Search results

  1. bamaeskie

    75 gallon tank, canopy and stand for sale

    If we lived closer to one another, I'd buy it from you in a heartbeat since it's exactly what I'm looking for!!! Durn, durn, durn.......
  2. bamaeskie

    What Type of Fish Do YOU Think Is the Most Entertaining????

    I saw this puffer at a LFS this past weekend. He was HUGE!!! His eyes were so "unfishlike," and he followed me when I'd walk past the huge tank. He also had the cutest bucked teeth!!!! He did seem more mammal than fish.
  3. bamaeskie

    What Type of Fish Do YOU Think Is the Most Entertaining????

    I know in my freshwater tank, my Panda cory catfish loved to powerhead surf. Sometimes they'd "catch a current" so fast that they'd go flying across the front of the tank!! I could have watched them for hours doing that!! You could tell they loved it! I don't have a saltwater tank yet, but...
  4. bamaeskie

    ideas for stocking 75g FOWLR?

    Yeah!!! This sounds like what I might wind up with!! I'm in the slow process of getting a 75 gallon FOWLR too. The fish you both have listed are the exact same ones I'm thinking about!! Even though the bangaii cardinals don't have the brightness the other fish do, they are so interesting to...
  5. bamaeskie

    Pics of my new 533 gallon tank

    Originally Posted by fastazzr1 yea, the tank on the bottom is my sump. its a 135 gallons. it use to be my main tank before i got this one. i got all the info for turning it into a sump from this website. and yes, there is a fish in there. WOW!!!! This sump tank is about twice as big as my...
  6. bamaeskie

    Lets see pics of your aquascaping.

    All this aquascaping is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep coming back to this thread to get ideas for my future tank!!! Keep the pictures coming!!!!!!!!! I love to see the "before" and "after" pictures too!!
  7. bamaeskie

    Lighting for FOWLR Tank

    It seems the more I research, the more confused I get!!! Hopefully soon I'm either getting a 55 or 75 gallon tank. It's going to be a fish-only tank with live rock in it. I've read that fish-only tanks don't require extra lighting, but what about the live rock? Will I need extra lighting just...
  8. bamaeskie

    Just wanted to show off my tank

    Nice tank!!!!! Thanks for showing it!!!!
  9. bamaeskie


    Originally Posted by freeweights How exactly does a sump work?I imagine it being like a hang-on filter with filter pads and that bio pad that you just rinse out.I have a Eclips 3 "37" gal with a filter built in the hood. Would i be better off, and for what reason to get a sump??? Just getting...
  10. bamaeskie

    my first ever 75 gallon!

    I'm hoping to get a 75 gallon tank soon. I hope mine looks half as good as yours!!
  11. bamaeskie

    Fish-Only Aquarium Questions

    He-he!!!!!! I do appreciate your advice!
  12. bamaeskie

    Fish-Only Aquarium Questions

    Hello!!! I'm a newbie here and to saltwater aquariums. Lately I've been reading lots of information about saltwater aquariums from this site and from some books I purchased. I've had freshwater aquariums for years and have always wanted to have a saltwater aquarium. I've still got LOTS to...
  13. bamaeskie

    Explain where your user name originated

    I'm from Alabama, and I have two American Eskimo dogs (also known as Eskies).