Search results

  1. brodweiser13

    which wet dry filter do i get

    Not sure if this is helpful anymore as you posted in Feb., but I've had that set-up running for 16 months now. From a water chemistry standpoint, I've yet to have any problems. pH holds at 8, amm at zero, nitrates at 0, and nitrites around 10. Also, the auto refill is great. However, it does...
  2. brodweiser13

    Anybody use a TOM PS3

    I've got his set-up on my 55gl. which has been running since January. It's got some pro's and some con's: Pros - Easy to set-up and maintain, water quality has always been excellent, overflow protection has saved my floor a few times, automatic top-off has been great. Cons - Skimmer sucks - I...
  3. brodweiser13

    Koralia Troubleshooting... help

    If I remember right, there was a recall on some of the models. It's possible you have a bad one. I thought I read about it here, but can't find it. I think if you contact Hydor through their site they can tell you the specifics.
  4. brodweiser13

    is it ok to....?

    I don't think that would be a problem, but don't know for sure. I would assume if you're using RO/DI water it would be a problem. I wouldn't use just regular tap water - that'll spend a bit of the media. I doesn't take much water. Each time I've done it, it's only filled up a pitcher.
  5. brodweiser13

    is it ok to....?

    That's how mine is set up. Works great. Just be careful when staring uo with new media to let it flush into a bucket and not into the tank.
  6. brodweiser13

    Coral Beauty Ick - Help!!!

    LR = 75lbs LS = 30lbs Inverts = 20 or so snails, 30 or so various hermits, 1 emerald crab, 5 peppermit shrimp, 2 brittle stars, and a BTA. Coral = just two small frags - green star polyps and some zoos. I've got an old 20gl tank at home I can buy a small filter, PH, and thermometer to set up...
  7. brodweiser13

    Coral Beauty Ick - Help!!!

    Yesterday I came home and thought I saw a spot on my coral beauty. No big deal I thought. Today I came home and it's covered. The coral beauty was the first fish I put in my tank after it cycled in February, which I bought from my LFS. In April I put in two perculas and a citron goby. Last...
  8. brodweiser13

    Critters in Phosban Reactor

    Ok, so pictures didn't turn out at all, but the qtip sponge pictures were a dead on match. From checking out the hitchhiker thread, it looked like the other critter was the Serpulid polychaete, so some type of feather duster. So both good things to put in the tank. I guess my next question...
  9. brodweiser13

    Critters in Phosban Reactor

    I'm pretty sure it's a feather duster, but it's sooooo tiny it's hard to tell. I'll work on trying to get some pix posted tonight or in the morning.
  10. brodweiser13

    Critters in Phosban Reactor

    I'll try and get some pictures posted later, but has anyone else had things start growing on their phosban reactor? I have what looks to be a 1" feather duster toward the top of the reactor, some other things that look like spider webs above the top sponge, as well as some small white fuzz...
  11. brodweiser13

    Final Fish Suggestions???

    I'd love to put in a tang, but that will have to wait for a bigger tank. I really like the looks of the toby puffer, I may have to check out the LFS to see which ones have them.
  12. brodweiser13

    Final Fish Suggestions???

    I do have inverts - BTA, two brittle stars, and lots of crabs and snails. Are there certain inverts to be of concern with? Also a couple of very small frags - zoos and green star polyps.
  13. brodweiser13

    Final Fish Suggestions???

    Currently in the 55 I have: 1 Coral Beauty 1 Citron Clown Goby 1 Royal Gramma 2 Percula Clows I'd like to add one more fish that's active and swims around alot. Other than the Coral Beauty, the others either stay somewhat hidden or stay in one general area. Any suggestions? Or have I maxed...
  14. brodweiser13

    Algae Contol

    Cool, thanks. I'll have to change the timer tonight after work - after I clean the glass!!
  15. brodweiser13

    Algae Contol

    Ok. Thanks. That's what I've been using to clean it with - works great, just doing it each day is getting old. For the lighting, I already adjusted the full spectrum light to 6 hours a day. Should that be less? Should the actinic's be adjusted also??
  16. brodweiser13

    Algae Contol

    I've been veiwing this board for months, and have found excellent advice from everyone that posts - THANKS! Looking for help with algae control. 55gl tank has been up for 3 months. Water parameters are good: pH - 8.0 (a little low, but I'm working on that) AMM - 0.0 Trite - 0.0 Trates - 0.0...