stingray egg


dont worry ill get lots of pics. and if I can figure out how to post movies I do that too.
I have been out of town for 5 days so ill post an up date tonight when I get home.

30-xtra high

Active Member
lol, watch it not be a ray, and just some dumb little fish we've all been waiting for to hatch..
but i still can't wait ***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Awww, I saw this thread was at the top and I got all excited thinking it had hatched. Now I'm sad.
Hurry up and hatch already!!!! I have to know what's inside!
well what hapens it they get hungry and want scrambled sting ray?
tht you would be waiting all to long


it hatched! it hatched! it hatched! it hatched!!!! :jumping:
:joy: ***) here it is!!!!.........................


Active Member
wow i dont think there are anyother words besides.... i need a credit card and an egggg! :joy:
:jumping: :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
wow i dont think there are anyother words besides.... i need a credit card and an egggg! :joy:
:jumping: :happyfish

lets hope u get a BIG tank for it...


Active Member
can i see a fullt ank shot please? im only asking because i have a hard to beleive that the stingray came out that large...unless its just the picture that makes it look that big.. but ive seen MANY baby stingrays and that ray looks GIGANTIC.. i mean you can fit a baby ray int he palm of your hand.. and the tail on that stingray looks VERY fat, which is a sign of a more mature stingray


Originally Posted by psusocr1
can i see a fullt ank shot please? im only asking because i have a hard to beleive that the stingray came out that large...unless its just the picture that makes it look that big.. but ive seen MANY baby stingrays and that ray looks GIGANTIC.. i mean you can fit a baby ray int he palm of your hand.. and the tail on that stingray looks VERY fat, which is a sign of a more mature stingray


Active Member
i have a picture for you to see if you want to compare my mature male and female ray to a hatchling ray that i cared for .. the picture will definantly explain what i mean.. like i said ic ould be wrong sinc eit might be the zoom on the picture,, but that DEF doesnt look like a hatchling weather a skate or not
it also doesnt look like a skate since Most but not all, skates have VERY long VERY skinny tails.. as this ray does not


thanks for your concern psusocr1 but it is only 4in long. the pic. does make it look bigger, but YES it is a hatchling. it is a clear nosed skate from the gulf of Mexico. I would get a full tank shot but I'm not proud of my tank right now. ill get some pics. when I get the algae off the front of the tank.