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  1. babyfish

    Copper for a month and now Ick is back!

    Refractometer came in today so I will start hyposalinity on the other 7 fish as soon as I figure out where to put them. We completly broke down the 55 after we got all the fish out of it about a week ago. There is no substrate now. Do yellow headed sleeper gobys need sand to sift? We have a...
  2. babyfish

    Copper for a month and now Ick is back!

    One more ? Should we do a freshwater dip on the fish before transfering them to ht? What about the yellow tang? Should we do a freshwater dip on him even though he is practically listless?
  3. babyfish

    Copper for a month and now Ick is back!

    Spudaddy's wife here. I just wanted to update you guys on the ick situation. As you know our yellow tang is not doing well. We have him in ht and have been treating him with maracyn 2 for 3 days now for red streaks on his fin. Before this he had black ick which we treated with a freshwater dip...
  4. babyfish

    Shark please

    Yes I did try that and it still didn't work. It is saying connection timmed out. Is this a problem with my comp.?
  5. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    [ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: BabyFish ]
  6. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    Babyface's husband here. This Sailfin tang has been with us for about 3 months now. My wife is very upset that he is dead. So am I - I wish we could have saved him! He was originally in my 55 gal aggressive setup - 1 st fish too - no other fish yet! We moved him to a 29 gal. quarantine so we...
  7. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    Ok. I've calmed down some now so I can give more details to the people who are intrested and maybe it will help save someone elses fish. The very first sign that I knew something was wrong was when I saw how rapidly he was breathing. It was quicker than I have ever seen in a sick fish. When I...
  8. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    He's dead and I'm crying. I guess it was all to much for him. :(
  9. babyfish

    urgent question about my clowns with ich

    Are the white spots on your tank or on your fish? If they are on your tank you are ok. Thats just copepods (I think that's what you call them)they're just little white bugs that live in your water. Are you quarentening all your fish for 3 weeks before putting them into your show tank? I hope so...
  10. babyfish

    papalyzed fish???

    You have not given us enough info. Has your tank cycled? What are your water paremeters (ammonia,nitrite,nitrate)? Have you noticed any other unusual behavior such as not eating or swimming into the current? Can you see any spots, scratches, fin damage,or discoloration? Do you have lr,ls,corals...
  11. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    Ihave another ?. After I do the formalite dip do I need to put him in a seperate ht. I have read that your tank needs to go fish less for 2 months to get rid of amyloodinium.
  12. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    The fish refuses to eat on it's own. Before I jumped into treatment for ick I wanted to research it a little more just to make sure I was doing the right thing. I am glad I did that too because I don't think it's ick now. I beleive it is amyloodinium unfortunatly. The spots are more like a fine...
  13. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    The scratch marks are looking a bit red. I also think he has ick. This morning I did notice salt like spots all over him. I plan on putting him in a hospital tank, treating with maracyn 2, and performing hyposalinity on the tank. I've also noticed him hanging out in the current. It sounds to me...
  14. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    Hi Beth! Thanks for responding. This fish has at no time had any contact with any other fish or the tanks they are in. In fact this is the first fish to be in this perticular tank. I have also noticed his snout has turned pink. He almost looks like he is running a fever. This fish is like my...
  15. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    Hi Beth! Thanks for responding. This fish has at no time had any contact with any other fish or the tanks they are in. In fact this is the first fish to be in this perticular tank. I have also noticed his snout has turned pink. He almost looks like he is running a fever. This fish is like my...
  16. babyfish

    Shark please

    I am unable to perform a search for some reason. There is a message that comes up after about a min saying time has run out. Am I doing something wrong or is something fishy going on.
  17. babyfish

    Third (and final) post on sailfin tang...DEAD

    Ok garlic soaked food. But what do you do if the fish isn't eating?
  18. babyfish

    Early signs of illness?

    My Sailfin is acting very strange. I noticed scratch marks on him 2 days ago where he had been scraping himself against the rocks. Today he refused to eat which is very unusual. He is breathing very rapidly and laying on his side too. There are no spots on him and no fin damage but again this is...
  19. babyfish

    Can this be ick?

    You still haven't told me if your tank has been cycled yet. Ick looks like someone sprinkled salt on your fish. Tiny white dots that can cover the whole body. Sometimes the fish can act crazy like swimming back and forth really fast. Rapid breathing too. As for treating it in your tank,you can...
  20. babyfish

    white patches and white eyes?

    If your fish had ick then the best treatment for them is to do a freshwater dip for 3 min. and then transfer them to a hospital tank where you can begin treatment with hyposalinity. This is a much better way to go rather than using harsh chemicals like copper which is another option. Alot of...