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  1. butters

    Confirmation that fish do get gas

    ive seen my niger trigger pop a couple bubbles off, i figured he may have swallowed some bubbles from feeding, but i dunno
  2. butters

    pvc or flex tubing????

    i like pvc, i think it just looks better and i like solid pipes that stay where you glue them. i HATE vinyl tubing, its just a PITA im pumping around 1000gph throught 1in pipe that is about 1/4 closed, so flow shouldnt even be an issue
  3. butters

    Powder Blue Tang

    let me know how you catch him, mine is also nipping at my colt coral....
  4. butters

    Chaeto for $15 shipped.

    whats your paypal addy? ill take it. what kind of fixture do you guys use for your fuge? just one of theose clip on lamps they sell for lizards or is it something special?
  5. butters

    WTB: Aqua C EV120

    as the title says.... pm m3
  6. butters

    Hypo need help

    i would put the clowns in a bucket with a heater, take them down to 1.015. then the next day take them down to 1.009. then throw them in the QT i dont hink it would be a good for the tang to take him back up to .025
  7. butters

    MH bulb color prob..... one pink, one blue

    i bought it used, so i dont think ill be getting any type of warranty. if it is a bulb problem for shure, ill just buy the phoenix 14k's
  8. butters

    MH bulb color prob..... one pink, one blue

    im guessing the current usa bulbs that came in the fixture. i cant be certain tho, there is no brand on the bulb just 250w 1400k. i tried to match the number on the bulb to stuff online but came up with nothing. it was 0706 or something. but both the bulbs are the same. just one is pinkish.....
  9. butters

    MH bulb color prob..... one pink, one blue

    i just bought a used outer orbit fixture, its 2 mon old. its in nice shape and looks new. the light was supposed to come with 2 extra sets of bulbs, but those were a noshow. i had to set up the light on my 55 because my coralife pc light took a crap on me the morning the new light came. the left...
  10. butters

    All the best products for sale, need to sell! Make an offer!

    obviously it was not him trying to sell the stuff. im PRETTY shure he knows tunzee's are worth more than $25..... as his sun realized they are a gold mine when he was offer $200 you guys are lucky he cought this, when you get caught by a good scammer your not gettin a dime back, no matter what...
  11. butters


    i have one in my 55, very entertaining. a fish will swim by and it acts like its going to catch it. i feed him a small silverside when i feed my anemone. otherwise overyone comes and steals the food from him. he also tries to grab ahold of me when my hand is in there, so i gotta fend him off...
  12. butters

    Bamboo Shark Set Up

    my g/f started this post. there have been some shark eggs at the LFS for a couple months and they hatched about 3 weeks ago and she has been going nutzo over them. i told her she wouldnt have money to supply them with a larger tank. id like to have one myself but i dont have my own house or...
  13. butters

    Bamboo Shark Set Up

    I was thinking of getting a bamboo shark egg, but i hear they are a 7 out of 10 chance of living when hatched, i was gonna get one that was already hatched [so about a 1-2 maybe 3 weeks old] and put him in my 120g i also heard that min is 180, is it okay to have a baby in 120 for a few...
  14. butters

    Powder Brown Tang

    do hypo for 6 weeks, my PBT showed signs of ich about a week after i bought it. leave the DT fishless for the same time, and leave the salinity alone. if you lower it you will kill your LR and anything in it.
  15. butters

    HOW TO: Anemone proof your Hydor Koralia PH

    take a pair pf panty hose, take a pair of scissors and cut off the top of the toe area. slide your PH into the end of the panty hose, so the pantyhose covers the entire thing, and cut off the excess. #4 PH + pantyhose= a safe anemone!!! only downside is that they get dirty very...
  16. butters

    BTA's sure are stupid

    Originally Posted by NigerBang If you can't take the truth, don't ask! Koralias can't be anem proofed, do some reasearch before you buy an ANIMAL.. wrong wrong wrong wronnngg......wrong wrong wrong wronnngg...... your WRONG!(scrubs) go in your gf's/wifes panty hose drawer and steal one. cut it...
  17. butters

    removing silicone from overfows

    the front glass is chipped on the inside right bottom corner.... i wanna strip the inside of the tank and load that corner up to make shure it doesnt leak. i might just buy a new tank.... i really dont wanna deal with this but i dunno if i wanna spend the money for a new one.
  18. butters

    removing silicone from overfows

    i have to strip my RR 120, do i have to remove the silicone from the edges of the overflows? do i have to remove them completely? can soemone direct me in the right direction of how to deal with them, thanks
  19. butters

    Hydor Koralia or Maxi-jet Sureflow Mod kit?

    Originally Posted by LedZep fan Yea, so it only comes with the one pump? I was thinking like 2 is what I want but to spend $350 on only one pump and the controller is kinda pricey... thats why all us poor folk dont have em'.
  20. butters

    T5 or MH? 120g

    will 2 moon lights even be enough? i was looking at an aquatinics dealer, and they show the price as $800 with no bulbs.... is that a typo? also i cannot find any 8 bulb solar flare fixtures i dont wanna spend 1g on a light lol i had to talk myself into spending $800 for one....