NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Active Member
DeeJeef- good to know. I actually got a killer deal on an anemone today. So I bought him, I am in the process of doing a water change, even though the parama are fine. This is a malu anemone, so far as I can tell. He was very healthy looking at the LFS and they said they have had him about a week, and he has been healthy looking and very responsive when it is feeding time. I got him home, acclimated, and now he is in the tank. He looks fine, but he won't stick to anything... Is the normal? He just like chills and sits on stuff, but I left him for a hour or so and came back to find him on his face, so I uprighted him. His mouth is staying closed, but it does open when I touch him... When it's open, it means he's stressed right??? FYI-- I checked his foot at the LFS, and it is undamaged and looks great. His color seems vibrate enough (for being at a pet store) and his mouth was not open when at the LFS...
here is a pic of him in my tank...


Active Member
so I have fashioned a little trap for him... I had an old tupperware that didn't have a lid anymore. I put some marbles on it to weigh it down, and I drilled holes in it for flow. I put it in there so I don't have to worry about him getting stuck in an intake, like the other one.


Active Member
Alright guys- we have a serious problem. I am really concerned about this anemone. His foot is not stick!!! What can I do?!?!?! He seems fine last night and I come out today and his is inside the little trap, but he is on his face.... WTF?? Why won't he stick to anything?


OK...this is the 46G? How old is the tank again? What lighting? What are your water parameters?
Anemones will not stay still and stick to a spot if they are not happy....


Active Member
It is a 45 high tank, and I have HOt-5... it's around 5 watts per gallon... maybe a little less. params are normal. I have been fighting a little low PH that is about 8.0 instead of 8.4. But everything else is 0 across the board.
What should I do with him? He hasn't been sticky since I brought him home yesterday. He was sticky at the LFS.
Meowzr- Does this look like a sebae or a malu to you? or something else??


I have no clue what kind of anemone that is. How deep is the tank? It may be too deep for the lights to be sufficient for it...
watts per gallon really is not a good way to judge....Light intensity is what you need to go by....


I just did some reading...It looks like a Malu, which according to what I read is often confused with Sebaes....Read what I copied from a site:
It can be difficult to acclimate, so its care should only be attempted by the most experienced aquarists. It prefers to have a sandy substrate allowing its base to be hidden from sight. It should not be placed on a rock. It requires strong lighting, moderate water flow, porous live rock, and a variety of sandy and rocky locations from which it can choose to live. The addition of a Clownfish such as the Clarki Clown, Amphiprion clarki, can help it acclimate to the tank and ensure its general well being. It is a moderately difficult anemone to care for, but once acclimated, it can be very hardy.
It requires a diet of fish, worms, clams, shrimp, and other meaty foods once a week.


Active Member
HAHAHa well that would explain why it keeps going on the sand. well I'll just leave it alone and let it sit in the trap on the sand and get settled. haha I don't have a clarki, but I can get some when the 200 is finished. I do have a maroon who is currently hosting my hammer coal (just started yesterday) so we will see if he'll switch. At the LFS he was hosting the LTA that was the size of his whole tank.
Thanks for the ID and info Meowzer. I was sold to me as a sebae but I knew it was a malu.
Thats why I bought him. I have a book that has that same info, but I wasn't 100% about the ID of him yet. Thanks very very much!


No problem...When I saw the pic, I was kind of curious myself.
ANd now I know what A malu anemone is...LOL


Active Member
Yeah they sell the on that's where I learned about them. That was the anemone I wanted and picked out when I first got into the hobby.


Originally Posted by nissan577
change them. get phoenix 14k they are hot! you saw my tank colors!
LOL...SON SON SON.....After spending almost $300 on bulbs, I will change them in December or January
If I could afford to, i would now......