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  1. trigger29

    Pics of my new 533 gallon tank

    looks awesome man love the fish selection
  2. trigger29

    any good cleaner for a trigger

    i just got 2 large hermit crabs for my tank i have triggers and porc puffer and lion fish and a toadfish and my large hermit rabs are fine at first my blue-line trigger was flipping him over and trying to eat him but then the crab got by a rock and dug himself a little burrow type thing and now...
  3. trigger29

    Will this work?

    Originally Posted by Snake_Eyes Do you think they would be too aggressive for the puffers seeing as they only get 6"? no the puffer will be fine the puffer always swims around and the eels sit aqt the bottom under a rock or something and most eels are blind so when you feed them you have to...
  4. trigger29

    Help! Toadfish and Porc Puff

    ive been feeding him frozen crill he eats almost everyday. thats what i thought that he just chills and waits for prey but the toadfish was swimming around some of my LR and swam up and snapped at him he went out of his way to get that puffer do you think he was just hungry? just playing...
  5. trigger29

    Help! Toadfish and Porc Puff

    well my toadfish is really humble he just chills on the bottom of the tank he is a good size and toad fish are not to be known to be violent at all but today i was watching my tank and he snapped at my porcupine puffer and bit him!!!! its not a noticeable bite or anything like that but it was...
  6. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    i also think glass is the best way to go i dont like acrylic lol it may be lighter then glass but a glass tank is the best route in my opinion and it looks best
  7. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 myt anks were both acrylic but i hate acrylic.. i had glass tanks as well i love them..anyway the plumbing on my tanks were complicated because of how i had everythign running but it didnt have to be.. thebest advice is to go to the LFS to look at there plumbing ont...
  8. trigger29

    55 gallon stock list

    the only thing i think would happen is at first your lion might eat the fire shrimp but the list looks nice good choices
  9. trigger29

    Thinking of a small shark or ray?

    thanks man cuz i was thinking about getting a shark and ray tank in my new home but i was thinking maybe like a 300 gallon tank maybe 240 gallon at my LFS they have im pretty sure from the pics you posted a grey bamboo shark they have a couple of those and a couple of cat sharks they all look...
  10. trigger29

    Will this work?

    i think both of them in that tank would be fine as long as your filtration system can handle it they give alot of waste that ive heard but in size matter they will be fine in a 75g tank
  11. trigger29


    an undulated trigger and a blue-line trigger i think are the most aggresive i had both in my tank also with a niger and a bursa but i recently got rid of my niger he is too much of a pussy and my undulated trigger because he would fight with my blu-line! nothing big or anything they would just...
  12. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 well ir ecently tore my two tanks down because of a move from p.a to FL .. but anyway that was my 300 gallon 400 total gallons. i had my bamboo , two rays for awhile, a huge brazillian dragon, 5 or 6 show tangs i forget two large lions and a gold stripe maroon...
  13. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    psusocr1 awesome looking tank man i love the 2 lions in there what else is in there a large eel a grey bamboo and Tangs? everything looks great in there i was wondering what size tank you have and will everything be fione or will or did you upgrade in the future?? i love the idea of all those...
  14. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    Originally Posted by crimzy BTW, if you are considering a shark for your current setup, please understand that this would be a death sentence for any shark. Your triggers and puffer would kill any shark you tried to put in that tank. o no lol i wasnt even thinking about a shark in my current...
  15. trigger29

    Lionfish eating issue - HELP

    Did you get him to eat??
  16. trigger29

    ----- the stupid shark!

    Originally Posted by zdthompson we got a bamboo cat shark about 2 weeks ago with a lion fish. there both babys. and the lion eats the crill just fine and the stupid shark wont eat it. so i was told try squid. so i did and it nibbels and swims away.. also tryed garlic, no luck.. serously im about...
  17. trigger29


    hahahaha hella freakish he said lol
  18. trigger29

    QT question

    this might be a stupid question but whats a QT? and a FOWLR tank??
  19. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    those are some cool looking sharks too and that black ray what kind is that? what kind os shark is that? what size tank did you have him in ? im thinking about getting a shark but i have no idea on tank size and filtration sytem ? filters or a sump or what you know? cool pics guys very very...
  20. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Awesome fish and great pics!! Man, be careful though, those fuscus triggers (blue line) are nasty. That lion may very well get torn up in the near future. ya i was thinking of maybe seperating them when there a little older i dunno i think the lion fish will grow...