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  1. novice

    Mushroom lighting?

    Since I'm new to the hobby, I was wondering if I really need a metal halide for my tank. Let me explain, I have a 125gal reef tank and it has a lot of different kinds of mushrooms. Some of which are umbrella and the regular and was wondering if a metal halide is required? I do have 2-actinic...
  2. novice

    Do-it-Yourself Plans

    I definitely think it's a great idea. Since I'm about to creat one out of a 55gal tank. Go for it.....
  3. novice

    55gal refugium?

    I'm making a refugium out of a 55gal tank and was wondering if anyone out there have any ideas/suggestions? please bear in mind that I will purchase some plexi glass for deviders and there's a downdraft protein skimmer thats about 1.5' in length(in sump) and powered by magdrive 700. The sump...
  4. novice


    Let me begin, I have 2(6' phillips 160W VHO), 1(250W Iwasaki 65K). In addition, I have a hang-on Ecosystem40 refugium w/ it's own light, and a dual sump(11gal each) powered by a mag drive 1200. I also have a downdraft protein skimmer powered by a mag drive 700. In the tank, there are 4 power...
  5. novice


    Hi, I just started maintaining a reef tank. Thanks to "Burn N Spy" info and other's info on this web, I was able to start my 125 gallon reef tank w/out any complications. However, I can't say the same for the hair algae. But, two weeks ago, I purchased the "Monster package" deal and boy was...
  6. novice

    Aptasia & Coral Banded Shrimp?

    Please Help, I have an overpopulation of these aptasia anemones. From what I was told, peppermint shrimps should do the job but so far nothing has happened. I just purchased 6-peppermint shrimp and they would not dare go near these large aptasia. Especially the big ones and they are also...
  7. novice

    Salinity Calculations?

    Thanks a lot fellas...
  8. novice

    Salinity Calculations?

    Thanks, But now another question? Would you or anyone put snails in their refugium? If yes/no...why or why not? Also, I have a U.V. sterilizer and I don't think I should use it because it might kill off beneficial bacteria's..any suggestions? Thanks..
  9. novice

    Salinity Calculations?

    Hi, Does anyone know how to calculate the real salinity base on the observed salinity at different temp? Thanks...
  10. novice

    5Gal Kalkwasser?

    Hi, I was given a 5gal aquadose. It comes with an in line dip drip and the kalkwasser. Since I'm new to the saltwater aquarium, can someone tell me how to use it and what to test for and it's purpose & how often? I have a 125gal tank...Thanks
  11. novice

    Water Top Off?

    Thanks for the awsome info. I'll give the bucket and power head a try but instead of a bucket it'll probably be a 10gal..
  12. novice

    Live Sand/Rock In Sump?

    I've just made up my mine and do the 3-4" DSB. Thanks for the suggestion(s) and heip.
  13. novice

    Live Sand/Rock In Sump?

    Before I started this quest for reef water aquarium, I was always told to do 3-4" of DSB. So, I started calling for carribean white sand at the fish store and asked for about 150-200lbs of sand. They freaked out and asked me why I wanted that much? I simply told them that it was suggested and...
  14. novice

    Water Top Off?

    I'm sorry, I meant an automatic water top off into the sump? Thanks..
  15. novice

    Live Sand/Rock In Sump?

    Hi, I have a dual sump(connected) and was wondering if it is a good idea to place live sand/rock in my sump? This is in considering that only 1/2" to 1" deadsand/reefsand will be used in the tank with 200-300lbs of live rocks. Thanks..
  16. novice

    Water Top Off?

    Hi, I'm new to the saltwater discussion board and have converted my 125gal fresh to saltwater. Don't worry, I have just about everyting that is/has been discussed about setting up a reef because I bought 200-300lbs of live cured rocks, live sand, 2x6'actinic VHO w/ 2x175 metal halide custom...