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  1. corbeaner


    i can get some maybe tomorrow
  2. corbeaner


    sweet, I got him last night and he's fine i mean he was swimming all around. He seems happy
  3. corbeaner


    So, is it risky to have one in this tank or should it be fine?
  4. corbeaner


    I was wondering if maybe i could get a picasso trigger in my tank. right now i have a snowflake eel and a scopas tang, my tank is a 110g.
  5. corbeaner

    Newbie's 20G

    good advice ci
  6. corbeaner

    Newbie's 20G

    well sometimes you can but most of them seem to be unreliable.
  7. corbeaner

    Newbie's 20G

    also, you shouldn't believe everything you see or hear at a fish store.
  8. corbeaner

    Newbie's 20G

    damsels are very agressive fish. trust me you dont cycle a tank with fish.
  9. corbeaner

    My Ricordea Tank....

    that tank is so colorful it is gonna be so awesome when the rics grow out
  10. corbeaner

    Almost 2 mos. old, suggestions welcome

    the tank looks like its going well
  11. corbeaner

    My125 REEF

    that star fish and trigger are so sweet
  12. corbeaner

    54 Corner bow Diary

    the tank looks great
  13. corbeaner

    Newbie's 20G

    you're supposed to cycle the tank with the live rock until the all your water paremeters are ok then add a fish. The damsel is probably going to die if you add live rock while its in there, but either way the damsel will die. you need to do more research.
  14. corbeaner

    ready for battle

    blennies have such great personality.
  15. corbeaner

    16g bowfront mixed reef!

    you've got a great tank i love sexy shrimp.
  16. corbeaner

    An eel

    the goby is 2.5 inches and the eels mouth is about 3/4 of a dime. I also heard that if you keep an eel well fed they usually dont bother your other fish.
  17. corbeaner

    An eel

    the tank also has lots of rockwork and hiding places
  18. corbeaner

    An eel

    Yesterday i saw a snowflake eel that was about 4 inches long and I was wondering if I could have it in my tank. Its a 110g it has: a purple firefish scopas tang sixline wrasse sleeper bullet goby bluehead fairy wrasse all the paremeters are fine.
  19. corbeaner


    any kind of trigger?
  20. corbeaner


    I was wondering, could I have a picasso triggerfish with a scopas tang, purple firefish, sixline wrasse, and green chromis?