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  1. drake94

    Will this work???? :)

    uh I would go with the valentini
  2. drake94

    Domino Damsels

    I have personally had some. Even though the last through the roughest of rough they are mean little buggers. If you get more than one the bigger one will usually nip and harass the other. I only had two of them in one tank. I cant imagine what they would be like with other species. If I were you...
  3. drake94

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    Yes. I wouldn't add the puffer. A Valentini would work though
  4. drake94

    Just added Niger Trigger! :)

    Ok so after a devastating fall with a sick puffer I finally regained couraged and added another fish. I decided on the Niger trigger. He's juvi about 2 or 3". Ate at the LFS and ate his first meal with me tonight. Now he found this little cave and have wedge himself in and is sleeping, it's...
  5. drake94

    For those who are in war.....with ich.

    Originally Posted by sepulatian How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is...
  6. drake94

    new porc puffer not eating

    Hmm. Well thats a toss up. I personally have never bought any puffers from but when it comes to puffers I would go to a LFS to makes sure they're eating and such. People kept telling me be patient but keep trying! Good luck.
  7. drake94

    new porc puffer not eating

    I tried guppies but no luck. Puffers should really not eat freshwater fish unless its worst case scenario. The only bad part about the guppy thing is that sometimes once you feed a puffer a guppy thats the only thing it will eat(which will cause pre-mature death). If I were in this scenario...
  8. drake94

    new porc puffer not eating I had this same problem. look at this it might help. However mine didn't turn out to well.
  9. drake94

    For those who are in war.....with ich.

    AH HAHAHA this was absolutely hilarious! If you did this excellent job.
  10. drake94

    Radiata, Antennata, or Dwarf Zebra Lionfish?

    My LFS ordered a fuzzy and a zebra and I'm going in Tuesday to pick the one I want is there anything I should look for to make sure it's good (besides that its eating)?
  11. drake94

    Radiata, Antennata, or Dwarf Zebra Lionfish?

    Hello, I was wondering which lionfish would be best suited for me. I have a 55 gallon and was wanting to just put a lionfish and a long nose hawkfish in the tank. I really like the Radiatas, Antennatas, and Dwarf`Zebras and I was wondering if anyone had any personal experiences with these. Thanks!
  12. drake94

    Do I need a skimmer?

    I have a 30 gallon tank with a filter on it and I'm only going to have a dwarf lionfish in there. Do I need a skimmer or am I okay with just the filter?
  13. drake94

    Tankmates for Undulated Trigger?

    Does anybody know of some good tankmates for a undulated triggerfish? Was thinking about putting a long nosed hawkfish in with one. Would that be ok?
  14. drake94

    Good tankmates for Undulated

    Does anybody know what are some good tankmates for a undulated trigger?
  15. drake94

    How long do you have to run tank w/out fish to get rid of ich?

    How long do you have to run tank w/out fish to get rid of ich?
  16. drake94

    Would this work?

    Niger trigger, Clown Trigger, and long nose hawkfish? All would be juvenile and in a 55 till I'm done setting up 125. Would all those three work in a 55?
  17. drake94

    Anyone have a clown,pink tail, or blue throat trigger for sale?

    Anyone have a clown,pink tail, or blue throat trigger for sale? Located in Fort Smith but will do the shipping thing.
  18. drake94

    Wanted: Triggers, Tangs, and Wrasses

  19. drake94

    Wanted:Triggers, Tangs, Angels, Butterflys, and Wrasses.

    Started a new tank and its cycled and ready for fish to be put in. Was wondering if anyone was getting rid of livestock before I went to LFS and bought new fish. I am looking for triggers, tangs, wrasses, angels, and butterfly, but will look at all offers. Located in Fort Smith area but will do...