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  1. blood shrimp

    Powder Blue Tang won't eat

    Yea I've kept the lights on the past few days in an effort to keep him alive. Today I saw him eating some nori. So I guess all is well now :)
  2. blood shrimp

    Powder Blue Tang won't eat

    I've had it for about two weeks now. Got it from live aquaria, couldn't say no for $34.99. Yea, he doesn't seem unhealthy, just really picky. What can I give em?
  3. blood shrimp

    My favorite little reef thief.......

    I am sick of my longspine and pencil urchins, I want one of those.
  4. blood shrimp

    Blue hippo or powder blue?

    Both are beautiful fish, both have cons. Hippos get ich more than like any other fish Powder blues are very picky eaters (as I'm experiencing :(), which causes stress then ich
  5. blood shrimp

    My clown wont eat...

    I use hikari freeze dried brine shrimp and daphnia. I swear by these things. My clowns and other meat eaters devour these foods and they are enriched with vitamins.
  6. blood shrimp

    Powder Blue Tang won't eat

    So I bought one, was hoping there was a slim chance it would like my chaeto or sea lettuce. Didn't eat either, no biggie. I purchased some ocean nutrition nori, doesn't like that neither. Kinda panicking now. He is only picking microalgaes off the rocks and there's no enough. Any suggestions?
  7. blood shrimp

    HOB Refugium What size

    The bigger the better. Although bigger than these is probably better, I decided to get one of these too. I'm not a fan of DIY. I bought the largest AquaFuge 2 for my 55 gallon and I wish it was bigger, but it DEFINITELY serves its purpose and I'm very glad I didn't get the smaller one.
  8. blood shrimp

    Looking at an Aqua C Remora

    I have one with the maxijet and it works great. I also just purchased the skimmer box which adds to the performance even more but this thing is ungodly huge.
  9. blood shrimp


    In my opinion, always try to go with biological over mechanical/chemical if you can.
  10. blood shrimp

    protein skimmer Brand??

    Neither, get the remora. Get the pre-skimmer as well and put carbon in it. Bam, clean water.
  11. blood shrimp

    Moving long distance: what to do?

    I dread the day I have to move my tank. It's only a 55, but still that's gonna suck.
  12. blood shrimp

    Bang Guy's Lagoon?

    Dumb question, but what makes it a "lagoon" over a reef?
  13. blood shrimp

    Substituting LS for playground sand

    I would never think twice about using playground sand over live aragonite sand. Playground is too ugly and not as beneficial.
  14. blood shrimp

    Tang Police!!!!

    And I felt bad for keeping my little powder blue in a 55....
  15. blood shrimp

    Spotted Mandarin Dragonette and Copepods

    I want a mandarin but they are hard to keep unless you can get it to start eating prepared foods. Not only is it hard to get enough pods for your Mandarin to eat, but your other tankmaters will want some too. Not to mention you want pods to help with cleanup.
  16. blood shrimp

    Blue Hippo Tang

    They are beautiful fish, but I would never get one. The get ich so easily it's not even funny. I love my powder blue tang :)