stingray egg


Active Member
Originally Posted by dcoyle11
I would have to agree TX Reef

I guess watching all of that CSI has paid off. We have real live crime scene techs on this forum
Whether or not you can keep this skate, it boils down to this.
Thank you for keeping us posted on the birth of a skate. Not many people have been able to say they birthed a skate.


New Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i reccomend you just get rid of them now if fed properly they will only last 4 months in there, and i hope you have an awsome skimmer because they arte MESSY. also i dont see the ray in there where is he? how big is that tank? what are the tankmates.. not jumping on you just looking out for the animals
Here's an idea how about stop being a jerk and congradulate him already since everyone did but you


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Congrats!!!! I am glad it finally hatched! I was going crazy with anticipation! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
Here's an idea how about stop being a jerk and congradulate him already since everyone did but you
heres an idea.. instead making yourself look uneducated since you cant READ...why dont you read the whole thread before posting something and making yourself look stupid!
gotta love people like this, new to the forum, dont know anythign about whats going on and attack others
psusocr1 ya i guess the picture just makes him look huge then...that is a positive id on him, witht hat being said it is very hard to hatch them since they nearly never hatch inw ater warmer than 74 degrees..but you must have watched that..
by thew way i dont mind algae on the glass i would love to see a full tank shot with any tankmates etc. etc.
I ALSO understand people (probably you) dont care about animals as much as i and dont make the proper reccomendations to house them.. this is why im trying to help him out.. not flame him,, i was in no way mean.. im actually just giving him friendly suggestions on how to handle the situation.. BUT once again you wouldnt know that because you didnt /cant read the whole thread through its entirety


Originally Posted by psusocr1
heres an idea.. instead making yourself look uneducated since you cant READ...why dont you read the whole thread before posting something and making yourself look stupid!
gotta love people like this, new to the forum, dont know anythign about whats going on and attack others
I ALSO understand people (probably you) dont care about animals as much as i and dont make the proper reccomendations to house them.. this is why im trying to help him out.. not flame him,, i was in no way mean.. im actually just giving him friendly suggestions on how to handle the situation.. BUT once again you wouldnt know that because you didnt /cant read the whole thread through its entirety
hahahaha. I guess you did slip a congrats in amongst all the interrogating you've been doing


Active Member
I guess I am a jerk too, since I haven't congratulated him, but what is there to congratulate? All I see from this is a person who purchased an egg and put it into an aquarium setup that was not properly setup for it and does not seem to have a concrete plan to make the aquarium adequate for this or his other animals. The egg hatched, he didn't make it hatch, it does that naturally! So what are we congratulating?
Getting mad at people for giving advise on a forum is absurd, that is the point of a forum. I have ZERO experience and little knowledge about keeping skates or rays but there are people here who do and I personally think it is a very good thing when they share information and don't just say congratulations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I guess I am a jerk too, since I haven't congratulated him, but what is there to congratulate? All I see from this is a person who purchased an egg and put it into an aquarium setup that was not properly setup for it and does not seem to have a concrete plan to make the aquarium adequate for this or his other animals. The egg hatched, he didn't make it hatch, it does that naturally! So what are we congratulating?
maybe we are congratulating dumbluck+nature+improperly heated tank by accident? :notsure:


It is amazing that not one day, that i am on here, goes by that I don't find a thread where someone is upset with and defending themselves from someone else.
Is it really neccesary?


New Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
heres an idea.. instead making yourself look uneducated since you cant READ...why dont you read the whole thread before posting something and making yourself look stupid!
gotta love people like this, new to the forum, dont know anythign about whats going on and attack others
I ALSO understand people (probably you) dont care about animals as much as i and dont make the proper reccomendations to house them.. this is why im trying to help him out.. not flame him,, i was in no way mean.. im actually just giving him friendly suggestions on how to handle the situation.. BUT once again you wouldnt know that because you didnt /cant read the whole thread through its entirety
Just because I recently decided to sign up and give my advice to help people here doesn't mean im stupid nor that I havn't been reading everything. I work at a "LFS". I've kept fish almost my entire life. I've been in saltwater since elementary school. I control all that goes on in the saltwater section of the store I work for. I have people come from states away just to talk to me and buy fish from me. I break the supposed rules of fish buying... I DENY fish to those who want them. I don't care if you have the money if you don't have the knowledge or the proper requirements to have the animal then I won't sell it to you. It's ticks off the owner, but then again people come from all around for my knowledge and expertise. IF you read his posts he has taking the advice and knows what he is doing and will upgrade. He doesn't need you to be a jerk actually no one does. If you want to give advice go ahead but there is no need for you to be a jerk about it. OK so the LFS didn't prepare him now this is your chance to suggest to him what he needs to do and give him advice instead of being a jerk and going on about your rays and how his pictures must be fake and he didn't really hatch it and blah blah blah you don't believe him and you want pictures. Just because you have experience doesn't give you the right to be a total jerk
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i just want to see the look on your face in three months.. that will be better yet!
I don't see any advice there just 100% jerk.
, and im obviously not the only one thinking this...
Originally Posted by tinysmajick


Yes. I understand.
I just don't think that it is nessasarily fair for people to rip someone over something like that.
To me, the experience is the most rewarding part of saltwater with the beauty being a close second. :cheer:
I have surfed silently around these forums for awhile now, and it seems to me that some people get a lot of experience under their belt and then forget where they came from and what it was like starting out.
They seem very quick to judge, point fingers and overall belittle a person looking for simple help or positive critiqueing.
Just my opinion though.
And you know what they say about those.

And last but not least your "advice" has been wrong in parts of this thread
If you have advice share it... if not then just congradulate and leave that jerk attitude on your side of the internet


Active Member
look, evry1 b4 this thread gets lock, u have to understand, psu, and aw both have very good advice, they both have, well, questionable ways of phrasing it. where as other ppl, such as lion crazz will give advice in a more constructive manor, i try to give it like this too


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ciroth
Just because I recently decided to sign up and give my advice to help people here doesn't mean im stupid nor that I havn't been reading everything. I work at a "LFS". I've kept fish almost my entire life. I've been in saltwater since elementary school. I control all that goes on in the saltwater section of the store I work for. I have people come from states away just to talk to me and buy fish from me. I break the supposed rules of fish buying... I DENY fish to those who want them. I don't care if you have the money if you don't have the knowledge or the proper requirements to have the animal then I won't sell it to you. It's ticks off the owner, but then again people come from all around for my knowledge and expertise. IF you read his posts he has taking the advice and knows what he is doing and will upgrade. He doesn't need you to be a jerk actually no one does. If you want to give advice go ahead but there is no need for you to be a jerk about it. OK so the LFS didn't prepare him now this is your chance to suggest to him what he needs to do and give him advice instead of being a jerk and going on about your rays and how his pictures must be fake and he didn't really hatch it and blah blah blah you don't believe him and you want pictures. Just because you have experience doesn't give you the right to be a total jerk
I don't see any advice there just 100% jerk.
, and im obviously not the only one thinking this...
And last but not least your "advice" has been wrong in parts of this thread
If you have advice share it... if not then just congradulate and leave that jerk attitude on your side of the internet

I'm not going to butt my way into a fight, but think about it, you are arguing for a guy who has ray, in a 30 gallonish tank.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'm not going to butt my way into a fight, but think about it, you are arguing for a guy who has ray, in a 30 gallonish tank.
First off, this person is new to the hobby and a teenager (by the birthdate in his profile). How many people actually go out and buy a tank, let it cycle, research all fish they plan to put in the tank and never do anything wrong?
Here is how I see uneducated "newbie" buys something that he/she thinks is cool and puts it into their tank and then starts to ask questions (many of us have done this exact same thing).
This is not the right way to do things but we as more experienced hobbiest have the responsibilty to educate people who do this in a way that is not offensive, but constructive.
If someone is a "repeat offender" then I believe a good flaming is in order.
In this case I believe that advice should be given in a friendly manner and not an offensive manner. This person is new and just starting to realize that they have made some mistakes so quit being so harsh.


Yup that's a ray egg. Check out You can probably find out what type it is. Be sure to invite me to the baby shower.


Originally Posted by TX Reef
First off, this person is new to the hobby and a teenager (by the birthdate in his profile). How many people actually go out and buy a tank, let it cycle, research all fish they plan to put in the tank and never do anything wrong?
Here is how I see uneducated "newbie" buys something that he/she thinks is cool and puts it into their tank and then starts to ask questions (many of us have done this exact same thing).
This is not the right way to do things but we as more experienced hobbiest have the responsibilty to educate people who do this in a way that is not offensive, but constructive.
If someone is a "repeat offender" then I believe a good flaming is in order.
In this case I believe that advice should be given in a friendly manner and not an offensive manner. This person is new and just starting to realize that they have made some mistakes so quit being so harsh.
perfectly stated.
if new people get flamed for being new and not well educated in the hobby they're just gonna quit the moment something goes wrong.


wow this has gotten crazy!! I don't mind being given advice every one has to learn one way or another. I have had many hobbies but it is the people in this world that cut me down and made it really hard the succeed at that hobby. those who know more than others should help and try not to be mean or rud. it IS hard to express fealings through words, so lets all calm down and just have fun b/c that is what we are here for.
I know the aquarium is to small, and I do take care of my pets, so what do yall think would be a good size cage.


Ignore them. They have a habbit of insulting people and thinking that they know it all. Just read-up on whatever it is you want to do and enjoy it.


wow let us get off psu. bobby has been a great member of this community giving nothing but sound advice. since day one bobby has told him to take it back which should have been done. no one knew what it was so no knew what it needed. that is why he said to take it back!that it hatched was purley lucky i hope it lives with out a doubt, but by the time time he sets up a larger tank more suited for which stingrays need in my opinion at least 6 months of a ESTABLISHED tank his hatched egg will be too large for the tank now. bobby after your move to florida i hope you stay with us. if you look at his tankmates he has been making this mistake more than this one time. i understand psu after giving so much advice 99% of the people asking hear just what they want to hear and do what they think any ways. cut hoim some slack. he was in no ways being a jerk


My lfs had one in there 300 gal bye itself.for almost two years then it died!! I also think you need to find a better home for it!! but if not i wish it the best of luck!!


Active Member
hey thanks for the kinds words peopel that defended me..
i dont want to fight obviously.. as someone stated i tried giving simple and sound advice fromt he begginning that was ignored, so when people are ignorant to facts and do whatever they want then i dont think its wrong to try a different approach, which is just getting down to the facts..
Ciroth And last but not least your "advice" has been wrong in parts of this thread If you have advice share it... if not then just congradulate and leave that jerk attitude on your side of the internet
i dont see any advice in this thread where i have been wrong but maybe you can help me out and educate me since you work at a LFS, have people from all over the place coming to get your advice, and have extensive experience with keeping rays..i always do love to learn.
ALSO judging by the name calling and attacking me over the internet and saying such MATURE things as
I don't see any advice there just 100% jerk.

if not then just congradulate and leave that jerk attitude on your side of the internet
and many more....
i would say your about 14-18 , so with that said .. YOU WIN

i also in no way said it was a "fake" picture or he didnt hatch the egg,, lets get that straight...i only asked questions about it
also there was a comment about me and AW being mean and lion crazz being nice..
i dont know how people think i am mean.. i always try to give constructive criticism 100% of the time, like i said some people dont want to listen and they put an animals life in danger then i get angry,, but i never just go off of the handle and yell at people or call them names( except when an immature person calls me a jerk for trying to help someone and not "congradulate them"
lets face it peopel never want to hear that they are wrong for keeping HUGE animals in a 10 gallon tank...
i also always give people the benefit of the doubt.. like the famous statement " i will be upgrading soon" in this situation i think i rememeber this person saying how he would upgrade to a 55 when the prom was over and then upgrade again..if we are tlaking about proms the chances are that not many kids in this world (although possible) can be in high school and go spend 5-10 grand on a setup properly suited for a stingray or shark..THUS your buying an animal you cant house for its entire life which means you will be stressing it out because you will have to keep moving it, getting rid of it, etc. etc. etc.
i also never stated i knew everything , theres is SOO much i could learn, i also never said i was the smartest or evan close to it...HOWEVER i do beleive i can share alot of knowledge with people when it comes to keeping sharks, stingrays and other large aggressives since i dont just read about them or look at them in stores but i actually keep them LONG TERM. SO from my experiences, i share my knowledge with others and try to prepare and help them from what i have observed myself..
sorry for causing any hard feelings it obviously was not my intention.
on a side note im not going to leave the forum just because im moving, ill always be int he hobby and im probably going to take my 125 down to florida with me(possibly) and if not ill still be around the board would just be way to hard for me to take 400 gallons of water, sand, rock and fish to florida!!