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  1. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    dam man that shark is awesome that whole tank is gorgeous lol what size is your tank?? will that shark out grow it or that ray? they both look awesome man
  2. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    Bursa Trigger if you have any pics throw them up
  3. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    My lion he has purple stripes on him trigger and porc puffer
  4. trigger29

    New Pics!!! Aggresive!!

    Here are some new pics of my fish Does anyone have any cool pics they would like to throw up on this thread??? My Blue-Line Toad Fish
  5. trigger29

    baby clown trigger?

    crill or silversides really almost anything just break it into small pieces for him before you put the food in your tank
  6. trigger29

    can dwarf lion or blackfoot lion go with my fish

    The dwarf definitly will beable to go with them but im not sure on the other one i think so though the blackfoot grows to a pretty big size i think it would be perfectly fine
  7. trigger29

    My 10g Tank - Fish Cam - LIVE

    thats cool idea man i just checked it didnt see any fish though lol im sure there sleeping though
  8. trigger29

    Room for 1 more fish in a 75g?

    i think you are fine ya as long as you have a good filtering system are the eels already 14-16L" they look awesome when there that size
  9. trigger29

    Octopus Filosus

    did you say you got it off this website?? i couldnt find it is it a diffrent how much do they run for?
  10. trigger29

    Volitan Lionfish in 90gal

    i have a v lion in my 60 gallon tank right now he is still small but i am getting a 180 pretty soon but they dont grow too fast my buddys is about 16" and its 2 1/2 years old and its in a 125
  11. trigger29

    Porc Puffer

    ???? i have a porcupine puffer also i have never heard about grinding his teeth down though?? really you have to do that ? and how often?? why do you have to grind them down to they get to big or something?
  12. trigger29

    Ok to add a niger?

    i think the niger will be fine in your tank there not that aggresive and it should be a nice addition
  13. trigger29

    65g agressive stocking list.

    no i dont think that would be overstocking at all thats just about perfect and a nice selection of fish i think the tank would look awesome and yes to agree with crimzy sometimes triggers do attack lions ive never seen it ive heard of it a couple times on this site but if you want to play it...
  14. trigger29

    Help!! Blue Jaw Trigger hiding!!

    well a couple of my triggers have eaten damsels before but there always fine how big is your trigger?? is there any evidence in your tank of the damsel being killed like some of its skin or anything from it ? does your trigger have a bulge in it anywhere? if the triggers big enough he might have...
  15. trigger29

    any good cleaner for a trigger

    lol ya theres not that many feeders for triggers i have 2 triggers i used to have 4 i used to have a Niger also mine wasnt that aggresive though but now i just have my blue-line and Bursa Trigger the blue-line is one of the most aggresive triggers and i have hermet crabs most get eatin but...
  16. trigger29

    Lionfish eating issue - HELP

    it might sound wierd but really any of that will work lol
  17. trigger29

    Lionfish eating issue - HELP

    well what is your PH level ?? what did you stalk your new tank with besides the eel?? and have you tried switching the food you feed him with up a little bit?? like silversides or some crill? he might also be maybe constapated my buddys was all you need to do is feed it pees.. fish love pees...
  18. trigger29

    65g agressive stocking list.

    Originally Posted by Lucky45 Ok this is alllllmoost finalized but what do you guys think? a snowflake eel and a frogfish/toadfish (preferably toadfish...i just think they are cooler.... Also if i get the a-okay for this where on earth can i find a toadfish???? Well snowflake eels are bad ass...
  19. trigger29

    Now and Right Now

    that octagon tank is awesome man i have never seen one up and running?? after you add everything are you getting anything new for the 110?
  20. trigger29

    180 gallon diary

    are you/your buddy moving the 120 into the 180 like transfering everything or are you gonna keep the 120 current and start the new 180 tank?? i am in the process of getting a 180 gallon glass tank also how much did that 180 cost ?? and the stand you/your buddy built it yourself?? or ordered??