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  1. ray fdny

    I got a shark egg... now what?

    thank you verry helpfull thread
  2. ray fdny

    i got a shark what?

    bye the way the 50 breeder is my tank at home the tank in question is here at the firehouse
  3. ray fdny

    i got a shark what?

    the tank 150g running with a home made wet dry filter (from a 75g tank) coral life skimmer, 20g refugium(the rubermaid type) 3 powerheads with about 90lbs of live rock. current live stock. sailfin tang(small about a an inch and a half) two clowns, one damsel and one dottyback. many snails...
  4. ray fdny

    i got a shark what?

    For those with helpfull insight, I thank you. The rest of you need to relax and should also learn, if you dont have anything helpfull to say you shouldnt post anything. This is the reason i stopped looking up this sight months ago. I was sick of seeing people start bashing otheres for buying...
  5. ray fdny

    i got a shark what?

    The pet store sold me a shark egg...(a banded reef cat shark) i think. umm i had it in my tank for about a month and it is growing, the shark is about 2 to 3 inches now and the yolk is almost all gone. i was told when the yolk is all gone it will hatch. is this tru? what should i do when...
  6. ray fdny

    I got a shark egg... now what?

    The pet store sold me a shark egg...(a banded reef cat shark) i think. umm i had it in my tank for about a month and it is growing, the shark is about 2 to 3 inches now and the yolk is almost all gone. i was told when the yolk is all gone it will hatch. is this tru? what should i do when...
  7. ray fdny

    converting wet dry to refugium

    has anyone ever converted a wet dry filter to a refugium? can it be dont without alot of $? i have a 50g with an amiracle wet dry(pretty big) if i had to guess id say 30g sump right now using micron filter pad with bio balls. after reading alot! i am worying aboout a possible future nitrate...
  8. ray fdny

    converting wet dry to refugium

    has anyone ever converted a wet dry filter to a refugium? can it be dont without alot of $? i have a 50g with an amiracle wet dry(pretty big) if i had to guess id say 30g sump right now using micron filter pad with bio balls. after reading alot! i am worying aboout a possible future nitrate...
  9. ray fdny

    clown in trouble

    i tryed ang got nothing from them... but i thank you for your replys
  10. ray fdny

    clown in trouble

    i switch between flakes and mysis shrimp(frozen) i will try it if he starts eating again... but i cheched on him this morning and he was laying on the bottom so i went to go net him out and he was alive(hardly) now im at work i will check on him tonight.. if it is a bacterial infection will the...
  11. ray fdny

    clown in trouble

    with the garlic will i have to remove him. also is it drops or something i have no idea
  12. ray fdny

    clown in trouble

    water amonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-15 ph-8.2 s/g-1.023 temp-79 i aclimated him slowly... not the drip method but ive herd people refer to it as the shot glass method(like a shot of water every 5 minuts)for about an hour
  13. ray fdny

    Noisy overflow

    i installed a shut off valve at the tom of my wet dry to create a tiny bit of back pressure to keep my overflow from making the sucking noise
  14. ray fdny

    clown in trouble

    i have had my clown for about two weeks and has been actng normal until about 3 or 4 days ago he stoped swimming has labored breathing and will not eat. also today i noticed a long(about as long as his body) white thing coming from his rear(looks like poop but white/clear) if anybody could help...
  15. ray fdny

    clown in trouble

    i have had my clown for about two weeks and has been actng normal until about 3 or 4 days ago he stoped swimming has labored breathing and will not eat. also today i noticed a long(about as long as his body) white thing coming from his rear(looks like poop but white/clear) if anybody could...
  16. ray fdny

    sick clown need help

    am i just over-reacting and the fish is just really stressed out somehow or will he die?
  17. ray fdny

    sick clown need help

    here goes, i have a 50g breeder with an amiricle wet dry, a coralife skimmer, coralife uv sterilizer, about 65lbs of L/R 40 L/B of live sand the tank has been going about 2 months i have one clown one yellowbelly damsel 6 hermit crabs and 6 turbos... my clown has been in the tank about two...
  18. ray fdny

    lighting question, and others

    thanks farslayer i did not want to let the uv be a wasted buy... i will try it and if it gives me a problem i will put it in my freshwater tank
  19. ray fdny

    lighting question, and others

    now when i put more live rock in the wet dry(in place of the balls) do i put more water in there so it is fully sobmerged or let it trickle(wet dry or wet?)
  20. ray fdny

    lighting question, and others

    yes a big help.... but should i put live rock or somehting els in the filter other than the bio ball? and the filter pad?... what is going to filter the water?... what is the difference between the sump with nothing in it and a power head?.... also i would hate to remove the uv because i was...