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  1. jz-hare

    Tap Water?

    Originally Posted by WEBER518 My LFS stated to me that if you put your tap water into a container and let it sit for a few days the contaminants evaporate, clear, leave (whatever). It sounded good and there statement was if u do not see extra algae growth and your water tests are good, than u r...
  2. jz-hare

    Tap Water?

    Originally Posted by GeriDoc That is likely true, but not the whole story. I have been in marine fishkeeping for more than 30 years, and the use of RODI is fairly new to me, too. However, I have noticed that since better water has become common, fish live longer - lots longer (when I began, a...
  3. jz-hare

    Tap Water?

    I have using TAP-Water for almost two years have no problem. I have 75 FOWLR with 2 seaclone 150 skimmer(works great) wet/dry filter and a home-made canister filter ,mag 9.5 pump and 2 powerheads. Here is what I do: 1. Run tap water slow through a home-made pvc filter with carbon, pho and floss...
  4. jz-hare

    Good crab or bad crab?

    How is this little guy got in your tank?
  5. jz-hare

    Real Ocean Pure Natural Seawater

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains yeah then for you rpersonal situation, it will be a perfect fit with such busy scheduale and suck. But might look around the board for someone local to you that can come and do maintanance for you. I am sure there is some kid in the 15-20 year range that would...
  6. jz-hare

    Real Ocean Pure Natural Seawater

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains Boxed water I think does have a 1.025 but even at 1.024 its an easy fix with daily evap. Daily top off should be fresh clean water, the salt stays only the water evaps, when topping off if you use sea water your salinity will skyrocket Boxed water is usually...
  7. jz-hare

    Real Ocean Pure Natural Seawater

    I'm thinking about using Catalina SeaWater for my future top-off and water change. My question is I have 75 gal, 20 gal water change monthly will it be enough to keep livestocks happy?
  8. jz-hare

    Real Ocean Pure Natural Seawater

    I'm thinking about buying Catalina Water Company Real Ocean Pure Natural Seawater from a LFS. Anyone have any opinion?
  9. jz-hare

    Tap Water???

    I have 75g tank running for 1 1/2 yrs now. One damsel died during new tank cycle. 6 damsels(3kinds/2 a pair) :joy: 10 nas snails(5pairs) :joy: 8 hermit crabs(4pairs) :joy: PH 8.2 rate=0 rite=0 temp=80-82 sal=1.026 100 lb LS, wet/dry filter, 50gal bio/media filter,mag 7 pump, seaclone150...
  10. jz-hare

    In Tank GPH for a 55 gal?

    I havd mag drive MD36 on my 75Gal it works great. I have to hook 3- 1 inch U-Tube to feed this monster pump.
  11. jz-hare

    Seaclone protein skimmer-HELP

    Can you please describe little more in detail please, THX! Do you replace factory air valve?
  12. jz-hare

    Seaclone protein skimmer-HELP

    I'm think about getting a new air valve. Factory air valve is hard to tune. I'll try filter bag see if it help. :notsure:
  13. jz-hare

    Seaclone protein skimmer-HELP

    It works great but it letting alot of tiny bubbles back into tank. Anyone know a solution to reduce bubbles getting into tank?
  14. jz-hare

    Seaclone protein skimmer-HELP

    I have Seaclone protein skimmer 150 Hang-on(don't have space in sump) on my 75 gal tank. It works great but it spills alot of tiny bubble into my tank. I spoke to Marine Lab Rep, she claimed it's normal for most Hang-On skimmer. Anyone know how to get rid it or reduce it?
  15. jz-hare

    My sally lightfoot crab needs help

    He's maybe 3 1/2 inches across. I fed him shrimps, seaweed and clams. I was told by LFS to keep SG at 1.028 to 1.030 to prevent fishs from getting stress and disease.
  16. jz-hare

    My sally lightfoot crab needs help

    GUYS AND GALS THANK YOU FOR REPLIED...Unfortunely he had rested tonight. I talked to LFS owner today. He said sally lightfoot only have 5-10 years lifespan. sg: 1.030 alkalinity: 400ppm calcium-I don't have test kit for it. never test for it.
  17. jz-hare

    My sally lightfoot crab needs help

    Tested at 8am today: SG-1.0030 temp 78-80 degrees pH Test - 8.0 Ammonia Test - 0 milligrams/liter Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N) Nitrite Test -:0 milligrams/liter Nitrite-Nitrogen (NO-2-N) Nitrate Test - : 0 milligrams/liter Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO-3-N) Tank is fish-only 75 gals 2 yrs old. No live...
  18. jz-hare

    My sally lightfoot crab needs help

    :help: :help: I found around 9am My sally lightfoot crab's body and legs are stiffen(like cooked crab) but his mouth still moving once or twice in 10 sec he going to die? he molted twice last month. all testings are in range. what is going on?