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  1. kimry1

    Golden Puffer with tumor on his head

    I realize that it was not a tumor. I just didnt know what else to call it at the time. I've seen other puffers with the same condition on this site.
  2. kimry1

    Golden Puffer with tumor on his head

    The puffer's tumor on his head is almost completely gone. I will post some new pics soon. I'm not sure what caused it or why it went away..mystery to me.
  3. kimry1

    Puffer Fish with tumor or something.Please help identify what it is.

    what happened to your puffer with the tumor? I have the same problem now with mine.
  4. kimry1

    Golden Puffer with tumor on his head

    I took him because he wouldn't be able to find a home otherwise. I don't think that it's something that will spread to the other fish. These fish are selling for 250. I've seen other fish with the same problem.
  5. kimry1

    Golden Puffer with tumor on his head

    He has not bumped his head or injured himself. I have heard that people see this in puffers pretty often. I just got him yesterday from the lfs because they didn't think that anyone would buy him because of the growth. My water parameters are all good. I checked them yesterday before I put...
  6. kimry1

    Golden Puffer with tumor on his head

    What causes this and will it get better? How should I treat this? He seems healthy overall. He eats very well and swims around very happy fish. Check out the picture. Kimberly
  7. kimry1

    Live rock question

    I was just rearranging things to make more room.
  8. kimry1

    Live rock question

    It is dry. I just think that it might be moldy?! Should I rinse it with regular water? Leave it out in the sun?
  9. kimry1

    Live rock question

    What is the best way to clean your live rock? I've heard of bleaching it and letting it dry out, but does that really involve bleach? That can't be good! Do I just leave it out in the sun? I took it out of my tank a long time ago and left it in a garage clean new trash can. I'm worried that...
  10. kimry1

    Spanish Lobster

    Thank you! What does he eat?
  11. kimry1

    Spanish Lobster

    My neighbor recently went to the keys and brought me a spanish lobster for my tank. Is it safe to add? I have some live rock, a yellow tang, a spotted puffer and a flame hawk. The tank is 75 gallons.
  12. kimry1

    What would you like?

    My vote is for Hawkfish:D
  13. kimry1

    Popeye the Flame Angel........

    Glad to hear your fish is better. I had a fish with pop eye. He made it though the treatment, but he never swam the same. I think he was blind in that eye or his balance was thrown off or something. Hope he does well. :D
  14. kimry1

    cool tank!

    I wanna see more pics too!
  15. kimry1

    Ick Problem

    I bought a UV light filter. It makes all of the parasites sterile so they can't reproduce. It was worth it for me. Everytime I add new fish, I turn it on for a week or so to filter out the water. It wasn't a very expensive purchase, but overall I have never had ick since. Saved me money and...
  16. kimry1

    Pop Eye?

    Does anyone know of pop eye and how do I treat it? My clown fish has one eye popping out causing him to swim very little. Thanks Kimberly
  17. kimry1

    Catching Damsels

    How can I catch those damsels without removing everything from my tank! Kimberly
  18. kimry1

    I turned off my airconditioning

    Thanks guys. The temperature in the house was rose pretty slow, but I kept the airconditioning off for 3 days. I called my friend Mark. He used to own a fish store. He told me to get a chiller and to look in the classified ads for a used one. The temp outside today is very nice. I still...
  19. kimry1

    I turned off my airconditioning

    I'm so bummed today! I turned off the airconditioning in my house because the weather has been so nice lately. Unfortunately the water temp in my tank rose to above 85 degrees. I lost two of my favorite fish. My fox face fish and my purple tang are both gone. Be sure you have a cooler on...
  20. kimry1

    Re: 55 gallon aggressive tank...

    okay...excuse me for my not knowing...but from reading the other messages i've answered my own question on getting a leopard shark...damn!...looks like i need to get a bigger tank...okay so if i don't get that there any shark that'd be adequate in a 55 if i get say a...