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  1. toomanyhobbies

    ID some things please, help needed

    if you guys say so I will belive you, but it doesn't look like any of the pics I google or search for.....I also just took another pic of it (tank lights were out) and I touched it... also keep in mind I have had this for six months with no change, other than it has gotten 25% larger.
  2. toomanyhobbies

    ID some things please, help needed

    I resized my original picture to hopefully give you a better look at this does not look like some pics that I have searched...advise. Thanks, Aaron
  3. toomanyhobbies

    ID some things please, help needed

    attached are two pictures, I have had my LR for six months and am wondering what the neon green stalk things are (should i remove them?) In the other pic, I am wondering what the brown leafy stuff (it is starting to pop up on a few other rocks) and tlastly what is the round thing below the brown...
  4. toomanyhobbies

    Clown Fish not eating

    I have two clowns also and there was a time months ago that one just stopped eating but otherwise appeared healthy...all the other fish were fine and eating like hogs...I checked my water and the ammonia level was 0.25 ppm so I did a partial (20%) water change and the next day it ate since then...
  5. toomanyhobbies

    Going do I maintain pH? Please HELP!

    well I am not going to say that going hypo was took alot more water than I anticipated but wanted to say THANK YOU for your help...the buffer worked great...I do not think that the fish even noticed I was constantly changing out the water.
  6. toomanyhobbies

    My blue tang has pop-eye...HELP!

    so....I have finally got my salinity down...I was kinda hoping that by the time I got it down the fish would show no long (once you are down to 1.009) does/ should/ could it take for the white spots to go away. my tang is still the worst in terms of spots and the cloudy/pop eye...
  7. toomanyhobbies

    My blue tang has pop-eye...HELP!

    yes all of my fish are in qt....the tang is not new however it is the one that the ich was first seen we have netted it to move it from one tank to seems to see okay (to eat and all)....they do look a bit cloudy. how do I know if it it pop eye or cloudy eye? I appreciate your help!
  8. toomanyhobbies

    My blue tang has pop-eye...HELP!

    Temp 78 pH 8.2 Nitrites 0 SG 1.022 Ammonia 0
  9. toomanyhobbies

    My blue tang has pop-eye...HELP!

    I am waiting for my ammonia results will post paprameters as soon as it is done yes, I am hypoing for ich...could the pop-eye be from the fish rubbing against the rocks? I saw that the med of pop eye is antibiotics...wont that wipe out me beneficial bacteria too? so...I should feed wiith garlic...
  10. toomanyhobbies

    My blue tang has pop-eye...HELP!

    I jusy noticed that my blue tang now has pop-eye. I did a water change yesterday. I have just initiated a hyposalinity I am not down (in salinity) very far yet. should I medicate now during hypo or wait a few days to see if it gets better? Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks
  11. toomanyhobbies

    Going do I maintain pH? Please HELP!

    I am in hour 1 of going toward hyposalininty....I have sodium bicarbonate buffer but I am unclear how to use I add it to the clean water going in or do I add it to my tank?
  12. toomanyhobbies

    Stress Coat (API) it helpful?

    I am new to SWF and just wanted some opinions on using Stress Coat (by API) with water changes. Is it a waste of money? or Does is it beneficial for the fish? Thanks!
  13. toomanyhobbies

    My clown has not eaten in 4 days

    Ok...will there anything that I can do to entise (sp?) the clown? Are water changes stressful? What are your thoughts on Stress Coat (made by API)? Thanks!
  14. toomanyhobbies

    My clown has not eaten in 4 days

    Please help me. One of my two ocellaris clowns has not eaten in four days. It looks good...just does not eat....what can I do? I have had the fish for about a month and up until now has always eaten very well. All other fish are eating. Specific Gravity1.0205 pH8.2 Alkalinity3.6 Ammonia...
  15. toomanyhobbies

    what would you add?

    no reef, just FOWLR and I forgot I also have 20 blue leg crabs and 12 turbo snails
  16. toomanyhobbies

    what would you add?

    Hi all, a newbie here loving this site, me wife can't belive I am still reading (learning) stuff on here every night I have a 180g with 140lbs of lr with the following pair of percula clowns royal gramma blue hippo tang naso tang bicolor angle yello watchman goby what you you add? I would like...
  17. toomanyhobbies

    bubbles on my CC? and other opinions needed

    What’s the best was to get rid of it? I did buy a phosphate kit today at the LFS and it the test came back .25 ppm I had my wife (a chemist) test our regular well water at the kitchen sink and it tested the same .25 ppm Should I still change out my well water with RO water? my well water does go...
  18. toomanyhobbies

    bubbles on my CC? and other opinions needed

    First post, hopefully this is an easy question...I have been reading reading reading, but I have come to the point where I have to post a question. What type of algae is this and I have read that both the bubbles are a good thing and I have read that they are bad. This is my first tank (a 180...