Flamey

    Sorry for your loss, thats a really horrible thing to have happen considering that it was your favorite fish. :(
  7. mattatkinson

    Is this overloading my tank??

    OK, I think I am at or near my limit. I have a 55 gallon with ~40lbs of LR, deep sand bed w/ 20lbs LS, emperor 400 filter, and a prism skimmer. So far it is stocked with 2 clarkii clowns, 1 small hippo tang, and I just got a purple pseudocromis today. I think I must be getting close to being...
  8. mattatkinson

    Do you think these fish would be good together??

    I was told that I could do the flame angel and the DWARF lion together with the clowns, will this not work either?
  9. mattatkinson

    Do you think these fish would be good together??

    I am really interested in getting a niger trigger. Would he do okay with my planned inhabits of 2xClarkii Clowns, 1x Flame Angel, and possibly a dwarf lion? I only have 1 of the clown right now. I am running a 55 FOWLR/LS, an emperor 400, and I have a prizm protein skimmer on its way. Do you...
  10. mattatkinson

    What is this hairy algae all over the place?

    It's been slowly growing on all sides of my tank and a little bit on my sand bed and its kind of a brownish green color. What is this and what is the best way to remove it? Should I buy a scraper and scrape it all off and let the filter pick it up? Or should I just wait till payday and order my...
  11. mattatkinson

    about my cycle

    How long should it take for my nitrites to show up? I have had my tank setup for about 10 days now with ~40Lbs of live rock sitting in it. My ammonia showed up real quick and is headed down quickly, but my nitrite tests don't even change the color of the water, am I doing something wrong?
  12. mattatkinson

    I set it up!!! (finally)

    Today was the day my friends! I am now the proud owner of a 55 gallon tank that I can now all an aquarium. I do have a few questions though. About my SG, I only poured in about 40 gallons of RO water and used most of a 50 gallon bag of instant ocean, how soon can I expect this to be dissolved in...
  13. mattatkinson


    Congrats on doing well so far, now imagine most of those fish at 10-14 inches or more, then you will see your problem. Good Luck. :cool:
  14. mattatkinson

    beginner homepage ?'s

    Puffer- I can help you out with anything web page related. I can put up everything you need me to at a free host like geocities or homestead. All you need to do is email me the pictures and html code that you are using and I will put it up for you. Email is
  15. mattatkinson

    Angel Fish that will work well in a 55 gallon?

    Hey everyone,thanks for all the advice, you are right it is disapointing to hear that I can't have the fish I want, but I would rather do it right from the start than have to watch 200$ in fish go down the drain. So other than the few that were mentioned,is there any good way to tell the dwarf...
  16. mattatkinson

    Angel Fish that will work well in a 55 gallon?

    Well, the tank is coming together and I am trying to decide what to put in it so far. From looking at the pictures on this site I am really interested in getting an angel. Which ones are recommended for a tank my size? I really like the looks of the emperor angel both the juveniles and when they...
  17. mattatkinson

    Which skimmer for a 55? Also, opinions on my setup (so far)

    OK, I'm really not sure what size skimmer to get, I know that over skimming your tank is a bad thing but what kind of flow do I need for a 55 gallon, it's fish only and going to have LS for sure and maybe some LR. I saw the berlin 90 but I'm worried that it is rated to high for my tank. So far I...
  18. mattatkinson

    south down sand

    Option- What is the name of the place that sells the dune sand? Did you use it your tank and how is it working for you? I have some buddies that go 4 wheeling at the dunes all the time but I heard it is bad to use sand that comes directly from the ocean, is this true?
  19. mattatkinson

    Question on equipment pricing!

    Silly question, what is RO water? Also anyone feel like making a quick list of the often used abbreviations on this board, many thanks from a newby :D