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  1. king kyle

    Feeding Time

    I have a 39gal fowlr. i have a maroon clown, 6lined wrasse, 2 black molly's. i also have a hermit crab, coral banded shrimp and 2 turbo snails
  2. king kyle

    Feeding Time

    Just wondering but how often do u feed your fish. Also how often should you feed your fish.
  3. king kyle

    Clown Triggers?

    I think i am gonna pass on him. Maybe in a year or two when i get some more expeirence i will get one.
  4. king kyle

    Clown Triggers?

    Real quick question about Clown Triggers. My LFS just got some baby ones they are anywhere from 1/2in to 1in. I was just wondering how quick will they grow? I have a relatively small tank 39gal and well they are relativley small. Just wondering if they would do well in there until they got...
  5. king kyle

    Little Help

    Ok i am now ready to add fish into my tank. I currently have 2black molly's, 2Snails, a Coral Banded Shrimp and a hermit crab. I would like to add a mated pair of Percula Clowns or Maroon Clowns also a six line wrasse and if possible another CBS. My questions are, 1) What fish should i...
  6. king kyle

    Fish Selection

    Readings are Salinity-1.023 P.H.-8.2 Temp-76 Nitrates-0 Nitrites-0 Ammonia-0 And as far as fish selection i just want something that looks good and is pretty hardy
  7. king kyle

    Fish Selection

    Ok it is time for fish selection. I really have nothing in mind besides a six line wrasse. I have let my tank cycle with 2 black molly's for about a month then i put in live rock(30lbs) 2 weeks ago and put in a relatively small cleanup crew. It consist of a coral banded shrimp, 2 turbo snails...
  8. king kyle

    Which Shrimp?

    Well i just arrived and i purchased the CBS. He seems to be doing fine so far. I'll let you know if he ever gets aggressive.
  9. king kyle

    Which Shrimp?

    Which shrimp should i purchase. A cleaner shrimp(a.k.a. skunk shrimp) or the coral banded shrimp?
  10. king kyle

    Rookie w/ NewTank Needs Help

    thanks a bunch just one more ques. How long should i wait b4 i put coral in there
  11. king kyle

    Rookie w/ NewTank Needs Help

    Ok i just got in from the local store. My water has tested out ok and i am ready to begin my first ever tank but need some help. 1)I want to put in live rock but i dont want to put in too much how much do u like i should put in(my tank is 39gal)? 2)What kind of fish do u think i should get?
  12. king kyle

    Live Rock

    Ok i am new at this and to some of u this is gonna be a pretty stupid questistion but here it goes. What's live rock and why is it so important?