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  1. J

    accidentally over raised salinity

    System is 55 main 20 sump and 14 HOB refugium. My evap rate is about three gallons every three or four days. I accidently used wrong bucket this time around. That's what I get for not marking them. I ment to add top off water not the mixed. When I lower the salinity I will use the sump and...
  2. J

    sick anemone

    My landlord has also done the preventative spraying twice. Each time I go to Walmart and get lots of plastic sheets. I completely cover the entire system and shut down all air intake items such as the skimmer and media reactor. I then hook up a battery operated air pump that I place outside...
  3. J

    BTA in trouble plz help

    That's true. However you can also do what I did to stop an overzelous large maroon and two medium clowns from stressing my nems I used egg crate and partitioned off a section just for the two bubble tips. I also have two large brittle star fish that I wanted kept away from the nems due to...
  4. J

    accidentally over raised salinity

    :oops: Does anyone know if my two green bubble tips will become to stressed due to my having accidentally raising my salinity from 1.25 to 1.30. I did this mishap just before leaving for work and can't lower it for close to nine hours. I have one large long tenticle which bubbles up...
  5. J

    Carbon dosing during the initial cycle?

    By the way. I should state I know the nitrate source. I have a 55 main tank with a 20 fluidized sump and a 15 HOB refugium that has 15 fish three anemones and two cleaner shrimps. What does this add up to. Simple over stocked. Even if my ammonia is zero. So since phopates are also zero and...
  6. J

    Carbon dosing during the initial cycle?

    To me adding:D a carbon food source is okay as long as its dosed in the sump and the sump is disconected from the main tank. I will add an air stone to the main tank and keep the HOB refugium running. I will then test the nitrates every day and run a filter on the sump with carbon in it to...