Search results

  1. H

    Emerald Crab

    So I’m the trash kinda person who gets bored with nothing visible in the tank, would it be possible to get like a clown goby in the tank? Or like a couple shrimp?
  2. H

    Emerald Crab

    Would it be better to get him a 5.5 gallon? I can probably move him from a 5.5 to a 10 gallon at school in the fall
  3. H

    Emerald Crab

    Hi, I was wondering if it would be okay to put a single emerald crab in a 2.5 gallon tank? I had to move him out of my 40 gallon because he was trying to eat my cc starfish, and my only other sw tank has 2 eels. I had an empty 2.5 that I filled with tank water from the 40 that he’s in now. It...
  4. H

    Eel aggression

    Update the eels are both doing fine, I’ve upgraded Rey (the snowflake) to longer tongs because she’s started deciding that my fingers look pretty tasty, and I feel really bad for her because she’s gonna be too big to fit in her favorite rock pretty soon. They really just ignore each other, and...
  5. H

    Clownfish? Maybe?

    Thank you so much guys, I really just don’t wanna over stock my tanks, imo the wellbeing of my fish is way more important than what I want to put in there
  6. H

    Clownfish? Maybe?

    Also quick clarification question because I’m an easily confused nugget, when you say those, do you mean one or the other? Or those as in I can put them both in the tank at the same time? Thanks:)
  7. H

    Clownfish? Maybe?

    Would I be able to put a large maroon clownfish in a 75 gallon with two eels (maybe 3) and a foxface rabbitfish? Or is that a big no-no
  8. H

    Clownfish? Maybe?

    I have a 40 gallon tank with an azure damsel, a black cap basslet, a banggai cardinal, a strawberry crab, 4 scarlet reef hermit crabs, and a chocolate chip starfish that I seriously hate (my mom likes it so I can’t get rid of it, but my friend might be able to take it off my hands so it should...
  9. H

    All the Noodles (eels)

    So I have a 75 gallon tank that’s just under a year old; it has a one spot foxface in it, along with a snowflake eel and yellow headed/fimbriated eel. The eels actually don’t care about each other at all, they really only go near each other on feeding days, because one of them can smell the food...
  10. H

    Eel tank mates

    Yeah, so I’m wondering should I only put a fox in there?
  11. H

    5.5 gallon

    Yeah, I have a 75gal and a 40gal saltwater, my only freshwater is the 10gal that my betta Peggy is in.
  12. H

    5.5 gallon

    So I have an empty 5.5 gallon tank that I upgraded my betta out of, I was wondering if I could put a couple inverts and a clown goby in it?
  13. H

    Eel tank mates

    The only thing about that is I’m not sure I’m emotionally ready for another tang, because I’ve already lost two, both because my damselfish Green is a freaking asshole and I heard that sometimes yellow heads decide that lionfish look tasty because they don’t move much
  14. H

    Eel tank mates

    Yeah, I was thinking maybe a raccoon butterflyfish and/or a foxface rabbitfish? Because unfortunately the tang didn’t make it so he obviously can’t go in with Rey and Sunny (the eels)
  15. H

    Eel tank mates

    so I’ve got a snowflake eel and a yellow headed/fimbriated eel, and I was wondering what (if anything) I could put with them in a 75 fowlr tank? I’ve already got a small convict tang in a smaller tank that I’m gonna move to the 75 when it’s no longer bite sized. Thanks :):)
  16. H

    Eel aggression

    No, because I feed Rey krill and Sunny silversides, and I wanna make sure the right eel gets the right food
  17. H

    Eel aggression

    I already have some, but they’re a bit too short for my liking- I need to get longer ones
  18. H

    Eel aggression

    Fair enough, I just don’t wanna flinch and accidentally hurt Sunny
  19. H

    Eel aggression

    Thanks ☺️☺️ Now all that’s left is getting longer tongs so if Sunny overshoots they don’t bite my hand
  20. H

    Eel aggression

    Would it be safe to get like raw and unseasoned seafood from the grocery store? And de-shell lobsters/crabs from aforementioned store? Or should I stick with frozen stuff I can get at my lps, because it’s really hard to find time to get to the lps, but I go to the grocery store like 2+ times a week.