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  1. zimonie

    Live rock

    sorry guys its been very hectick here lately my dog has just died and am trying to deal with that and work and it just seems like so much at once, but i hope tomm to get all the shipping prices and see what everyone wants to do. I would like to sell it all at once and get it done with. It dont...
  2. zimonie

    Live rock

    I couldent get a good pic wit my camera so i just took a short video of the rock
  3. zimonie

    Live rock

    I am located in middle of wisconsin. I can ship but if someone is local thats even better. I tried to get some pics up but my camera cord is misteriously missing, i hope to get them up some time around 1 or so tomm on sat. Alsoi have a large yellow tang and a maroon clown, i want then to go to a...
  4. zimonie

    Live rock

    pm sent
  5. zimonie

    Live rock

    I am going to be taking my tank down. And i have 70lbs of live rock, and am wondering what i should sell it for. Tank has been up for 8months. I have no idea what it would go for. Any help would be great.
  6. zimonie


    I came 2 the conclusion that it was the sea apple, and after i did the water changes i had an engineer goby in there and he is doing great so that took out the idea of parisites, so that is when i decided to add the clown. Tank has been up for 7 months. And clown has been in about 5 days. It...
  7. zimonie


    it is starting to look like Brooklynella i am going to wait till tomm and am still trying to get some pics up.
  8. zimonie


    well when all the fish died i waited a while to add fish incase that it was a periste (or the sea apple did it) and ever since then my tank parimiters keep flucuating tank has been set up for 7 months now and amm is at 0
  9. zimonie


    any help would be greatly appreciated
  10. zimonie


    Hey got a question. I have a maroon clown. He is the only one in the tank right now, but behind his left eye it is turning alitlte whit kinda like a sore. He is brushing himself up against one of my soft coral. And i notice a small whit speck on him up by his dorcile fin. I dont knnow for sure...
  11. zimonie

    Bad Bad news

    hey fishkiller i tested for sray current with a digital reader, and there is nothing runnen threw the water. Great idea tho the fish that died where 1 yellow tang, 1 lawnmower Blenn, 3 Damsels, 2 Perc clowns, and a gorilla crab. The day before death i tested the water in the morning and it...
  12. zimonie

    Bad Bad news

    yep thats all that was used. thats y its weird and i dont think thats what did it
  13. zimonie

    Anyone have a clue PLS?

    i am not for sure for sure but its got to be a perisite or the sea apple. I took the sea apple out and am trying a test fish to see how it goes. If the test fish dies then im leaning more towards a parisite. Hopeing this trial and error works. My lfs guy seems to think it was the sea apple...
  14. zimonie

    Anyone have a clue PLS?

    hey grump thanks for your input i searched there and dident see anything. What is so weird is the night before they where swimming like normal, that is y i talked to some lfs and people seem to think that it was a gill perisite. But i dunno what to think now, im just woryied about the maroon...
  15. zimonie

    Anyone have a clue PLS?

    i am the only one that messes wit my tank no touches it. I havent stured up the sand bed except the little that i did to move some rocks around, but that was like weeks ago. And i do also do my own test, and once and a while i take a sample to lfs just to ease my mind, and they were always both...
  16. zimonie

    Anyone have a clue PLS?

    6 months
  17. zimonie

    Anyone have a clue PLS?

    Hey guys i just had all my fish die about a week ago, i did a 20gal water change (120gal tank) and i asked the lfs and on here and i think that it could have been a perisite, or a sea apple. All my fish died (8) I did have a sea apple but after the fish died i got ride of it. Then i waited a day...
  18. zimonie

    mushrooms dont open much?

    my guess is u could have them in a bad spot, mine were doing the same thing i moved them to a better spot and they are open all the time!
  19. zimonie

    pic's of our 7 month old 135

    ya i am also cerious as how the purple and the yellow get along? been wanting them both for a while
  20. zimonie

    Bad Bad news

    sry for not getting my lvls up right away. Between work and a bunch of other problems, im like a zombie. well ph is at 8.4, salt 1.024, amm .25 nitrate 0 nitrite 0.5 thats what they were at now they are ph 8.1 salt 1.024 amm 0 nitrate 0 nitrite 0