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  1. albionpo

    TO: RE: Cherub Angelfish question.

    say...WHAT??? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :rolleyes:
  2. albionpo

    ICE HOCKEY GOLD - and best wishes to our American friends!

    That was funny! I've never seen curling before either and I got totally into it! I got all excited when the curling would come on and I had to watch every minute of it...what a cool game! It looks like fun & a bit of strategy as well! I hope it takes off here in America!! :cool: :cool: I...
  3. albionpo

    ICE HOCKEY GOLD - and best wishes to our American friends!

    Awesome games ( both of them... :D ) Congratulations Canada!! Everyone played so well...and it's so great to see the true spirit of competition alive & well. Canada deserved the Gold today and I was elated for them at the same time as being dissapointed for our guys...all in all, I think we...
  4. albionpo

    How is ich transferred?

    I'm trying to ask someone..." If the tank is NOT fishless for 30 days " ( it's a HT being used to treat ich )when the fish go back in the main tank AFTER it safe to transfer the biowheel back along with them? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img...
  5. albionpo

    How is ich transferred?

    Thanks Terry but I didn't ask you how I got the ich in the first place. I'm well aware. I asked if the parasites can be transferred through the biowheel if I put it back on my main tank after use in the HT.
  6. albionpo

    Emperor 400 making lots of bubbles....

    Hey, thanks for all the help here you guys! :D The noise is a very loud watery clicking or anything so it must be air getting in somehow, I'll check it for cracks when I get home tonight...I hope I can figure it out, it would be nice to have a quieter, calmer tank for a change!! ;)...
  7. albionpo

    Emperor 400 making lots of bubbles....

    Yah, it really does run always has. I usually keep the water up over the slides but sometimes below...I'll check when I get home tonight for air intake anywhere. I don't know where the air would come in from, though...anyway thanks for all your suggestions. I really appreciate the...
  8. albionpo

    Emperor 400 making lots of bubbles....

    Well, let's see...the flow over the biowheels is fine, although I keep it kinda slow. Should I speed this up a bit? I think the inlet tube is the same thing as the suction tube you mentioned, right? If so, yah, the tube is in tight and it's way below the water line, so I don't think any air is...
  9. albionpo

    How is ich transferred?

    Just a (probably) silly question...I wondered if ich can be transferred through the filter media? I'm setting up a HT and I thought I'd use the already aged bio wheel from my main tank to set up the cycle on the HT...when I transfer it back to the main tank, is there any risk of bringing...
  10. albionpo

    Emperor 400 making lots of bubbles....

    Does anyone know of a way to avoid all these bubbles in the tank with this filter? Is this normal? I've got LOTS of "tiny bubbles" in my tank and I'd rather have them in a glass of champaigne!! <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />
  11. albionpo

    new flame hawk not eating...

    Hey everyone...Thanks for your suggestions! I brought home a dozen ghost shrimpies today & watched my flame grab them up right away!!! :D :D What a relief! I also bought some live brine, I'll give that a try tomorrow...Anyway, just wanted to let you all know my hawk is eating now...and he's...
  12. albionpo

    new flame hawk not eating...

    I just brought a new flame hawk home and he hasn't eaten anything I offered, he looks healthy other than that but I understand these fish will usually eat anything...anyone have trouble getting a flame hawk to eat at first? I tried frozen brine, formula 1 and flakes... <img...
  13. albionpo

    prizm hang-on skimmers

    My prizm is working great on my 55 and it's not loud at all... :D
  14. albionpo

    help with quarentine tank?

    I'd like to be a little more prepared with my QT so that I can use it at a moments notice...I don't keep it up & running so...if I put the sponge filter from my little aquaclear filter ( that goes on the QT ) inside my Emperor 400 ( on my show tank ) would it build up the nitrifting bacteria in...
  15. albionpo

    how long does it take to get ick?

    Okay. I put a christmas wrasse in my tank one day, then brought it back to the store the next day ( I decided I wanted to wait for a six-line to come in ) wasn't in the tank for 24 hours. If I thought the wrasse MIGHT have ick, should I be worried about the rest of my fish getting it? I...
  16. albionpo

    what film speed gets the best pics?

    That's all great advice, thanks guys! I think it's time to go digital... :p Anyone have a nice one to recommend? :D :D
  17. albionpo

    what film speed gets the best pics?

    Hi, just wondering what you guys are using to get your best pictures? I usually use 400 speed & I'm not getting any good ones...also tried 800 recently, getting them developed right now...we'll see! ;) Do I need to invest in a digital just to get a good pic of my fish? :D :D ( that would be...
  18. albionpo

    anyone recommend these pc's?

    Hi again H2O! I really thought the smartlite would be the best way to go as far as cost & getting the look I want over the tank. As far as the 55 & 96 watts goes... I really want to make sure the light covers the length of the tank is 48" long. Do you think I'd have to get two of the...
  19. albionpo

    anyone recommend these pc's?

    Okay...Thanks everyone for responding. I'll check everything out before I decide what to get but I really appreciate all your advice! My tank is a 55 gallon with LS, some crabs & snails and feather dusters, so I don't need huge lighting, just wanting to upgrade from the one tube of 50/50...
  20. albionpo

    hawkfish and firefish...good tankmates?

    I know the long nosed hawk shouldn't be kept with SMALL fish but does anyone have any experience with these two together? Is the firefish small enough to be eaten by the hawk? I already have 2 firefish and would LOVE to get a long nosed hawk...what do you think? other tankmates include 2 perc...