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  1. meleerock


    Quote: Originally Posted by SH4N will a cuc crew be ok to add now while im in a cycle or shall i wait till its over? You are going to want to wait on the clean up crew also. For now you could try to remove the diatoms yourself, but be careful not to stir the tank up too much.
  2. meleerock

    Biocube 14 suggestions

    I would recommend the BioCube, especially at that price, it is a great tank. You can always do a few mods as well. I added a 70w MH SunPod and built a fuge in the second filter compartment. As long as you keep up on water changes you should have no problems!
  3. meleerock

    A new start. 14 gal BioCube. Auto top-off question.

    After a little over 3 years, I am going to get back into the hobby. I had an amazing 14 gal BioCube that was flourishing until I had to move. None of my corals took well to the move and for the most part ended up dying out . Now, I am starting to take the plunge to set up the tank again with a...
  4. meleerock

    Moving a 14g BioCube...need advice.

    Originally Posted by Alexknight I have had to move my 24 Gal before, what I did is went to wal-mart and bought two 10 gal buckets and put the corals and fish in one and all the rock in the other, I just left enough water to keep the sand cover and then movie it all very carefully!! hope that...
  5. meleerock

    quick maxi-jet question

    anyone know what size tubing fits into a maxi-jet 1200 ph. Im looking to get one but need some tubing too. Thanks.. hopefully i will be frequenting the boards more often
  6. meleerock

    5.5 Gal with custom overflow/fuge built in.

    sounds like a fun little project. Just a little heads up though... silicone doesnt really stick to plexi glass that well so be carefull with it.
  7. meleerock

    White eyelid on Mandarin

    I would try to put him in your 20 and try to treat him. Maracyn is good, also you could use pimafix if you have a quarantene. Im not sure how it works with inverts and the such though. Mandarins are amazing, fun little fish. I have one in my 14 gallon and eats pods and frozen daily... yes...
  8. meleerock

    Hawaiian Zebra

    i love this picture.... great job!
  9. meleerock

    Yumas 4/Sale in Lakeland FL

    Originally Posted by cleanrshrmpfan are they diseased at all? lol... they sure dont look like it.
  10. meleerock

    How Many Kinds of Tanks have you had?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy 55 Gallon Reef 1979 - 1985 120 Gallon Reef 1985 - 1997 75 Gallon Reef 1997 - 2001 155 Gallon Reef 2000 - Present 900 Gallon Lagoon 2002 - Present 550 Gallon Reef 2004 - Present 10 Gallon Reef 2004 - 2005 My favorite by far to view is my Lagoon. It is a very natural...
  11. meleerock

    Favorite eat

    ahh.. I could live off of sushi if I needed to!
  12. meleerock

    Post a pic of your nano

    heres mine...
  13. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    thank you for the compliments sam. There is really no way I can get corals onto that side without glueing them...and my rock work consists of 3 bigger rocks so I really cant take 1 out with screwing up the whole thing. Ill figure it out though. Salt - I love the zoas and the fact that they are...
  14. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    I believe its Acropora, not sure the specific kind though... If anybody knows feel free to ID it.
  15. meleerock

    12 pictures of my nano!

    Thank you very much... You can look at my diary HERE . I just added a few other pics there as well
  16. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    and yet... more Please note that the right rockwork is bare. It will be filled soon. Thats it! Ill post some descriptions later. Be sure to let me know what you think!
  17. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    and more.....
  18. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    some more.... hoot
  19. meleerock

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    alrightttty, its been a while since I have posted but I guess it happens. The tank is running great, all levels perfect, fish are excellent, no sign of stress, and nothing strange... I have noticed with the new lighting my LR got so purple so fast its crazy. Some zoas have doubled if not...
  20. meleerock

    Favorite eat

    Originally Posted by KerriAnn I'm gonna have to go with Swedish... lol... thats funny.