Search results

  1. dinogeorge

    How to catch inverts?

    Hi everyone, I have a 250 gl tank with a cleaner shrimp, coral banded, lots of peppermint shrimp and a couple of sallys. I want to move them out of my tank but I don’t want to stress my butterflies by pulling all the décor out while I capture these inverts. Anyone have a trick or idea as to how...
  2. dinogeorge

    Unidentified Foreign Objects

    I was cleaning up a cube when I noticed that the bio balls were loaded with these small white inverts of some kind. (Sorry but I don’t have a pic to post.) They are white, about the size and shape of a grain of rice, and appear to have some little finger-like appendages on the top. None of them...
  3. dinogeorge

    A Clown Tang with Butterflies

    I have a 220 with lots of butterflies. I love it. But I want to add a Clown Surgeonfish and wondered if any of you have had one. I know they are supposed to be aggressive towards other tangs, but do they mess with other stuff? In another tank I have a Powder Blue and he is about as nasty to...
  4. dinogeorge

    Pre Fab Fish Food

    Hi everyone, Just thought I would pass along an idea I happened on today. After mixing a new batch of food, I took a cookie sheet and poured it into it. Then I took a piece of eggcrate that I cut to fit and pushed it through the food. I leveled everything out and then froze the entire thing for...
  5. dinogeorge

    Garlic is no good?

    In post after post I have read that products like “Garlic Extreme” and other kinds of extract supposedley have no medicinal value and are “only flavoring”. But the ingredients of these products show that that are 99% garlic juice. How can that be any less valuable than crushing your own garlic...
  6. dinogeorge

    Feeding Brine

    Hey all, Would like your opinions please. Do you think there is any value in soaking brine shrimp overnight in zoe, zoecon and garlic? Do these products actually soak into the brine shrimp and give them some sort of nutritional value? I ask because brine shrimp is one of the few food items...
  7. dinogeorge

    Online Aquarium Monitor

    Right now there is technology that allows us to go online and monitor our homes for temperature, water leaks, intrusions, child care, etc. Anyone know if there is something available to monitor our tanks? Temp, PH, salinity, water levels, etc????? Would be sort of cool to have the ability to...
  8. dinogeorge

    Regal Angel – Back from the Dead

    Had the most incredible experience in my 25 years of fish keeping. There is a young man who lives down the road from me who has his first saltwater tank. His parents went into a LFS and purchased a Regal Angel for him. (They were told that this would be a great “starter” fish for the kid.)...
  9. dinogeorge

    Two Hogfish in a 225

    Do any of you have experiance keeping two hogfish in the same tank? I am looking at a cuban and spanish.
  10. dinogeorge


    So do manufacturers actually make a left and right sock? And if they DO make one for each foot, which is the one that gets lost in the dryer. And where does it go? And why only one?
  11. dinogeorge

    Cause of Fish Glancing off Rocks

    Was at the LFS today and overheard a lady who said, “One of my fish has been rubbing on a rock.” They three employees said in unison, you have Ick; and proceeded to sell her copper. Now certainly fish flashing off rocks can be an indicator of Ick, but I wonder what other reasons can cause fish...
  12. dinogeorge

    Nutritional Value of Brine Shrimp

    Hi everyone, I have fed brine shrimp as part of my fish’s diet for the last 29 years. Over the years I have heard varying comments about its nutritional value. As I have done more research I have not been able to find any actual data to support this. I hear people perpetuating the notion that is...
  13. dinogeorge

    My Nori Wasting Devil

    I am at wits ends here! I have a Powder Blue who loves nori. The problem is I have a Singapore Angel who comes in and rips it from the clip. The moment it floats free all inhabitants of the tank, including my power blue, simply disregard it al it ends up in my filters or stuck to the intake of...
  14. dinogeorge

    Ick and Inverts

    Hi everyone, I have my 125 coming out of a 30 day hypo, which really did a great job of killing my ick!!! I am ordering a lot of crabs and shrimp to be added to that tank but I had a question. Is there any way that by adding these inverts I could reintroduce Ick into the tank? I would hate to...
  15. dinogeorge

    Raising Salinity After Hypo?

    In another week or so I’ll begin raising my salinity back to normal. I’ve read some of the posts about hypo, “Thank you Beth!”, but I’m not completely sure what the proper procedures are for raising it back up. I know it should be done over “several” days. I have a 115. Would adding something...
  16. dinogeorge

    Aquarium Addiction

    Addiction to Aquariums is on the rise. For those of you who are unsure if you have it or not, here are a couple of signs. 1) Your children’s names are Goby, Mandarin, and Cupramine. 2) Your boyfriend took you to a Hootie and the Blowfish concert and instead of throwing your bra and panties on...
  17. dinogeorge

    Ick returns in middle of hypo?

    I am 15 days into Hypo and suddenly I see my fish glancing off sand and rocks again. I cannot see anything on my fish, but three of them are doing it so there is no doubt something on them. My sg NEVER went above 1.09 during the entire treatment. My water parameters are fine and I have not done...
  18. dinogeorge

    Asfur w/dwarf angels?

    Can I put an adult Asfur angel in a 125 with my dwarf flame and keyhole angels. My dwarfs have lived together for about 8 months and get along fine. I also have a medium sized powder blue in there. I've never mixed dwarf and full sized angels before. Any opinions?
  19. dinogeorge

    Powder Blue Skin Problem

    I have a Powder Blue that was covered in Ick. I started hypo 15 days ago and it appears to have resolved the problem. There is no more visible Ick on him, He no longer scratches himself on rocks, and he breaths normally. In fact, he seems to be in perfect health, eating like a madman and...
  20. dinogeorge

    What Killed my Algae?

    My rocks and décor were covered in green algae (I don’t see it as nuisance. I think it makes my tank look more natural and my fish love it). Anyway, I started hypo about 7 days ago and over the last two days my algae has turned dirt brown. My nitrates are low, nitrite and ammonia at zero, and my...