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  1. lucky45

    Please Help! What to add

    I was thinking a Hawaiian spotted/valentini puffer, a snowflake eel, or a flame hawkfish. Would any of these NOT work?
  2. lucky45

    Please Help! What to add

    I have a 65g bowfront with a clarkii clownfish, a three stripe damsel, a coral banded shrimp, and various hermit crabs and snails. I'm looking for a fish that won't eat any of my critters and will still look and fit good in my 65g.
  3. lucky45

    "OK" to add a Valentini Puffer?

    Originally Posted by Nemo_66 ive had a valintini puffer in a reef before. didnt bother anything for me. but in a 65 gallon, i wonldnt think of it as a 'center' fish. they are pretty small, and dont really catch the eye. i would say get a blue throat trigger, but of course, it would have to be...
  4. lucky45

    "OK" to add a Valentini Puffer?

    I've recently lost my 5 year old foxface to blindess and am looking for a new "center" fish. I have a 65g bowfront tank that has been running for about 2 years. Within it are the following inhabitants... .a clarkii clownfish .a three-stripe damsel .purple tang (at ease tang police, I am holding...
  5. lucky45

    What fish to add?

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 So what are you going to do with the foxface? looks like you may be pretty maxed out. A 65 is too small for any tang, much less a purple tang IMO, maybe a kole but that's about it. By succumbed I meant died.
  6. lucky45

    What fish to add?

    Sadly, my Foxface Rabbitfish has recently succumbed to blindness, and I am planning on buying a new fish. I have a 65g with a 3 stripe damsel, a clarkii clownfish, a purple tang, a coral banded shrimp, and a yellow watchman goby. I'd like a hardy fish that is pretty cool/interesting. Any...
  7. lucky45

    Any hope for a blind fish?

    My foxface has recently become blind...(bumps into glass and rocks and makes no effort to swim away even if lunge my hand right up beside him.) He is acting normally, beside for the fact that I can't get him to eat. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. lucky45

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!! - Foxface in trouble

    Originally Posted by sepulatian It sounds like water quality issues have lowered his immune system, causing an infection. Have you done a water change since you got home? Test your readings and post them. Is he still eating? Yes, I just got done doing a water change, and no, he isn't...
  9. lucky45

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!! - Foxface in trouble

    I think I know what happened...I think he went blind.... He seems to be unintentionally bumping into the side of the tank.
  10. lucky45

    URGENT HELP NEEDED!! - Foxface in trouble

    So I come back from a week long vacation to find my tank at 83*F and at a salinity of 1.030 Everything is fine except for my 5-6 year old foxface who is just hanging around at the top of my tank. He refuses to eat and about half a centimeter of his tail has turned "white" and has tiny rips in...
  11. lucky45

    55g stock suggestions

    Frogfish are pretty cool...Check out Toby puffers and lionfish as well.
  12. lucky45

    Cleanup Crews in Aggressive Tanks?

    I'm thinking about getting a serpent star for my 65g Agressive...unless someone has some better ideas.
  13. lucky45

    Frog & Lion Arrived

    This thread needs Pictures!
  14. lucky45

    Does this sound good for a 65g?

    1 Toby Puffer 1 SnowFlake Eel 1 Serpent Star Just making sure before I order
  15. lucky45

    anemonies - how to care for them

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Ahhhh so it was a Rhetorical question? gotcha.... LOL Exactly...
  16. lucky45

    Just a simple question

    Also, would a serpent star do well? I need some kind of a clean-up crew...
  17. lucky45

    anemonies - how to care for them

    What is wrong with 1.024?? I run at that all the time...Isn't 1.020 pretty low...
  18. lucky45

    Just a simple question

    Sounds like a good tank plan...definatly want to do "aggressive" fish for my 65g. Just one last question. IYHO, are SFE's the most peaceful type of eel? I want to reduce the risk of injury to other fish as much as possible...I guess as long as I hand feed him and keep him fat, he should be happy.
  19. lucky45

    Just a simple question

    Didn't want to constantly pester you guys ...Anyways, I do have a few questions...Please answer truthfully as I'm fine with someone saying "No". 1) Will a snowflake eel and a small type of puffer fit in a 65g? 2) What is the risk of a Snowflake eel biting other fish in a tank? 3) Would a...