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  1. jsteph24

    Narrowed it down to 2 skimmers...

    Ok, so i think I have narrowed my skimmer choice down to the Bubble Magus Nac7 and the Eshopps S-150. They are both cone style skimmers with small footprints(which I need). any opinions to make me sway one way or the other? The eshopps is a little spendier I guess but I can afford either...
  2. jsteph24

    Tap Water rinse?

    75 gallon tank... the sump i think holds about 32 gallons. My RODI unit doesn't arrive till friday according to UPS tracking. So If i clean it all out tonight the chlorine would have plenty of time to evaporate.
  3. jsteph24

    Tap Water rinse?

    I have a new aquarium and acrylic sump, is it ok to rinse all of this stuff off with tap water before I fill it with salt water? It has some dust etc that should be rinsed off before I do my initial fill. I Just want to make sure that I wont get anything from the tap water leech onto my...
  4. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    I have the standpipe and return line assembly ready to go (megaflow overflow kit). The work I need help with is plumbing the drain from the bottom of the tank to the sump and then the return from the sump to the bottom of the tank again. Also I need to probably plumb the fuge into it somehow( I...
  5. jsteph24

    eshopps vs. cpr aeroforce?

    Yep I would recommend the Aqua C to anybody that wants to use a HOB.
  6. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    Also can I use purple primer and regular pvc cement for a hard pipe or do I need something special? What diameter should I use? I have not picked out a pump yet, what should I get? I have been looking at a mag 9.5 maybe? I am open to all suggestions.
  7. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    Ok here are some pictures. So the drain from the tank should go to the middle of the sump which is a drip tray where I can put some floss stuff or whatever. Under that is an open area and a sponge. I could put bio balls or LR rubble there. I the baffle allows water to go underneath and into the...
  8. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    What is the right ordination of my bulkheads?? (taking pictures right now of tank)
  9. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    Also for the pvc can I use the regular purple primer and regular pvc cement or do I need something special?
  10. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    Ok thanks for the reply. Yes my tank is pre-drilled with a 600gph overflow. I have the kit for the standpipe and return which is matched to the overflow. My question I guess is the flow through my specific sump. Should I use and external skimmer or can I just drop one in my return area. Same...
  11. jsteph24

    eshopps vs. cpr aeroforce?

    Sorry never had experience with either. I DID have an aqua C remora HOB skimmer on my old 55g and it worked great.
  12. jsteph24

    Industrial Grade RO/DI water?

    Do they add any chemicals to it? We have a massive RO system to feed a boiler at work. After the softners we add sodium bisulfite to get rid of any chlorine before our RO membranes. Our retention tank has a pump on it which goes to a DI filter for our Lab. Would that DI filtered water still be...
  13. jsteph24

    Refugium/sump/plumbing help please!

    Hi, I am building my 1st tank that incorporates a sump/overflow/refugium and know basically nothing about plumbing. I got a good deal on a 75g all glass megaflow overflow aquarium and a custom refugium/sump. All brand new and never been used. Ill attatch a picture of the fuge/sump so that you...
  14. jsteph24

    Help! Open brain problem

    Ok sounds good. I guess I will just keep a close eye on it to see if its getting better or worse. I was just worried that I should maybe take it out right away.
  15. jsteph24

    Help! Open brain problem

    I am not currently running carbon. I need to get to the LFS tomorrow.
  16. jsteph24

    Help! Open brain problem

    Ammonia now is barely showing anything. Less than .25ppm. But my 2nd question would be could the brain be causing my ammonia if he is decaying? Or is it more than likely just from the sand bed being disturbed and rocks being moved in and out of the tank?
  17. jsteph24

    Help! Open brain problem Ok I hope that works. The first pic is after the move and the 2nd is before when he was healthy I believe.
  18. jsteph24

    Help! Open brain problem

    Yes I have. I did see a small ammonia spike. somewhere between 0.25ppm and 0.50ppm. Otherwise everything else was normal.
  19. jsteph24

    Help! Open brain problem

    We only moved about a mile so It wasnt a long move. I can't get my picture sized properly to attatch it. The tank does not have any fish In it as I sold them before we moved and this coral is about the only thing left in the tank other than the live rock and a few hitchhikers(snails, crabs)...