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  1. jmbr082885

    Heavy Metals Test

    hey all i just got some camel shrimp, and they died in three days. my parameters are temp=79 sg=1.023 amm=0 ph=8.3 trites=0 trates=0 copper=0 so far i have not had any luck in keeping and clean up crew except for some small hermit crabs. i have plenty of algea and stuff for them to eat. i am...
  2. jmbr082885

    diy mh lighting

    its an hqi double ended bulb. and a mh ballast w/ capacitor/ignitor
  3. jmbr082885

    diy mh lighting

    hey all, i just got a mh 150 w bulb from my lfs and a ballast from a local electric supplier. i wired them up last night with the help of my brother who is an electrician. we plugged the unti in and nothing happened.i never saw a filament in the bulb. i think that it is a bad bulb. my ? is do mh...
  4. jmbr082885

    ok i am confused

    see, i am trying to add this new single t5 bulb system to my existing system, and i need to know which bulb ballast combo to my 130 w coralife pc twin u-tube style lighing system
  5. jmbr082885

    ok i am confused

    alright, i have been reading on all of the lighting sections for a little while and it is all a little confusing. basically i have a 55 gal with the 130 w pc from coralife and i am wondering if i could add a 36'' t5 to my tank. i have room for it in my canopy and i am wondering if this wiil...
  6. jmbr082885

    bye bi color

    hey guys my bi color just died and he looked like he was pretty healthy, and he was swimming normal and feeding pretty good. he did have cloudy eye, but it looked like it had cleared up on its own. is this what killed it. i'm sad as now i only have 4 chromis in there now.
  7. jmbr082885

    can't seem to keep a snail

    would calcium and alkalinity also cause the softies not to fully open up?
  8. jmbr082885

    can't seem to keep a snail

    hey guys i have had my 55 set up for about 3 months now and things seem to be moving along pretty well. my corals that werent opening up are starting to split but the zoos are still closed. anyways every time i try to put snails in there they die in about six to ten hours. i have tested for...
  9. jmbr082885

    softie questions

    so no one has any information for me?
  10. jmbr082885

    softie questions

    Is There Anything Else I Should Try?
  11. jmbr082885

    softie questions

    hey guys i posted a similar thread about a month ago. basically i set up a new 55 about 3 and a half months ago, and just put my softies in about a month ago. i have a pink and green mushroom rock, a purpleish polyp rock, a brownish mushroom rock and a brown zoo rock. none of the corals have...
  12. jmbr082885

    new tank coral HELP

    Yes With Prime
  13. jmbr082885

    new tank coral HELP

    Well I Removed The Rock, And Did A 10% Water Change Last Night. Now, This Morning One Of My Chromis Died. This Is So Frustrating, I Don't Know What I Should Do
  14. jmbr082885

    new tank coral HELP

    So What Youre Saying Is That The Dead Rock Might Not Have Had Anthing To Do With It, And That It Was All Sg. The Sg In The Tank That The Carals Are In Now Was At 1.018, But I Am Bringing It Up Slowly. When I Went To Put The Corals Into The New Thank The Sg Was 1.021-22
  15. jmbr082885

    new tank coral HELP

    i didn't use any copper. i just tested it to see if the dead rock i used was leaching out copper, or if the tap water i used had copper in it.
  16. jmbr082885

    new tank coral HELP

    hey guys i have a 2 month old 55 gal tank that i want to make a reef out of. all my parameter are at 0 ph at 8.3 and sg is at 1.023, and occording to my lfs last night o copper. when i went to move my corals over about a week ago, they all shrunk really bad, and my snails got like paralised...
  17. jmbr082885

    What is the best fish for my money??

    the foxface i had wasz my favorite fish, and it lasted forever until i got ich which wiped out everything, but he fought till the very end, miss the little guy
  18. jmbr082885

    Getting rid of copper?

    ooooohhhh i get it
  19. jmbr082885

    Getting rid of copper?

    according to the ***** alkalinity and ph test kit, the alk is at th enormal to high range. so from what i have been reading, the calcium should be ok
  20. jmbr082885

    Getting rid of copper?

    Hey guys, the other night i moved everything over to the new tank. two snails, mushrrom and polyp rock, and a couple of fragged corals. this was about two days ago. now the corals aren't looking too good, and the snails aren't moving as good as they were. i am either thinking that i have copper...