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  1. jasons

    Sick Clown Help

    im inexperienced but the only thing i heve read about flared gills was due to ammonia spike during thecourse of a cycle sounds like stresss
  2. jasons


    i have a purple tip aneonme and it lives in 75 gal it travels all over in there its clown fish just goes where it does an anenomes foot is very well how would you put words to it? elastic like? any ways you shouldnt have to worry about it geyying stuck if its healty its good to go i feed mine...
  3. jasons


    ya say you added some live rock and acouple of days later your water turned cloudy you could very likely be experienceing a alge blossom
  4. jasons

    repairing leaks?

    I followed Jedimaster's instructions and the new seal came out 98% clean of air bubbles. I am going to let this cure for 5-7 days and then make a new retainer ring for top and bottom. I was thinking of using pressure treated lumber, something like 1x4 to reinforce the tank, which is 6'x18"x18"...
  5. jasons

    repairing leaks?

    Sounds like the plan will try thanks for your advice.
  6. jasons

    repairing leaks?

    Thanks for your advice I will give it atry this weekend.
  7. jasons

    repairing leaks?

    so you think I should remove the front of the tank and reseal it completley even though the problem is in the corner of the tank? Also the retainer rings on the tank are cut on a 45 degree angle at the corners my 75 is the same way I wonder if I should construct something with more...
  8. jasons

    repairing leaks?

    IT looks like the silicone just seperatedfrom the glass in one corner only.the retainer ring was seperateing asthe glass pulled away Icaught it before disaster struck.Did you use marine sealant or regular silicone when you worked on yours? I hope it is gonna be able to be repaired its a nice...
  9. jasons

    repairing leaks?

    Does any one know how to go about repairing Alleaking tank? Istartad to fill A 100 gal. tank I bought used when it was almost full the corner began to seperate from the weight and started to leak.. :confused:
  10. jasons

    back mollys OK to cycle?

    Lotof good replies thanks for the input. :)
  11. jasons

    back mollys OK to cycle?

    Beth- I am setting up A 75 gal. tank with out any LR. I was told mollys were okay to cycle your tank with. I didn't know about using fresh shrimp for cycling. If you have more info on this I would appreciate it. thanks :)
  12. jasons

    46 bow tank canopy

    Eric maybe the canopy also serves as A rflector that is what I thought when I viewed your photo JASONS
  13. jasons

    back mollys OK to cycle?

    I was told it is OK to cycle your tank with mollies any body have any input?
  14. jasons

    dead rock?

    i am in bellevue, about 20 minutes from sandusky
  15. jasons

    dead rock?

    i am in bellevue, about 20 minutes from sandusky
  16. jasons

    dead rock?

    I recently purchased some rocks from A pet shop in town. It had dried maroonish colored algae on it. After placing the rocks in my tank it appears that the algae is growing very slowly. Does anyone know what this stuff is? and is it harmful or beneficial??? :confused:
  17. jasons

    dead rock?

    I recently purchased some rocks from A pet shop in town. It had dried maroonish colored algae on it. After placing the rocks in my tank it appears that the algae is growing very slowly. Does anyone know what this stuff is? and is it harmful or beneficial??? :confused: