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  1. tinysmajick

    Subratct $200 from my checking account

    Yes, yes!! Do tell!
  2. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    Originally Posted by highcottn1 im i tried eirlyer (sp) to post some but i didnt know how. Yeah, me either.
  3. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    Originally Posted by highcottn1 i have another quaestion. i only have 250 gph is that enough The word is, NO. You need it to turn about 10x And watch for dead spots. One person said to use several small powerheads to achieve this Hope this is helpful.
  4. tinysmajick

    Post questions that don't need a thread here!

    Thank you sooo much for your help. I will relay the message. Looks like I need to upgrade as well then, mine is turning 8. Thanks again (Correction. Nevermind, my miscalculation. Mine is a little over 10. Still could be more though )
  5. tinysmajick

    Post questions that don't need a thread here!

    Hi, I am a newbie. I am attempting to help another newbie in a different thread. Question is: Is 250 gph enough for a 46 gal.? Thanks in advance
  6. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    There ya go . Happy to here it! Yellow algae? Never heard of it. :notsure: But I'm still a newbie at this. Got any pics?
  7. tinysmajick

    Aquarium Supplies

    Originally Posted by mikeandbren Have you ordered from this website before? If so, what condition did the animal(s) come in? I'm a little scared to order live animals on line. To tell you the truth, I check out this website all the time. I guess I just need some reassurance from someone who...
  8. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    The prices are good here. Their fish are good as well. (mine were at least) His father isn't funding it, misunderstanding. Originally Posted by highcottn1 my father isnt completely funding it he is only helping out.
  9. tinysmajick

    ID this critter Please

    Bristleworm of some kind, maybe?
  10. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    Then maybe he'll come around.
  11. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    Well, if your father is funding it, and is fed up with the expense, then I'm sorry. You are probably right. You will have to try again(if you want) when you start funding the majority of it. Maybe not though, maybe he'll come around. Best of luck.
  12. tinysmajick

    White film on clown

    I don't know if I will be much help but, I'll try. I had what sounds to be the same thing on one of my damsels. I treated with Melafix and it cleared up. I would get alot more advice on it though. I am definately not an expert and what I did might be wrong even thoiugh it worked for me.
  13. tinysmajick


    When did you send the emails? They have replied to mine within about two days.
  14. tinysmajick

    Giving up!!

    Don't give up. About a month ago I was ready to give up as well. I lost about $150.00 worth. I know to some that isn't much, but to me it is. I just took a deep breath and treated the problem accordingly. Now my tank is doing awesome. Be patient. It will turn around for ya
  15. tinysmajick

    Coral line algae? Not completely sure.

    Originally Posted by barchtruong Sea Urchins will eat scrape off Coraline algae, Thank you sooo much!!! I was thinking about getting some purple urchins!!! I like the algae better though
  16. tinysmajick

    Coral line algae? Not completely sure.

    I have some crazy colors growing in my tank. A lot of bright green. Two small spots of purple. and I think two spots starting of pink. From what I have seen floating around here. I think that it is Coral line algae. This is good, right? And if so, how do I keep it coming(progressing). And does...
  17. tinysmajick

    Can't we all just get along?!

    I am new here and I agree. Sometimes I am afraid to post any questions for fear that I will be called an idiot(or made feel like one). Mostly from reading other threads and seeing what people have said to others. But there are some people who are awesome. One in particular made me feel very...
  18. tinysmajick

    Mantis vs Crab Death Match!

    Super sad. I have always heard that those things were trouble, never seen one in action though. Poor crab.
  19. tinysmajick

    Beu Gregory Aggressive?

    I think that I'm going to. :thinking: He has become my least favorite with his nasty attitude. Thanks bunches. You're right, it is just a damsel.
  20. tinysmajick

    Witch salt do you use?

    Instant Ocean