stingray egg


shark bait

Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I am curious to know what the problem would be in hatching the animal out and keeping it for a while until it got too big? And then, possiably selling it back to the lfs.
There is the possibility of a profit and just the experience would be quite rewarding.
Several people have stated that he/she should take it back to the LFS.
Do you honestly think that the lfs will give it the same amount of care and supervision that the current owner will?
I doubt it. They have other things to worry about, such as stocking, customers, etc.

While that may be true it is a little more easy to bring back an egg than a foot long baby godzilla!!! Because that is what is in the egg. You know that right. lol



Yes. I understand.
I just don't think that it is nessasarily fair for people to rip someone over something like that.
To me, the experience is the most rewarding part of saltwater with the beauty being a close second. :cheer:
I have surfed silently around these forums for awhile now, and it seems to me that some people get a lot of experience under their belt and then forget where they came from and what it was like starting out.
They seem very quick to judge, point fingers and overall belittle a person looking for simple help or positive critiqueing.
Just my opinion though.
And you know what they say about those.


Active Member
i sure remember where i came from, but thats why i was here to ask instead of make mistakes,, and now im here to help answer questiosn so people dont make mistakes... but when people dont ask and just impulse buy peopel are not going to be happy about it..


Very good point.
I recently made that mistake with buying too many at once.
Needless to say, I learned that one quickly

The good thing is, I got that one out of the way.

The bad thing, lost alot of $$$$


Active Member
Impulse buying is not good in this hobby for sure. I've almost bought several things at my lfs, but didn't....the reason i didn't was he has some books that he sells....i'll go look up whatever it is and then decide to get it or not.

Then again, most lfs will hold stuff for you.


here is a pic with a light under it. sorry its so bad but the light can not go through the rest of the egg. the embryo is to big.


Originally Posted by jakob
here is a pic.
That is a rag egg all right; I have found a lot of them on the beach from time to time.
Did the guarantee it to hatch?


nope nothing yet but it is still moveing so its not dead. i think it will be another week or so befor it hatchs. i well keep every one updated


they didn't give me a due date. i have done some research and i found that it takes about 12 weeks. the fish store had it for 3 weeks and have had it for 3 and it was about 3-4 week old when they got it so it should not be long


Originally Posted by dcoyle11
***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***)
how many are watching this unfold?
It has me like the wait for a new dvd or video game cant wait to see what happens.


Active Member
Awww, I saw this thread was at the top and I got all excited thinking it had hatched. Now I'm sad.
Hurry up and hatch already!!!! I have to know what's inside!