Does anyone know if my two green bubble tips will become to stressed due to my having accidentally raising my salinity from 1.25 to 1.30. I did this mishap just before leaving for work and can't lower it for close to nine hours. I have one large long tenticle which bubbles up rather niceley and a medium short tenticle that off and on bubbles up but is still in the process of acclimating itself to the two 165 w led lights and the 216 w T5 lights. They are both doing fantastic and now I goofed up the salinity. I intend to make some fresh ro/di water the second I get home to lower the salinity but this water will wind up more RO than DI as I will need to speed up the amount of water produced per minute in order to do the water change quickly. My concern is am I going to get home and see them splitting or looking like they are dying because of my goof up. Any thoughts?