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  1. peglet


    I was reading a post by Stanlalee about vodka/vinegar dosing and was wondering if anyone could tell me how this is done. How much do you use and how often and how is it administered. I have a 210 gallon tank and am always interested in finding new techniques that could help my maintenance. Such...
  2. peglet

    Pagoda rock placement Question

    I have a pagoda and it is under 400watt mh and does real well. I also have a power sweep and two koralia 3 beside and above it. I also have a table acropora that kinda shades it a bit. Don't know if this is right, but it works for me. Have had it well over a year. I think they are pretty tough...
  3. peglet

    Green Slime algae

    I would like to thank the two people who have at least tried to help with the problem I presented. It was most helpful. A great big thanks to both of you. I will pass this information along to my sister-in-law. I must say I am surprised that more people did not try to give some kind of insight...
  4. peglet

    Green Slime algae

    My sister-in-law says she does them every week. I don't live near her so I don't know for sure. According to her the nitrites, nitrates, amonia and phosphates are all at zero. She is coming over this Saturday and I have asked her to bring me a big jar of her water. I too am frustrated, as I...
  5. peglet

    The Water Change Club

    I did a 45g water change on my 210 and a 50g on my 100 freshwater on Monday. I have been lax due to extensive knee surgery, but could not take looking at the water. I usually do a 25 to 30g water change every two weeks, especially on my saltwater.
  6. peglet

    Green Slime algae

    I would like to ask advice for my sister-in-law. She has a 55g tank. Her filter system is all built in with drip plates in the back, etc. She has metal halide and is currently running 2 blue actinics and one 14,000K halide. I have had her check her water values and she says they all check out...
  7. peglet

    purple carpet anemone... what the f???????

    Did you buy your anemone from SWF? It sure is beautiful and looks real healthy. I have been trying to get a carpet with not much luck. They arrived poorly with chunks coming out of mouth and the mouth hanging open and were pretty smelly. Didn't make it. I will try again and hopefully with luck...
  8. peglet

    MIA again

    Is your tank covered? I know I have had them jump out only to find them all dried up. I have also had them disappear and find them under my rock....dead and the crabs or shrimp eating them. I had a radiant wrasse and had him for six months or so and he was swimming the day before and the next...
  9. peglet

    My Reef.. Enjoy

    WOW that is one amazing tank. I can't believe you have all that in a 90g. You sir have not only tremendous talent in coral and fish husbandry, but you are great at aquascaping. Way to cool
  10. peglet

    75 gal to 180 gal transition

    Wow beautiful angel. I would love to have one in my reef tank. I'm not so sure he would not eat my corals though. I have been told they are not reef safe. Do you have any problems with it picking on polyps or stony corals? Hey I noticed you had quite a bit of red stuff on the bottom of your...
  11. peglet

    Loose Xenia ???

    I can't get rid of the stuff. I have pulled it out and even took a wire brush to it and it still comes back. I was pulling a wad out not too long ago and the tops would kinda tear off and they would float off, I though no big deal they're dead....what a joke on me. They not only lived they...
  12. peglet

    Something Eating Frogspawn

    Yes it is on a rock. I looked it over before I put it in, but I could have missed something. I hope its not my angels eating it. I love my angels and they would be really next to impossible to catch in my tank which is a 210g. I had to catch a lobster last week and it took me three days. Thought...
  13. peglet

    Something Eating Frogspawn

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my call for help. I have added a new plating montipora about two weeks ago and some snails, all from the same place. Perphaps I had something on the base of it that I did not see. I wonder how I can find out what the culpret is. Again thanks.... I was...
  14. peglet

    Something Eating Frogspawn

    I just got home from town and my lights had been off when I left so I did not notice anything wrong, but when I looked in my tank my heart stopped. My beautiful frogspawn has been eaten right down to the bone. Part of it is flapping around in the water, which I will glue back down. It was fine...
  15. peglet

    importance of light color temp. ?

    Lighting is very important to the health of your corals. The spectrum and intensity of your lights determines the health of your inhabitants. You need to try and get Spanko or one of the other more knowledgeable people to answer that question for you. Hope this helps a little.
  16. peglet

    NEWBIE 200 gal build diary

    I have a purple lobster and he seems to be okay so far. I do notice I seem to miss my snails along the way though. I have a 200g tank with lots of hard corals and a few soft corals and feather dusters, shrimp, snails, etc. Glad to see you on these boards. It's nice to have new people join SWF...
  17. peglet

    Pygmy Angels

    I have a coral beauty and a cherub angel and have had no problems. I started them out in a 100 gallon and now they are in a 210. Good Luck.
  18. peglet

    Really Would Appreciate Some Help

    I just want to say thanks for everyone's help. I have had saltwater once a long time ago. Still trying to get caught back up. When I think I have it down I seem to get thrown for a loop. I guess bigger is not always better. I did just fine with my 100g, but I just outgrew it. Once I get this...
  19. peglet

    calcium conversion: need help

    Thank you for answering me. It looks like I need to add some buffer to bring up my levels. I believe they are quite low. Again thanks for helping me.
  20. peglet

    calcium conversion: need help

    I always have a hard time with my calcium tests, so I bought a pinpoint II calcium monitor pen. I can't get it to calibrate. Long story short, I took it the hard way, with an instant ocean test. My water turned blue in the tube after 17 drops. It says to multiply that by 15 and it gives you the...