NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


That's one heck of a stock list....seems like a lot too...have you checked all their compatibility issues?


Active Member
so IYO no triggers? I really wanted a niger... but I hear they either are coral safe.... or are not. depends on which one you get. The tank builder told me to try a blue throat. What about that with the stock list? And you really think I can keep my lobster? I am super stoked about that!!! I really want one!!! yay!!!


Originally Posted by rlablan
so IYO no triggers? I really wanted a niger... but I hear they either are coral safe.... or are not. depends on which one you get. The tank builder told me to try a blue throat. What about that with the stock list? And you really think I can keep my lobster? I am super stoked about that!!! I really want one!!! yay!!!
I do not have triggers, nor do I have a lobster...I think if you want them, you have to do quite a lot more research on each.


I have a purple lobster and he seems to be okay so far. I do notice I seem to miss my snails along the way though.
I have a 200g tank with lots of hard corals and a few soft corals and feather dusters, shrimp, snails, etc. Glad to see you on these boards. It's nice to have new people join SWF. This is a great place to learn from some of the best. They have helped me tremendously. I too would like to keep a blue throat trigger, but I am not sure about the whole compatibility thing either. Hope someone with more exprience will answer your question. Lots of luck, you seem to be on the ball for someone who is a newbie.


Active Member
I am really excited about the lobster. I really wanted a trigger but I asked around and the reason I cant is not compatibility but he will eat corals??
How big is your lobster? how long have you had him, and does he stay in the sand bed or does he climb??
Thanks for the info and hopefully you guys will stick around for the build and give me inout along the way


Active Member
I am gonna check their compatability right now actually. LOL I found an online sight that I can't mention that has a chart for when you buy fish from this dude, and there is a wigget where you type in fish and see if they can be together.
lol I am gonna try it once I make some chocolate milk.


Active Member
my anemone died today. He was doing so well too. He got caught on my intake while I was out today and he was on there so long, he spilled his guts and they came detached... I am really sad... plus it was gross to come home to that...poor guy. And like 40 bucks down the drain.


sorry to hear that. I had $95 worth of fish get caught in my intake for my powerhead about a month or so ago, so I feel your pain. How's everything else going?


Active Member
i found one of my cleaner shrimp in my sump yesterday he got sucked into the durso.
myblue throat dont touch my corals (when i had them in there)dont bother the snails or crabs but makes short time of the shrimp.
he died a couple months ago in a nasty ich outbreak.
watch you fingers around him.nice fish once he gets used to the tank he isnt affraid of anything.he didntbother any other fish at all.


Active Member
Thanks UgotKTFO- I appreciate the sympathy. I guess what I will do is set up the new tank, let everybody settle for a bit, then try again with an anemone. I think I actually really want a carpet anemone. If I'm gonna have one, I might as well go all out. I will order one from SWF. Anyone have one? Like it??? Are they reasonably easy to keep?
DEEJEEF- Thanks for the heads up on the blue throat. I dunno If I am gonna do triggers. I really just love the look of the niger, but If I am going to get one, it'll be the blue throat. The info ins awesome, thanks for sharing! And I am sorry about your shrimp. A death in any case, whether a CUC member or a prized fish is tough, IMO.
I need more info on this thread people!!! I want to hear stories and experiences!!!
NOW- onward ho! Everything with the tank is splendid. I am ordering lights on Monday I believe, maybe more like Wednesday. The tank should be back here with a new intake and a custom 36'' sump!!! (with refugium combo)... All for a measly arm and a leg. That sump better have a gold plaque on it that says something complementary about my physique....

I don't know if I said this, but I am going with 10000k Hamilton fixtures. 2 of them at 250 watt a piece. They are great fixtures and should have some nice output. I am getting really excited, and I'll take some pictures for yous!!
How is everybody else doing out there?


Hey Have you ordered those bulbs yet? I have metal halides...250w....I order 10,000k Hamiltons....I HATE THEM.....BUTTTTT they cost sooo much for the 3 I have no choice but to....keep them...I will tell you this though....COME DECEMBER I will be buying another brand, and probably 14k
The Hamilton 10K....makes my tank look YELLOW


Active Member
watch out for those carpet anenomes they are known to eat some pretty big fish.
there was someone on here a while back that posted a pic of his that killed and was eating a 4 or 5 inch foxface and another time a pretty good size tang.


Active Member
Moewzer- Got the PM, thanks for the heads up. Do you hate the bulbs, or brand or what?? I haven't ordered them. They were recommended to me... Also, Can I get a FTS to see what you mean by "Yellow"?
What if I ordered them in a 14 k? I read online they described the 10k as "ice white" and the 14k as "ice blue." You don't agree? it's more like "Ice pee"?