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  1. slycoolman

    Adding T-5's to a MH setup

    Thanks for the quick reply. I think I might go for a couple of actinic t-12 VHO, or even just NO, instead. Having seen these and their effect on corals first hand, I think they may be more what I'm looking for.
  2. slycoolman

    Adding T-5's to a MH setup

    HI guys, I have a 48''L by 23''H by 18''W, 90 gallon tank currently equipped with 2 250 watt DE metal halides, giving me 500 watts in total. Basically I was wondering if it would be worth it to add 4 54 watt T-5 tubes to this tank (2 on each side), and how much benefit this would lend me, as a...
  3. slycoolman

    Am I a member of the "Tang Police"?

  4. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Psst... I added that BTA... I still have him, but he is now in a 33 gallon tank. A thirty three that he was added to the moment it was full. With cured rock of course.
  5. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    One final word... I agree that QT is beneficial, and I would set one up if I had the space and resources. But, I am saying that it is not NEEDED.
  6. slycoolman

    Am I a member of the "Tang Police"?

    I agree, and though this will be the second time I have learned this... once on the other forum, and once now... an open mind is the best way to deal with things like these. JMO.
  7. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    We can argue all day long; That's not going to change the fact that the vast majority of experienced aquarists agree Tangs need large, mature tanks. While I respect Slycoolman's opinion, if you read his earlier posts you'll see, like you. he's fairly new to the hobby himself. He himself quoted...
  8. slycoolman

    Am I a member of the "Tang Police"?

    Some very good info/advice has been posted here IMO. In the end it's mostly about morality.
  9. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Mistakes in your opinion. I was posting mine, and giving sources to back it up. Nasos and yellows are different enough to be included easily in the same tank, so all that remains is accounting for the naso's growth. Not a recipe for disaster at all if the naso is still small and the upgrade...
  10. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Yes I agree, Nasos need big tanks as they really are big fish. And just to clarify 1journeyman I was too lazy to go back and quote and I figure that misquote was close enough anyways. There are many, many ways to go about keeping a reef tank and this is one of them. Just because someone doesn't...
  11. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    A 33, a twenty, and a ten. The first is a growout for juvie preds (I have a big system downstairs, just need lights, water and substrate to set it up) and the twenty will house a dwarf lionfish, but as of now only houses corals and inverts. The ten is for growing out pink convict babies. The...
  12. slycoolman

    Am I a member of the "Tang Police"?

    Would like to add to Granny's post, planktonivorous triggers can also keep pace with a tang, but I don't see people recommending only six foot tanks for a bluethroat. TBH I've had a discussion on a forum where the tang police are the minority. We even starting debating it after a while but we...
  13. slycoolman

    What Tang should i buy?

    I agree completely. Though would like to point out that there are a few species (mostly FW) that do die of old age, but most do not. I would also like to point out that 99% of fish in the wild do not die of old age either. But the basic point remains.
  14. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    OK. Keep an eye out for more aggression.
  15. slycoolman

    Am I a member of the "Tang Police"?

    CoachKLM, Pomacanthus angels keep a territory, in the wild, measured in acres, not feet, but TBH I don't really see anyone keeping a tank bigger than an acre in their living room. Point being, you are really comparing apples to oranges here. I will post what I did on a related thread as I think...
  16. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Crash Bandicoot - I see what you mean about the tank sizes thing being convoluted. I admit more than the size of the tank needs to be considered, ie, the tankmates and rockwork. Saltman23 I see that by the video the angel does seem to be buggering the tang a little, these guys are known to be...
  17. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Originally Posted by sexyshrimp101 I never said that I did personally, but the people that have been trying to help him are who I am talking about (i.e. 1journeyman, monk in another thread on the same subject), and I am sure they do, or have enough experience to know better. The OP chooses to...
  18. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Wait folks, ther's more... Please do not post links to other BB its against the board rules. Wetwebmedia FAQs from different authors: What is a good size tank for a yellow tang? <I generally consider about 75gal as a minimum, but as they get larger a 6' long tank is really ideal to provide them...
  19. slycoolman

    Yellow tang with poor color?

    Since when am I the only one recommending these sizes? From ***** Though Zebrasoma are somewhat smaller and less free-ranging than other Acanthurid species, these tangs require large amounts of tank space to be at their best. A fifty-gallon tank is the absolute smallest I'd keep one in. and...
  20. slycoolman

    Am I a member of the "Tang Police"?

    I invite you to give me some proof that 1)that single thread I found is not just a coincidence and with 0.5 ppm nitrites it almost certainly is 2) that reef-living tangs truly do need any more swimming space than do other deep-bodied reef fish 3) that being in a tank with a few gallons...