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  1. boostin240

    HELP!! Too many particles in my tank

    I have the same thing and mine are def not bubbles, its just junk floating in the tank. I cant get rid of mine either
  2. boostin240

    Cleaner shrimp wont come out

    Ok, ya i know im being impatient. Its just always exciting when you get a new buddy for your tank and you want them to act right, ha.
  3. boostin240

    Cleaner shrimp wont come out

    I bought a cleaner shrimp a few days ago. And ever since i put him in the tank he just hides behind the rock in the same place. None of my fish attack him, they do slowly move up to him probably trying to get cleaned. I know shrimp will hide during and after molting but he is not doing so...
  4. boostin240

    OK Sump is done!!!!

    The two fuge baffles should be the same height i think, thats why your tank has so many different levels of water going on.
  5. boostin240

    Swithing from wet/dry to refugium

    My Nitrates have been on a constant rise since my tank ws establish, about a year ago. They are now way too high and cant get them to go down. Water changes, cleanings, everything. I want to switch to a refugium so i can get rid of these bio balls and get some macro algae to help with the...
  6. boostin240

    WTB: 36in light fixture

    Just got one thanks
  7. boostin240

    WTB: 36in light fixture

    Originally Posted by eliteaqua you have email sorry, had a typo in my email address above all fixed now, email away
  8. boostin240

    WTB: 36in light fixture

    I need a light fixture for my 24in wide tank. needs to be in perfect condition. I am going to be getting an anenome and maybe some soft corals, so i need a light that will sufice. Let me knwo what you have email me at thanks
  9. boostin240

    live rock from dominican republic

    Especialy when you get to customs in the US. didnt happen
  10. boostin240

    live rock from dominican republic

    I have been to the Dominican Republic, and i thought about doing the same thing after i went scooba diving. Got to the airport and they open 100% of everyones bag and dig through them, they do that twice by separate people. I dont know how you would be bale to get rock out.
  11. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    Originally Posted by salt_water 450-500 isn't anything to worry about. If I were you Id try the Oceanic Salt Mix. Also, You said you syphon off the top of the kalk water. I mix 2 teaspoons to 3 gallons of water, and mix it throughly. Let it sit over night and add it slowly to the tank as top...
  12. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    Originally Posted by Pallan no experience with IO but with the ocienic you will get a higher calcium reading. almost to high mine ranges in the 475 to 500 level using ocienic salt. i drip kalk through a stirrer which is fed thru my Auto top off pump. If you get really high calcium levels, why...
  13. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    I think it might be the salt I just came from ym LFS and they had only three kinds Kent salt (which i have now and is not working) Oceanic salt in the blue tub Instant Ocean salt Bewteent he Oceanic and the Instant Ocean which one is better?
  14. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    Originally Posted by saltfreak4 Actually they are all closely related. alk is carbonate and that's not in kalk. kalk will increase your ca level and up you pH as well. The alk will swing to compensate, because they are closely related. So, tell me the regiment you are doing? How big is your...
  15. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    Tested it yesterdy and it was an 8.0
  16. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    Just to add, i also only use RO/DI water i dont understand how i can have such a differnce in results, when i use ro/di water, i do regular water changes, and i use the same products as others.
  17. boostin240

    Kalkwasser not working

    So i have been having low DKH and calcium, i have used Kent pro buffer dkh to raise my levels to 8-9 or so. I have tried Kent liquid calcium and that didnt raise my calcium one bit, always at a 300. I do a water change once every two weeks. So i was told that kalkwasswer is garunteed to raise...
  18. boostin240

    Anemone and clear shrimp?

    I may go get another to try, hope this one is a little smarter. So they should know better to stay away then?
  19. boostin240

    Anemone and clear shrimp?

    i figured the shrimp would stay away, does that mean that i cant have any shrimp in there then?
  20. boostin240

    Anemone and clear shrimp?

    I just recieved my order from two things included in my order were a cleaner shrimp and a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone. Today i turn the lights on and i see the antenas of my cleander shrimp hanging out the mouth of the Anemone. I thought they are suppose to be safe together? Can i not put...