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  1. tinysmajick

    Beu Gregory Aggressive?

    I have a Beu Gregory Damsel that seems to have lost its' mind! It is sooo mean! It has even tried to take on my lionfish a few times. I have plenty of hiding spots, it just seems to want them all!! Is this normal? When I researched it, the info said "peaceful". I know it varies depending on...
  2. tinysmajick

    stingray egg

    Very good point. I recently made that mistake with buying too many at once. Needless to say, I learned that one quickly The good thing is, I got that one out of the way. The bad thing, lost alot of $$$$
  3. tinysmajick

    New canopies I built

    Nice canopies. Watson3 Are you there?
  4. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    You know, as of right now, I don't really like you. I think it is because our opinions differ so much on one certain sensitive subject. But, I have to say no one and I mean NO ONE, has challeged me the way that you have, in a very very long time. I respect that. It is actually quite stimulating...
  5. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    Originally Posted by watson3 I already one the bet.. Won If you honestly think so then, ok. But you quoted "assaulted by father" So technically, no.
  6. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    How much? I'll take that bet. I was raised by a single, hard-working, self-sacrificing mother that stood up for what she believed in and wouldn't take anything less than what she earned and expected. My father wasn't around because she didn't want him to be. She found out when i was young...
  7. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    That's right, because that is how the world works. You go through life keeping your mouth shut and not standing up for what you believe is right and everything works out for ya. NOT! you have to stand up for what you believe in otherwise you will just get kicked around and wind up nowhere and...
  8. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    Best of luck. Always stand up for what you believe is right. So few people do these days.
  9. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    :mad: Unbelievable.
  10. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    Originally Posted by watson3 Agreed..I think alot of "older" people on here would agree that in the stomach is much better than across the face.. It shouldn't happen either way!!!!!! The boy is 13!!! He probably was just trying to keep his aunt out of the equation for her own good. And what...
  11. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    It is tricky. And a very sensitive subject. But the fact is, that by his profile, he is 13. 13 ! Now unless he is a large 200#, martial arts disiplined 13 year old with a 120# undisiplined father, what type of defending could he possiably do? Besides the fact that it is his father and he...
  12. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    Yes, but is he gone for good? I would still look into a restraining order. I personally, from what you have told us don't think that you have anything to be sorry about.
  13. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    Originally Posted by watson3 I do not condone the raising of a hand to a female for Any reason, but Shark being a young man this was not a "beating"..Yes, he may have issues that Will lead to worse things, but airing it out here instead of at a police station may say something about the...
  14. tinysmajick

    parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

    Absolutley!!! I am also raised to respect my elders and by asking her NICELY to stay out of it and by saying PLEASE, I in no way feel that you disrespected her. That is NOT a F$@#^%g excuse to beat your child. And I cannot believe that some of you accept that as a justification!!!!! :mad: The...
  15. tinysmajick

    Help naming puppy

    Babygirl Betty(Betty Crocker brownie mix) Lexi Angel Really, we can't help ya. You will end up deciding by the personality she has. I rescue dogs, alot. I have learned this from experience. In a few days, it will just come to ya.
  16. tinysmajick

    stingray egg

    lol Yes. I understand. I just don't think that it is nessasarily fair for people to rip someone over something like that. To me, the experience is the most rewarding part of saltwater with the beauty being a close second. :cheer: I have surfed silently around these forums for awhile now, and...
  17. tinysmajick


    Pink tips are known to be movers. Luckily mine has one large rock that it stays on and moves all over it. The rock has a hole/cave in it. It will even plant itself inside the hole and let it's tentacles flow out. It might be lighting, but on the other hand they are just naturally movers.
  18. tinysmajick

    stingray egg

    I am curious to know what the problem would be in hatching the animal out and keeping it for a while until it got too big? And then, possiably selling it back to the lfs. There is the possibility of a profit and just the experience would be quite rewarding. Several people have stated that he/she...
  19. tinysmajick

    Losing the battle

    Thank you sooooo much Shogun323!! You have been a big help and made me feel welcome with your positive ideas. Thank you again.!!
  20. tinysmajick

    Losing the battle

    Originally Posted by browniebuck Just my 2 Cents. 2 cents is always welcome with me :joy: I am similar to a sponge right now. Just trying to soak it all in and filter.