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  1. crosby87

    Fish not looking good after just adding it

    Sorry about taking awhile to post back. I checked on the Trigger ealier this afternoon when my lights where on, and he was swimming though out the tank just fine. I through in some flake food and he even ate. I don't have a QT tank set up even though I probably should. I acclimated him by...
  2. crosby87

    Fish not looking good after just adding it

    I added a picasso trigger to my 90 gallon set up a few hours ago, after letting him warm up to the temp and dumping in tank water to his bag every 10 - 20 minutes over an hour. After I released him in the tank, he swam for a few seconds then floated to the top of the water and has been pretty...
  3. crosby87

    Sump question

    I couldn't find that part anywhere locally. I switched the Quiet one pump with a power head and it stilled emptied the sump within a few minutes. I can't figure it out. Is there a certain water level your sump should be at when you first turn the pump on? Any advice will help, thanks.
  4. crosby87

    Sump question

    I have a QuietOne 2200 return pump for my sump. My return pump seems to be faster than the water coming into my sump, because after a few minutes of running the return pump, all of the water in the sump is near empty, and the return pump starts running dry. My LFS, who drilled the tank so the...
  5. crosby87

    Can't use an RO Unit, How about this alternative?

    Originally Posted by scotty37 This is interesting. Does the water only need to pass through them once? My entire basement has no drains and very limited water flow, but this could potentially be a great solutin for me as well. I have an RO unit that I have figured out no solution for using, so I...
  6. crosby87

    Can't use an RO Unit, How about this alternative?

    Originally Posted by fish4ever where can you buy these pads? Pretty much anywhere, do a google search for Poly filter pad.
  7. crosby87

    Can't use an RO Unit, How about this alternative?

    I have a basic RO unit I have been using for my FOWLR 55 gallon. I moved to an apartment and want to set up my 90 gallon. The downside to the apartment is there are only 2 faucets, bathroom, kitchen, and the water pressure is extremely low. I don't think I will be able to use my RO unit there...
  8. crosby87

    What flow rate for skimmer?

    I'll go with the 160 then. Since I'm on a budget, I'm going to try to get away with the Odyssea 160, I look at some reviews from some other posts and they say the skimmer works great for the price. On top of that I'm going to add my Aqua C Remora hang on back skimmer just as an additional...
  9. crosby87

    What flow rate for skimmer?

    I'm setting up a sump/fuge for my 90 gallon tank in a 20 gallon aquarium. My LFS said I would be getting 400-500 gph to my sump. I want to put a protein skimmer in my sump, but don't know what size to get. There is one skimmer rated for up to a 160 gallon tank, and another skimmer for a 75...
  10. crosby87

    What skimmer to get?

    Hello everyone, I'm setting up an 90 gallon FOWLR and I'm on some what of a budget. I'm setting up a sump/fuge, and don't know what skimmer to get. I'm using 20 gallon tank for this fuge Since I'm on somwhat of a budget, and I heard good things about them, I going to try to get away with one...
  11. crosby87

    Change color of tank?

    I bought a used 90 gallon tank with oak trim and stand. I really would like to stay with the black trim and black stand like my 55. I can paint the oak stand black, but is there any product or paint I can use to change the trim from oak to black. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, thanks.
  12. crosby87

    Why is my Trigger digging in the sand?

    My whole tank is cloudy because my Queen Trigger keeps dipping down to the substrate and kicking up all kinds of sand. He just started doing this today. It's a Queen Trigger that's been in the tank for about 3-4 weeks and he is about 3 inches. Any reason why he is doing that, or just natural...
  13. crosby87

    Does my fish have ich?

    OK, so move all of the hermits, snails, and LR into the tub. I have a powerhead, but dont have a refractometer, and really dont know what they are used for. Can you also tell me what you mean by "hypo the display"? Thanks.
  14. crosby87

    Does my fish have ich?

    Sepulatian, thanks for your insight. Won't it be easier to treat the Trigger in a seperate tank, I have read the parasites detach from the fish around 72 hours, it has been in the tank for about 2 days, and none of the other fish have been infected. What would it take to set up a 10 gal QT...
  15. crosby87

    Does my fish have ich?

    I have aragonite sand, my tank has been up and running for about 2 years. The only critters I have in the tank are some hermit crabs, and a couple of snails. Also, I didn't purchase any live sand when I started the tank.
  16. crosby87

    Does my fish have ich?

    That sux, I dont have a qt tank. The other fish I have in the tank are 2 Clowns, and a Yellow tail damsel. There arent any ich on the other fish, the Trigger has been in the tank for 2 days. My tank is a FOWLR 55, I got 50 lbs of LR, and about a 2"-3" sand bed. What should i do?
  17. crosby87

    Does my fish have ich?

    I received a Queen Trigger from an online store on Tuesday. After acclimating him for 2 hours, I added him to the tank. Once the fish was used to the tank, and came out from the LR, I noticed he was pretty dark and had some white spots on him. They have yet to still go away, so today I gave...
  18. crosby87

    Anything wrong with my queen trigger?

    I just got a 2" Queen trigger today from an online store. It took awhile today for it to get acclimated but is now swimming around. The only thing I noticed about it, is its body is somewhat faded. I seen pictures of queen triggers and they are bright yellow. I through some flake food in there...
  19. crosby87

    Just added Queen Trigger to tank

    I acutally left them for about 15-20 mins, and now he is out of the live rock and swimming around. He looks kind of dark, is that normal when you move them in a new tank? I also have a couple of clown fish, and a yellow tail damsel in there with him. I'm hoping to keep those fish in there...
  20. crosby87

    Just added Queen Trigger to tank

    I just added my new 2" queen trigger to my tank, and it is swimming around fine when the tank lights are off, but when I turn the tank lights on, he hides in the live rock. Would it be best to leave the tank lights off for the day until he gets used to the tank, or leave them on and let him...