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  1. tinysmajick

    I think my Lion is dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh no!!!! That was early this morning!!! I am totally going to cry thanks for the advice though. I am gone to do that right now!!!
  2. tinysmajick

    Catshark and grouper for sale, South Florida

    This is an article in the archives on how to post pics. I hope it is helpful for ya
  3. tinysmajick

    I think my lion is dying!!!!!!

    Beu gregory damsel Blue Damsel Coral banded Royal gramma 2 scarlett hermit Chocolate chip star yellow tang (yes I am saving to upgrade) One problem. After getting on here alot I finally realized that I needed a qt. Unfortunately, it is still cycling only had up for 2 weeks. I am soooo screwed...
  4. tinysmajick

    I think my lion is dying!!!!!!

    I don't seem to be getting any help in new hobbyists forum, hopefully that will change in here. I have a 55 gal. that has been up and running for the better part of a year now. Eveything has been fine, Testing wise. Ph-8.3 nitrates-0 nitrites-0 ammonia-0 temp- 79-80 Today I discovered that my...
  5. tinysmajick

    I think my Lion is dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a 55 gal. that has been up and running for the better part of a year now. Eveything has been fine, Testing wise. Ph-8.3 nitrates-0 nitrites-0 ammonia-0 temp- 79-80 Today I discovered that my pink tip has finally croaked . When I attempted and finally did scoop it out, it caused a HUGE...
  6. tinysmajick

    Moving in 4 months, need help.

  7. tinysmajick

    Can't we all just get along?!

    Awh!!! Thank you guys soo much!!! Ya'll have made me feel much better... I feel loved! I have much love back!
  8. tinysmajick

    Moving in 4 months, need help.

    I don't know about that. lol I claim nothing. I am not too worried about the actual transportation of the fish. It is more the breakng down of the tank and setting back up. Do I try to keep my water? Do I start over new and cycle all over again? I'm scared :scared: I don't want to lose my...
  9. tinysmajick

    Moving in 4 months, need help.

    Well, that won't be hard. I used to work there Thank you
  10. tinysmajick

    Moving in 4 months, need help.

    :help: Hello everyone, I unfortunately will be moving in about 4 months. :scared: I tried searching the archives but found nothing about this subject. I need to know how to move my tank the safest way possable for the fish. :joy: Please leave NO steps out in the explanation. I have an extra 30...
  11. tinysmajick

    starting new tank

    MIKE!!! We need Mike!!! He'll probably know for sure.
  12. tinysmajick

    starting new tank

    I wouldn't. I would think that it would rinse away alot of the bacteria and stuff that you need. Not completely sure though.
  13. tinysmajick

    where to start?

    I started with a 55. I have only been into it for about 8 months and already want bigger. I definately agree with the sand statement! Oh, you will also need patience.
  14. tinysmajick

    where to start?

    A reef would include inverts, corals, etc. Do you have the tank already? Just my opinion but 12g seems a little small.
  15. tinysmajick


    Originally Posted by MichaelTX there is an extensive list in the archives I should have known. Thanks
  16. tinysmajick


    Thank you bunches!!
  17. tinysmajick

    where to start?

    Do you want fish only or reef?
  18. tinysmajick


    I am a "newbie" at this. Therefore, I try to float around and gather as much information as possible. I have found a few things to be difficult though, such as the abbreviation "lingo". So, I have compiled a list of abbreviations commonly used around here. Some I know, others- no clue. I think...
  19. tinysmajick

    Subratct $200 from my checking account

    You aren't playing any games are ya? :) lol
  20. tinysmajick

    Omg Help!!!

    How long have they been in the tank?