stingray egg


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
First off, this person is new to the hobby and a teenager (by the birthdate in his profile). How many people actually go out and buy a tank, let it cycle, research all fish they plan to put in the tank and never do anything wrong?
Here is how I see uneducated "newbie" buys something that he/she thinks is cool and puts it into their tank and then starts to ask questions (many of us have done this exact same thing).
This is not the right way to do things but we as more experienced hobbiest have the responsibilty to educate people who do this in a way that is not offensive, but constructive.
If someone is a "repeat offender" then I believe a good flaming is in order.
In this case I believe that advice should be given in a friendly manner and not an offensive manner. This person is new and just starting to realize that they have made some mistakes so quit being so harsh.
I totally agree with you, but this guy Ciroth is ripping psusocr1 a new one. And he really shouldn't. But psusocr1 should know better than to join in on the fight. Fortunately for me I found this forum before I did anything really dumb.
Congrats on the skate!!!
Now dig a hole outside, fill it with concrete, and sand, and throw it in there.
Add protection from local kitties, and watch it grow!!
TX Reef said:
First off, this person is new to the hobby and a teenager (by the birthdate in his profile).
Being new is one thing, but dragging in age is a completely different story, and i know that most teenagers arent prepared for this kind of thing (being one myself, i can soundly speak from the younger side) but there are those out there that know exactly what they are doing, so dont bring age into it.
Seeing this go on is enough to make me want to quit the forum. We can talk in constructive a constructive manner and educate people without being demeaning. I am concerned for the animals as well, but from a different perspective, I do not want to run anyone off from the hobby either. The most that will happen is that you will tick the young lad off and he will stop taking advise and researching the field of aquatics and "wing-it." This we all know is not a good thing. I would agree with most that was said here, but only disagree with the maner in which it was presented. :thinking:
one thing i have to say it is your tank , your money , your choice to do what you want .i agree with alot of the advice but when you start talking down to others thats wrong and should not be done .

shark bait

Well I just saw what has been going on and well, the bashing is lame.I have been on this since day one and so have some of the other long time guys like psusocr1, who I have found to have great advice on this issue. WE ALL just what to help out and sometimes the truth needs to be told. I will say that is AWSOME that it got this far and is living. Most eggs die in the trade once they get home. That is why many of us, and myself said to take it back weeks ago.
So major Congrats for that right off the bat.
As he is going to PROM and will take pics when he gets back from school he is young. Al Gore had not yet invented the web when I started with fish, but I would have loved to get the help and know what size the fish got before I'd put a grouper in a 20 gal. So He is geting the info he needs to become a good fish keeper and I hope he takes this with a grain of salt and grows from this.
I wish you years of great ray keeping.!! Shark Bait
You obviously seek out people to criticize dude, the bottom line is this most likely washed up on the beach, Its better the little guy gets some sort of lifespan instead of becoming gull food! I stopped going to my lfs in montgomery bc they were asses, always you cant have that youll kill that, thats how I got into this hobby, spite, some cant take it and quit but I stayed in there. Ive been just willy nilly talking about something then the
some in and start the whats your ph and whats your skimmer and how long has it been up, keeping this stuff is still at its infancy, we have a long time to go before we really start to understand the ocean in its entirety, just quit busting balls dude!


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
also there was a comment about me and AW being mean and lion crazz being nice..
i dont know how people think i am mean.. i always try to give constructive criticism 100% of the time, like i said some people dont want to listen and they put an animals life in danger then i get angry,, but i never just go off of the handle and yell at people or call them names( except when an immature person calls me a jerk for trying to help someone and not "congradulate them"
lets face it peopel never want to hear that they are wrong for keeping HUGE animals in a 10 gallon tank...
now now, i didnt say that, i just said sometimes u have questionable ways of delivering good info

shark bait

Originally Posted by BillyandBlenny
You obviously seek out people to criticize dude, the bottom line is this most likely washed up on the beach, Its better the little guy gets some sort of lifespan instead of becoming gull food! I stopped going to my lfs in montgomery bc they were asses, always you cant have that youll kill that, thats how I got into this hobby, spite, some cant take it and quit but I stayed in there. Ive been just willy nilly talking about something then the
some in and start the whats your ph and whats your skimmer and how long has it been up, keeping this stuff is still at its infancy, we have a long time to go before we really start to understand the ocean in its entirety, just quit busting balls dude!

This was not for me right.
Originally Posted by shark bait
This was not for me right.

No, It was for the guy with the lord of the rings looking avatar. Every post I read theres him or someone like him saying "its gonna die dude" or "take it back to the lfs" I joined a car club a month ago and I was outcasted cause I didnt have 10,000 dollars in my car and I didnt go race it every day, I see the same thing here, these guys just want to discourage anyone else so they look like the hero. F this guy and the bus he rode in on. If I wanna keep a lionfish in a betta jar, my business, if I wanna keep a great white in a kiddie pool, cruel, but my business. If you dont have a nice thing to say, move on to the next post. Ive decided to call out all the hobos that prey on begginers from now on. And Im going to the lfs and telling him to shove it too, he said id kill any zoanthids I put in my nano, so I ordered some online and now theyre growing like Xenia! Im bored!
Forgive me! I thought his avatar was Golem from LOTR, I didnt know that was his own picture! Heres another example of my beef with these guys, I love horseshoe crabs, so when I found one online, I did research, and talked to people. I was extremly discouraged, a few people were like thats stupid you cant have one of those, they get too big! YOU GOTTA BE AN EXPERT TO KEEP ONE! This crab is 1year old, hes still alive and in my sand! He grew maybe 1mm since. If you tried to hatch a Ray egg and failed youu can give advise, otherwise, MOVE ON! In another post someone was grilling this kid about keeping an Octopus in a 10 gallon tank. No more cruel than chopping them up for seafood, go to the grocerystore, youll find baby octo. In most places of the world LIVE octopus is a delicacy eaten whole alive! Japanese pay like 30 yen apiece for them for food! I think the little guy is much happier in his 10 gal rather than swallowed whole with WASABI! Plus how many highschoolers do you know that have taken time away from drinking screwing and smoking weed to try hatching a ray? The fact his water is fine is a step above some.


Active Member
well tho i am impressed w/ how long uve kept it i do have to say it will get like 4ft in diameter and smash up ur tank unless u have a huge one


Active Member
It hatched, yay! I would start saving for a bigger setup, do some research on how long you can keep this ray in what size tank so you know how long you have before the next upgrade. Has anyone id'd it yet? I would be checking out custom tank builders if you can afford it as a wider round tank will be better than any standard tank, height isn't as important.
Billyand blenny have you tried to hatch a ray egg and failed because if not maybe you should follow your own advice and move on, no need to be starting arguments left and right about people giving constuctive criticism to someone with little experience.
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well tho i am impressed w/ how long uve kept it i do have to say it will get like 4ft in diameter and smash up ur tank unless u have a huge one
Thats what I was told, but so far he wont grow, I had plans to build him a special acrylic pool that would be about 6feet in all directions so im glad I didnt do that already. My next tank will be somewhat gargantuan so maybee hell get bigger in there, goldfish get footballsized in the right pond, maybee these are like that. Maybee Ill start a new post on horseshoe crabs! Also, they do pose a great risk of harm to anything not firmly planted down. I cant keep frags in my sand bed cause hell bulldoze them! I fixed the rocks so trheres no chance of a rock slide but he still likes to try. The suncoral in the picture there got turned over several times before I got a tank just for them. In most cases, there not good for a reef tank, but if you work the tank around the crab its pretty worthwhile. They do lots more swimming than I was told about and at night his shell glows like fire!
Originally Posted by petjunkie
It hatched, yay! I would start saving for a bigger setup, do some research on how long you can keep this ray in what size tank so you know how long you have before the next upgrade. Has anyone id'd it yet? I would be checking out custom tank builders if you can afford it as a wider round tank will be better than any standard tank, height isn't as important.
Billyand blenny have you tried to hatch a ray egg and failed because if not maybe you should follow your own advice and move on, no need to be starting arguments left and right about people giving constuctive criticism to someone with little experience.
I havent, I got pulled into the story, Though I have hatched strange eggs, they were fw. My whole beef is that sometimes you "EXPERTS" can be very, how can I say this, total {EDIT LANGUAGE} to people. How about linking the kid to a Ray Care sheet or a site just for Rays, you belittle people to the point people like me, who dont even know the dude, come out swinging in his side. I dont see CONSTRUCTIVE critisizm most times, its usually guys like psusocr1 making everyone look bad and making himself look lika an {EDIT LANGUAGE}. If I took all the advise from you punks I wouldnt have a tank right now, but thats just what you want isnt it?


Ok i finally read this thread. That egg/ray is so cool. I love the idea of seeing something grow through all stages of its life. Nice work hatching it and keep us posted.
As for all the name calling, i think everybody needs to cooool out! Don't call the mods/experts names they are just trying to help. But i do get tired of how many times i see "take it back" as the advice. That advice never helps. If you want something then just get it, research it, and try not to kill it. If you do kill something then just make sure you know why it died befre you get another one. Peace.


Active Member
ONCE again another little immature kid that is very jeloues and thinks hes tough because he "calls people names over the internet" if you havent notice the thread was done along time ago until you little self got bored and brought it up again to yell at me.. very fun
also watch your language on this board it isnt for little punks like you to curse at people , be rude, and call people names, but since you just joined , dont know the first thing about anyone on here or anything your talking about you should just keep to yourself.. there are actually young kids who were brought up with manners and dont want to be subjected to people like you. Im sure there parents wouldnt want them around it may be o.k in your toy car club but not here..
its people like you that make bad things happen on these boards.. if you ARENT banned after a mod sees this thread i will make sure i talk to them about it since you have no right attacking anyone, especially once again when you dont know about anythign going on..
by the way your comments dont hurt me, its not hard to tell a little kid from a mature adult..
have a nice day...



Originally Posted by psusocr1
ONCE again another little immature kid
that is very jeloues and thinks hes tough because he "calls people names over the internet"
if you havent notice the thread was done along time ago until you little self got bored and brought it up again to yell at me.. very fun
also watch your language on this board it isnt for little punks like you
to curse at people , be rude, and call people names
, but since you just joined , dont know the first thing about anyone on here or anything your talking about you should just keep to yourself..
there are actually young kids who were brought up with manners and dont want to be subjected to people like you. Im sure there parents wouldnt want them around it may be o.k in your toy car club but not here..
its people like you that make bad things happen on these boards.. if you ARENT banned after a mod sees this thread i will make sure i talk to them about it since you have no right attacking anyone, especially once again when you dont know about anythign going on..
by the way your comments dont hurt me, its not hard to tell a little kid from a mature adult..
have a nice day...

You know I love when people say stuff like this... You said simply this isn't a place to curse at people , be rude, and call people names but when I read through that your simply name calling and being rude... Thats rather hypocritical.


Active Member
oh god another one.. so why dont you do the mods a favor and put all of his posts up towards me and put the curses and comments in bold lettering for the mods instead of EVERYONE singling me out..
why me? why not do us the favor and highlight what he said to start this.. this is a waste of my time anymore.. noone wants help they just want to do the wrong thing and think they are right.. im done giving advice
good luck to everyone with their tanks , do what you want and have a great day!
go put 20-30 stingrays a a 30 gallon I DONT CARE!
the sad part is that the same few people just keep creating new names to do this ...
and me saying that he a little immature kid and punk isnt name calling like he was saying to me( remember i never said a word to this kidhe just started attacking me),, and i also didnt make any rude comments as he did to me,, i just pointed the facts out..
i just hope the mods close this thread already
the thread was done about 2 weeks ago and this kid decides to make a new name and attack me for no reason... hmm thats odd isnt it? no its not odd it all my fault somehow!


lol... Did you have to say anything? No, you didn't. You know why you waste your time? You fight back. If you didn't say anything would he say anything back? I feel like an elementary school principal. And I highlighted what simply made you a hypocrit due to your ignorance... The fact that you said the bologna about name calling and being rude after you had done so yourself IN THE SAME POST. You talk about the younger kids who are on this forum and you yourself make an enviroment that their parents would not want them around. So before you call anyone else a child realize that you are making yourself look like one too. I understand why you got upset but when I was reading it I felt that you were alittle harsh. I stated my opinion and want nothing else to do with you since your stubborn and you will just keep fighting back...