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  1. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    Okay, Tank is stabilized a little, I think. lol My nitrates are still high are more controlable. They are reading around 80 right now. I got some of the Amquelplus to take them down. It says that I can't do more than one dose in a 24 hour period so it is a slow process. All the fish seem to be A...
  2. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    Originally Posted by imfsub12 is your test kit expired???? Wow! Thanks everyone! that IS a lot of usefull info. I did another water change. Ph-7.9 alk.-240 nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are all still the same. but at least some of the other stuff is getting better. I will have to wait until...
  3. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    Thanks so much everyone, I am going to make a mess again (water change). I will try to keep ya posted.
  4. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    Originally Posted by earlybird Are you measuring salinity or specific gravity? I think it's specific gravity in which case it should be between around 1.024-1.026 for a reef tank. Well, I thought it was salinity but it probably is specific gravity. Hydrometer. Yeah, specific gravity i'd say...
  5. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    To be honest I am TERRIFIED to do another change. I just did one yesterday (30%). Everyone is super stressed. I guess that they are probably already goners, so maybe I shouldn't be worry too much about stressing them out more. At this point in time........I hate this hobby.
  6. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    I don't know what happened everything was fine until I started messing with things it seems. Yes I do use c.c. I haven't had any problems with it....keyword haven't! Yellow tang, snowflake eel, blue damsel, hermits, coral banded. I lost my royal gramma last night. My qt tank is cycling and is...
  7. tinysmajick

    My Nitrates are insane!!! Help

    I did a random testing yesterday after noticing that my fish were acting a little funny. My nitrates tested off the chart!!! 200+ my nitrites tested 0 Alk-in between 240-300 PH- 8.1-8.2 Ammonia-0 sal.- 1.22 That was yesterday. I was told to do a water change and add some Bioenzyme and that would...
  8. tinysmajick

    Ball Python - help

    If you have found a nice retic my advice is--GET IT!!! IF you can handle the size in the long run. :scared: I love them! They are absolutely gorgeous with their coloration, unfortunately I just haven't met a nice one yet. Is the one at the lfs handled alot? Captive bred? How old?
  9. tinysmajick

    Clown attacking feather dusters...

    Dynagirl- adorable pic!!! Toooo cute. I am interested to know, why the clown is attacking. ? Anyone?
  10. tinysmajick

    tank parted in so fla

    That is absolutely horriable!!! I would have been extremely upset as well. Pure neglagience, or stupidity. Very sad either way.
  11. tinysmajick

    Ball Python - help

    DONE. Glad that your son is okay.
  12. tinysmajick

    tank parted in so fla

    I'm sorry. I could only imagine how that must feel
  13. tinysmajick

    tank parted in so fla

    "possibly one perfect jet Black and white Ocellaris clown, about 2" " What are the possiabilities on the clown?
  14. tinysmajick

    For Sale 100 gal tank in Atlanta

    What are you asking?
  15. tinysmajick

    swf order arrival????

    Originally Posted by wpayton34 mine came at like 10 am. Fedex is usually good about thier deliverys. Same here.
  16. tinysmajick

    Ball Python - help

    What happened to your son is unfortunate. And I am sorry about that. But, I feel that you are being a little harsh in stating (what seems to be) an uneducated, inexperienced opinion on snakes. Are you afraid of them? Is that why? It is very understandable many people are. And EXCSPECIALLY...
  17. tinysmajick

    Want a new tank. Need help deciding.

    I have found one that I love!!!! :cheer: It is a 100 gal. teneview. Marine ready, With all the filtration setup and lights included. Problem is, It is $4,000.!!!!! :scared: I think I'll check into a few more options and keep that one as my "dream" tank for right now At least until I save up...
  18. tinysmajick

    Want a new tank. Need help deciding.

    Thanks bunches!!! I have been researching a little. I worry that the cube will be too deep and not enough room to swim. What is a recommended stocklist for that type of tank? I currently have a yellow tang, small but I know that I need to upgrade as soon as possiable. I am looking to spend...
  19. tinysmajick

    Want a new tank. Need help deciding.

    That sounds interesting. I am interested to learn more about this cube. :thinking: 30 gals a day- not so interesting.
  20. tinysmajick

    Want a new tank. Need help deciding.

    Originally Posted by Jessi P I recently got back into fishkeeping with a 75 gallon set up that I bought from someone getting out of SW. I am already wanting MORE, BIGGER, and BETTER. Like a 125.... but I don't dare consider that for another year or so...have to build up my good behavior points...