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  1. dinogeorge


    Originally Posted by yannifish Is this stuff a powder? If so I found it. Does it kill all the algae or just the cyano? Yes, its a powder and all it killed was the cyano. Everything else in my tank was uneffected. If you have carbon or a skimmer, I would remove and unplug for a day. Good luck...
  2. dinogeorge

    Copperband Butterfly Help

    Now THAT is good fish husbandry. You did your research and decided that this fish is not for you. GREAT example of responsible fish keeping.
  3. dinogeorge

    red slime issues

    Originally Posted by TangWhispr Plain water as you suggest is NOT ok, it is often very high in phospates, which will make the problem worse. Keep your lights off for a few days, reduce feeding and do water changes with some RO/DI If RO water is not available, then what the heck else do you...
  4. dinogeorge

    red slime issues

    I agree with Bonita, But would add that you should siphon off as much of it as possible and then do a water change using RO water if available. If not, plain water is ok. There are a number of reasons for this stuff, but the three things you can do to fight it are lights, phosphates and water...
  5. dinogeorge

    How to catch inverts?

    Have you ever used one of those traps? Do they work?
  6. dinogeorge

    Copperband Butterfly Help

    IMO, the majority of the folks who buy copperbands do not do enough research to keep them. They die because people don’t understand their feeding habits or what they require in their diet. Just looking at the fish tells you that they are specialized feeders. It’s not the fish….it’s the keepers...
  7. dinogeorge

    How to catch inverts?

    Hi everyone, I have a 250 gl tank with a cleaner shrimp, coral banded, lots of peppermint shrimp and a couple of sallys. I want to move them out of my tank but I don’t want to stress my butterflies by pulling all the décor out while I capture these inverts. Anyone have a trick or idea as to how...
  8. dinogeorge

    Unidentified Foreign Objects

    Awesome! Thanks for your help. I was starting to worry a bit about them.
  9. dinogeorge

    Unidentified Foreign Objects

    I was cleaning up a cube when I noticed that the bio balls were loaded with these small white inverts of some kind. (Sorry but I don’t have a pic to post.) They are white, about the size and shape of a grain of rice, and appear to have some little finger-like appendages on the top. None of them...
  10. dinogeorge

    need some cheering up!

    Think about what you did for that dog. What an incredibly lucky animal to have an owner who loved, protected and cared for him all of his life. You were lucky to have him, but he was lucky to have you too. All dogs go to heaven… "Someone" will take care of him for you.
  11. dinogeorge

    Sign here if you've captured a Damsel

    I had a 55 gallon. In an effort to catch the damsel in it, I removed the rock, and drained the tank. The damsel was apparently stuck in the rock. So I carried the rock out to the dumpster and threw it away. That night I was awaken to the sound of running water. The damsel had come back into the...
  12. dinogeorge

    Advice or help

    Tarball is right. When a fish is starved, its body begins to “digest itself” in order to stay alive. If you can catch them in time (and it sounds like you did) to get them to start eating, their bodies will never look the same because some of their skeletal and muscular structures have been...
  13. dinogeorge

    Crab ID please....

    How do you know this crab is not an endangered animal? You don’t even know what it is. That’s why you posted your question, right? By posting their ideas and opinions about the good vs bad points of private collecting, these guys are making others aware of it. You may see it as attacking you...
  14. dinogeorge

    Permanent hyposalinity

    Hey there Joe, I have left my fish at levels as low as .07 for six weeks and never had any noticeable problems. Perhaps it could have some long term, unseen effects internally for the fish, but I did not lose a single fish during, or anytime soon after, the hypo. But I CAN tell you that one of...
  15. dinogeorge

    pistol problem

    My guess is that he was removing it from his hole. Anything near his entrance is a place where predators could hide and ambush him. So he was just doing a little housekeeping. If he is by himself, he’ll be very shy. But if you add a Goby that will live with him, then he’ll come out a bit more...
  16. dinogeorge

    How Much Carbon?

    Since you change it monthly, I think you are doing it right. There has been some debate over what excess carbon can “strip” from your water. I can’t say I have an opinion one way or the other, but if your water parameters are good and your livestock is doing well, then the only time to add more...
  17. dinogeorge

    angel compatiblity

    Man, if you have a healthy Regal that is eating I would not add anything that even resembles competition in with it. The dwarf will probably not do anything to your Regal, but Regals can be so temperamental that you don’t know how it will react with the introduction of another member of the same...
  18. dinogeorge

    Colorful/interesting fish list

    Some of these guys can be a bit naughty when they reach maturity, but they are all pretty cool looking. IMO the two that could be trouble down the road will be your hog and tusk; the hog being the bully of the tank. But they might be ok together. The only other thing I would add is to try to...
  19. dinogeorge

    Some one please

    I have two and they are both doing fine. I’ve had one for nearly a year and the other for four month. The young one is the meaner of the two and rules his tank with an “iron fin”! The older one is in with my butterflies and doesn’t bother a thing.
  20. dinogeorge

    55 gallon upgrade

    Have fun with your new tank. More room...more water...more CRITTERS!!!!!